Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Blind Item #7

If you think what the sister of the celebrity who is only a celebrity because she is married to an A+ lister is scandalous, then you probably don't want to hear how the sisters used to earn extra money when they were younger and charged crazy prices because of how popular they were.


  1. Replies
    1. I've been lurking here fora while and I've noticed that good amount of your comments get deleted. What kind of things are you saying to get that reaction?


  3. But Amal is the most powerful attorney on the planet *yawn*

  4. Please please please do another blind about what kind of service & performance they offered

  5. Profiting off Coronavirus.. what’s next-free mask if you buy a case of Clooneys Casimagas Tequila?

  6. Dirty: Usually they are deleted by the author because they have second thoughts on what they posted and want to remove the evidence. I have done that numerous times over the years. Everyone makes mistakes. The CDAN of three, four years ago was insane! It has toned down considerably. A little more boring, but better than the crazy rantings of truly unwell people. Enty has done a great job chipping away at the loonies and keeping the tried-and-true CDANers.

    1. Love Fiona. Lover her writing style and knowledge.

  7. I guess that's the price you pay for speaking truth. Weird dystopian society we are currently living in. The First Amendment never imagined this... We are living in AMERICA.

  8. they're a 2 for 1 offer

  9. It would be like having sex with Pick-up Sticks. Remember those?

  10. @Dirty Anything nice said about any celebrity that Enty doesn't like.

  11. @MyDog, I've always called it the "upside down backwards", that will change soon. About the 33 masks, watch the 2nd to last vid on "TheScarestMovieEver" youtube chan.

  12. does Sparkles have a sister? that is my first guess. if not then horse-faced beard Clooney is the answer

    1. Half sister in wheelchair. The pissed off one.

  13. Trash to trade on people fears

  14. Supposedly her mother whored them out to land a “prominent” husband. Eric Schmidt was one.

  15. @LaurenMaye Exactly!It will change for the better. Enjoy the show :)

  16. I love you too Rosie :)

  17. To All Concerned: I am amused to read I said I was new here and didn't know how things worked. I did say that with regard to DM and asked what it meant. I did, however, say I was new here a few weeks ago on Dlisted for the first time. I was immediately deluged with very nasty comments which came from a poster on CDAN. How many names do some of the people here use both on this site and Dlisted? Some post with photos of women when, in reality, they are male. I would imagine the same is true of the men. CDAN has always been a crazy quilt and that is what makes it so fascinating. It is unique unto itself. Everyone here brings something to the table. Just exhale, let the anger go, and keep posting. Forget about people from the past, present and future. My deep and sincere apologies to Trish if I offended her. I am a mother, too. Please accept my apology. Won't happen again. I promise.

  18. @Rosie I still have nothing but love for you :) Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Just because someone doesn't agree with my thoughts doesn't necessarily make them evil.

  19. Aquagirl: The Feds learned about the brothers' scheme and immediately seized every bottle from them. They were distributed to churches and shelters where they were most needed. When I first read about this I got physically sick. This pandemic will bring out the very best and very worst in people. The Blue Meanies will finally be unmasked!!!

  20. Rosie Riveter: Re: Shaman Predictions

    He predicted dire times for the future. He mentioned 'Children Of The Apocalypse' (the Millennials) who would create havoc and chaos because they had no future. NY Post just posted a story about the doctors finding the Millennials in Italy becoming far sicker than they would have thought.

    On New Year's Eve this year, I predicted that as of Jan. 1st to May of 2023, we would live through times like no other. I predicted four people I knew personally would die tragic deaths this year. 12 days later one of them was murdered on the street three blocks from my apt. Drug money owed and not paid.

    1. Well some Millennials call the virus the “Boomer Remover” so if they are so careless about it then it is justice.

  21. Cool! Junky friends!

  22. See....this is exactly what Iam talking about !
    Quarantine makes you crazy not the Virus !!!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. E now I feel like I have to rewatch the film(been awhile) to watch Banjokid.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Aquagirl et All:

    A year and a half ago Boo Hearne was posting on CDAN sharing her experiences and knowledge of politics, people and show biz. Then, as one astute CDAN poster said, "She upset the wrong people!" This was in response to a poster who asked what happened to Boo? Then Boo 'passed away in Paris.' Some posters (not posting now) were incredibly kind and complimentary to her 'daughter' who broke the news. Most of the present-day posters said zilch.

    Months passed and the name Boo Hearne was seen posting on Breitbart.

    In the interim, she received some very ugly, threatening emails from someone who had posted on CDAN. At great expense, Boo's French husband did some sleuthing. A few of Boo's contacts in certain places did the same. Viola! A name. An email address. AND, most important, WHY they turned on her big time. It all made sense given who it was.

    Was it defiance coming back to gossip sites? Don't know. She went on Dlisted a few weeks back for the first time and this person, once again, appeared with the whole 'staged her own death' posts and generally running her off the site. Not cool.

    So yes, Fionafab IS Boo Hearne. Fiona was my roommate in London and she was totally fab. She died of cancer years ago. No, my daughter's name is not Fiona. You old-timers knew that anyway.

    Yes, there are no coincidences. That said, there was a reason I died. I needed to find out some important information. I did. I know the score. I came back anyway. I enjoy sharing stories. You have to admit some of them are interesting. And true.

    Very sorry if I upset a few of you thinking I had died. Not nice. Not ladylike. Just necessary. Thinking I was gone for good, this person let his/her guard down.

    Risen like the Phoenix? Yes. And it isn't even Easter! No pun intended, believe me. Catholic schools for 12 years. It gives you discipline and the grit to endure anything. If you can survive 12 years with the Sisters of Mercy from Limerick and their rulers, nothing in life will bother you.

    I will continue to use Fiona. I will continue to post until Enty cuts me off, which he/she has done in the recent past. Just here to share. I wish we could hire a hall and all meet. I think we would be surprised to see who is who and what we all look like. I am not on Facebook, Twitter, and don't ever post a photo. You won't find a photo of me on the Internet anywhere. I stopped using Boo Hearne in the 70s. I use my married name and have since that time.

    Now that I have confessed and apologized, can we just let go and continue to post? Not much to ask.

  27. Blogger fionafab said...
    Dirty: Usually they are deleted by the author because they have second thoughts on what they posted and want to remove the evidence. I have done that numerous times over the years. Everyone makes mistakes. The CDAN of three, four years ago was insane! It has toned down considerably. A little more boring, but better than the crazy rantings of truly unwell people. Enty has done a great job chipping away at the loonies and keeping the tried-and-true CDANers.
    Yet she’s “new here” 🙄

  28. @E Jon Voight is not a real Christian.
    I know the difference. do you?
    And I highly suspect the people here who think they are?
    Are in fact not.
    Have a #blessedday

  29. Well that shrunk fast!

    (that's what she said 😂)

  30. Enty: May I ask why my comment was deleted from this thread? I said that I didn’t think that what Amal’s sister was doing was wrong, as she was making the masks and selling them, and that many people were doing much worse, such as the brothers in TN who bought all the available hand sanitizer for $1 & they were selling it for $70 on Amazon.

    Why would you delete that comment, when you allow all of the other stuff that the trolls post on here?

  31. Amen 🙏 Hallelujah @E:))Praise.

  32. @Fiona/Boo: I was one of the people who was very upset about your ‘death’, as were many of the other posters on here. Not sure why you’d have to go so far as to fake your own death, but did you fake your illness as well? Did you ever have cancer? Because that’s a pretty shitty thing to lie about. During the whole time that you were posting about your ‘cancer’, my aunt (who was like a mother to me) was dying from it. In fact, she died (for real) right around the time that you supposedly died. (In November 2018.) I can’t remember if it was in your daughter’s post or something that another poster found, but apparently your real name is Bunny. Is that correct? Because my aunt’s nickname was Bunny and she really had cancer and she really died. I felt so badly for your daughter during that time, who ‘lost’ her mother, named Bunny, just as I had lost my aunt. But now it turns out that it was all a lie? Wow. I’m guessing, at this point, that you’re the one who posted about your death, not your ‘daughter’, as it seems everything about you is a lie. I knew that most of your posts weren’t true, but at least they were entertaining. But this fake death stuff is beyond the pale.

  33. Sometimes when I don't want to visit a website anymore I just stop going.

    Other people fake their death.

    Yes BOO HEARNE you said you were dying of cancer in a NYC hospital and I even offered to visit you. Lame.

  34. This is just disgusting. Thank you @Aquagirl for saying how I feel in a civilized manner.

  35. Who the f*ck would pay for Amal?

  36. +1 Aquagirl & Hunter. I felt the same way at the time for a similar family member, Aquagirl. This is really F-ed Up. Go join a creative writing club. Is this a personality disorder thing? I can't imagine being so obsessed with a gossip site that I would want to stalk others, take on others names because I admired them. I just come here for a laugh, and lately, an escape from real world news that seems hard to grasp.

  37. Boo/Fiona: Welcome back! Your stories were quite enjoyable. I felt really sad when your "daughter" posted the news of your death. Not fair! But, you are forgiven.

  38. This is a lot of information to process.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. There is nothing in the world that can take my mind off of current events better than the comments at CDAN, even while reading about current events on CDAN.

  41. To ALL: Yes, I had cancer. Last year I had a double mastectomy. My mother died of breast cancer, my baby sister and my middle sister did as well. I would never lie about that because I know, like many of you who have lost loved ones, it is the cruelest of diseases. I lost my beautiful, long grey hair, and a lot of my teeth. All my CDAN posts over the years are true and can be verified. I realize I should never have faked my death but, at the time, and due to circumstances, I felt I had to disappear. I never thought I would return to CDAN but I did. Enty can pull the plug at any moment and, as the owner of the site, has the right to do so.

    Unknown said it best. You speak for all of us, I am sure. Hope you stay well and safe. All of you.

  42. Sigh, This site is bananas.

  43. Don't fret, little Hooks. I am going to take some time off for a while. I am baking for the seniors in my bldg.

  44. what. the. actual. fuck.

    Yeah.........I'm finding it hard to believe anything coming from you right now. You should be ashamed and embarrassed, instead you're clearly not. 'Hey everyone, I didn't really die, now listen to my new and improved super duper truest stories ever, and believe me this time around'.

    Pathetic. Disturbing. You need help.

  45. Wow, the delusions of grandeur are strong on this blog.

  46. 🤘Until
    You realize This whacko isn’t /wasn’t BooHearne or her Offspring, you haven’t got it,yet. They are talking to themselves under diffeeent names above smdh. Shameless.... utterly so.
    buh bye 👋Hope the “baking” brings you better luck than trolling did.

  47. Isn’t/Wasn’t Just BooHearne/Daughter

  48. Tricia, I did find all those self indulgent 'this one time, in 1978, when I used to hang out at Studio 54 with Arab Sheikh Abu Billionaire, who was so totally pro female empowerment by the way, such a darling...' stories to induce major eye rolling on my part.

    I know some pretty important people, who have led fascinating lives, and not just on the periphery of importance or fame-adjacent, but actual people who have had books written about them and documentaries made. Guess what none of them does? Go on CDAN or Dlisted to share their stories with strangers who spend their free time guessing blind or posting cat gifs.

    That's what an insignificant loser wannabe does, who lives to impress complete strangers on the internet, because their real life is so utterly pathetic.

  49. 👆This.
    They don’t call you Superfly for nothing:)

  50. @Trisha the writing styles are exactly the same and the screeds are long, detailed and full of content no one is interested in or cares about. Of course! You are really a supersleuth!

  51. That an above average in my and my children’s lives. Like I said ,hopefully Betty Crocker 2.0 can stay busy and fulfilled with dem apple tarts:)

  52. 🥧🧁🥐

    I'll be laughing about "Betty Crocker 2.0" all day!!

  53. As always, the post is not understood for what it is. No problem. Betty Crocker? She is so 1940s. Ina or Nigella is more like it. I don't do apple tarts, dear. If you are cooking to feed a lot of people, you do Tea loafs, as they are called in the UK. It's where I learned to bake.

    Because the seniors I am baking for are 99% from the West Indies, they prefer spicier things. The Pumpkin Spice loaves are just out of the oven and the apartment smells yummy. I bake Banana Bread for some of the other seniors. Also baking Blueberry and Corn Muffins. Don't have time for my Cupcakes. After the virus ends I will go back to them.

    I can't do much in NYC today, although the people testing positive has doubled in the last 24 hours. I can bake. I can go to the store for the men and women in my bldg. who are in wheelchairs. I can help their home attendants by taking over for an hour to let them take naps in my bedroom.

    I have been giving back since I was 10 because I realized early on how incredibly fortunate I was to have been born into the family I was. I had a storybook childhood in every respect.

    This will be the only post I make today (aren't you happy?). I am praying for every one of you and your families at CDAN. I post comments that no one is interested in. That I am sure of.

    God bless. Stay well and safe. It's all about love now. Everything HAS to be positive in these plague times. Hope is all we have.

  54. yada yada yada bullshit bullshit, I'm a wonderful human being, all about elle vee oh ee except for when I fake my own death on gossip sites, yada yada, I raise unicorn orphan puppies and train them to help homeless wheelchair bound blind and deaf elderly people, yada yada, I write novels that nobody reads in gossip blog comment sections, yada yada yada bullshit bullshit

  55. 😂🙏God Bless you Superfly.
