Saturday, March 07, 2020

Blind Item #5

This B list actress/singer who used to be higher on the acting list has always been part of that celebrity cult all of you know. She likes to claim she has never given them a dime. Not true. She claims she drifts in and out of it. Not true. 


  1. Jada Pinkett Smith

  2. Jada

    Juliet is 2nd generation SCIO

  3. Will and Jada they had open a scientology school that they couldn’t fill when parents read the policy book of procedures
    for the school

  4. one of the tallest buildings in Los Angeles is the Church of Scientology so it's not surprising that so many actors are members.

  5. Is being a part of SCIO that bad? is it really worse than being a Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Jew, Buddhist or any other organized religion? All religions are drowning in the blood of innocents!

    1. Yes, i think it is. If you stop going to church or temple or mosque, does anyone come to your house to press you to go back? Do they hack your email, spread lies about you, forbid other church members to speak to you, have your garbage gone thru? I mean this stuff has been done and its what makes them so awful.

    2. Well said Aunt Liddy.

    3. Don't you mean that the blood of the innocent drown under the bootheels of religion?

  6. All religions are a "cult" until they have enough members basically... but its all batshit insane, just people pay less attention if enough other people say the believe the same batshit insane stuff as you

  7. $cientology is not a religion per se. I don’t think anyone or anything is being worshipped. Leah Reminisce said there is no top level of OT, it is never ending & people at the top know it is all a scam.

  8. Maybe have to turn more of your own money over to them than the other cults? Must be something really awesome as the govt . allows them to get by with murder.US govt. only sponsors the best like the epstein crowd.

  9. Christians are the only group I know who shun relatives. Oh, and the most judgmental.

  10. But what is the body count of SCIO? it doesnt even exist in the same UNIVERSE as the other religions! Does it cover up decades of molestation by higher ups in the ecosystem? Does it use violence in order to expand its geographical area of influence? Does it use GOD to discriminate between humans? I mean SCIO is just conceived and not yet born in the world of established religions, and it will take 100s of years for them to become as EVIL as other religions!

  11. Def Juliette Lewis. She was on Marc Maron's podcast recently and had some bullshit to peddle about scientology, including that she hasn't spent much money on it.

    Shame about her because there where whispers in the ex-scilon community at one point that she was on her way out. But she seems to have been reeled back in full stop. I think the people who are holding her in are her sister Brandy, her brother Lightfield, and Brandy's husband Ethan Suplee--they're like her de facto minders. Not that that absolves Juliette of responsibility, though. She said some stuff on Maron's podcast that's pretty insulting of scientology exes and victims (including allusions to Danny Masterson and his alleged rape victims). C'mon, girl, get out while you can!

  12. I don't think this is Juliette. She is proud and open about being a $cio. Does Jada sing?

    What about Brandy?

    1. @RustyJ

      Jada is also a singer-songwriter.

      Brandy could fit but I think this is Jada.

  13. Erin- Thanks for telling us about that interview!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. organized religion = organized evil.

    look at catholicism. that church is run ALL OVER THE WORLD by men that rape little children, and the others who dont look the other way & cover it up because GOD and JESUS and all other excuses.LOLOLOLOL imagine being against gay people or birth control or having sex before marriage, but your priests sodomizing little boys is A-OK with you! religious people are sick. too bad there isnt the hell you talk about, cuz you belong in it along with all the other little boy rapists you support :)

    sick sick sick sick. religion is sick. anybody out there that still calls themselves catholic, why not just call yourself pro-child rape? cause thats what you are by still calling yourself a catholic.

    science is the only is the only truth. all else is made by man hoping he's worth more than the ants he steps on.

    plot twist: he's not. none of us are. there isnt a god or heaven or hell. we are born and die like every other thing on this planet. most humans need religion bc they cant handle that they arent special enough to have anything outside of 'nothingness' post-this life. get over it.

  16. Brandy is a scientology that’s who helped her with that accident that killed another driver..

  17. @yepthatsme As with any organization, there is a difference between a true believer and a dabbler.

    For a dabbler, any organization they drift in and out of will be benign to them.

    For a true believer, it is their own self that locks them into even an extremely benign organization. Their relationship with the organization will always be obsessive, controlling, abusive, and dysfunctional.

    An organization can model themselves on a true believer mindset.

    An organization can also create a line in the sand, us-vs-them community, which is exceptionally harmful.

    Scientology, gangs, the mafia, and other organizations do this. It is not a jump or a surprise that many people find that Scientology had a harmful impact in their life.

    It is not about religious belief, it is about the organization itself.

  18. your argument you assumed that Catholic Christians do not have a BIG DAMN problem with their priests hurting children,

    There is a guy called Martin Luther who had a big issue with the hierarchy of the Catholic Church/ organized religion and he actually did something about it. Evangelicals exist for a reason.

    Also, the Bible is clear on fornications, adultery and the LGBT, both in the new and old Testaments about homosexuality. . 1 Corinthians 6:9. Don't believe that? Fine. It is on you. at the end of the day.

    Everyone has a right to believe in any religion they see fit. Atheism, Islam, Judaism, Christianity and Scientologists and ALL other various religious people. Nobody should be hounded in public about their religious beliefs and that includes the press.

    Having said all this, I believe Scientology is a cult. The difference between a cult and a religion is that a cult stalks and extorts you for money on the secrets you tell them in their version of confession.

    Anyways, that is my two cents and, I hope all those who are reading this have a great day. :)

    1. @TeeHee@U


      It’s always okay to mock the Christians you know. If some makes the exact same comment about another faith group no one bats an eyelash.

      A lot of people who claim to not like any organized religion always talk about Christianity when they explain their personal beliefs.

    2. I'm curious what you think about how God feels about any of the other sins other than fornicators,homosexuality, and adulterers?
      Those are always the go-to for Christians to mention. Is it because those are a few that they don't personally fit into? So adulterers and homos are going to hell but not liars cheats drunks and (here's where it gets good) Gossips?
      I beg to differ. The Bible is VERY clear on these issues. All of them.

      Listen, believe what you want. I personally went thru many years of private Christian schooling and think God is good. But some of his people sure suck.

  19. Just look at Protestantism, with numerous pits of the bodies of children on church properties that have be found across the world. 230 Protestant Ministers and Deacons of the Southern Baptist church recently accused of sexual abuse by parishioners but so far the information has been covered up. The beat goes on.

  20. Juliette Lewis was never a singer.

  21. um yeah.Shes had a band shes fronted for like 20 yrs Julie And The Licks.
    beyond that,you may be on to something

  22. hope that helps!

  23. Jada is not a singer and their association with Scientology has always been a bit more tenuous.

    Juliette Lewis is a much better guess.



    I believe her sound is Courtney Love but more sober but still cray - that's what I think she does, anyone please correct me if I'm wrong.

  25. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Jada must have instantly been given top status in Scientology when she bagged Will Smith.

  26. @hunter: You're not wrong at all!

    @Vita: You're welcome! The link to the interview is below. The scientology discussion starts at around the 1-hour mark when Juliette starts talking about her friends Vonni and Marissa Ribisi (and the accidental shade at Marissa cracks me up). Then she ad Marc talk about the cult for the next 10-15 minutes. The money thing comes up around 1:11.

  27. Lol, after someone mentioned Ethan Suplee, I wiki'd him because his name was familiar.
    It says in the personal details section "For some reason, he is a Scientologist"
