Thursday, March 05, 2020

Blind Item #6

This alliterate talk show host got trashed at a dinner where it was 100% the wrong thing to do. It was a somber occasion. 


  1. Poor Wendy, I'll take her over Oprah any day of the week.

  2. what's wrong with this woman and wtf was her statue of liberty breakdown about? i know old news but never understood. is it drugs or mk ultra going wrong lol

  3. Anyone know what occasion?

  4. Why does she still have a job? She's an addict, a drunk, she says inappropriate things on/off air, she's a walking scandal... she needs to be fired.

  5. When is Wendy ever appropriate ?

  6. @Tierney, You just described all the reasons that she is a hit lol.

  7. Brayson-- lol!
    Wendy definitely has someone tattling on her daily!
    She always acts like she's the queen of proper social behavior and home for the news in her private life. This is interesting!

  8. @the girl in question - she had a stroke live on air or something - she passed out live on air

  9. WW did NOT have a stroke "or something". She *said* she overheated in her costume. She passed out, was treated by medics and finished the show.

    Since she is well known to have drug and alcohol issues, it's an easy assumption that something else was involved, but not a medical issue.

  10. She’s the best reason to have a DVR. FF when she’s blathering on about the Real Housewives- the rest of the show is pretty good

  11. I gave her the benefit of the doubt on over heating on camera. Hot flashes are are no joke, sometimes you want to faint, rip all your clothes off, shave your head, pass out..I could not imagine having one on camera. There's nothing cute about hot flashes.

  12. i thought she was working on sobriety?

  13. @squirrel, Aren't we all? ;)

  14. I...I...I don't understand what this is about.

  15. I hope she pulls it together. But she likes the fast life.

  16. Menopause combined with Graves Disease (no thyroid so shifting meds) and now
    Tabloids outed that her Svengali “producer” aka loser husband whom she has been talking about on the show for years had been having an affair for ten years and a new baby was on the way. Total public humiliation.
    Public about having a drug problem in the past, she turned to pills or something.
    There was some talk that the ex husband had been poisoning her—actually would not be surprised if he was the one who reintroduced painkillers into her life in order to keep the cash cow controlled.
    The only son came to blows with the father over the treatment of Wendy.
    She actually really is a homebody. And that is the problem, think she is lonely and probably feels awkward being out by herself. At least the horrid ex was always an escort.
    A bad combo. Her audience gets it. Thus the sympathy and support. Finally she was always true to her black audience and didn’t go Oprah so they are true to her.

  17. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Wendy looks like a bad drag queen
