Friday, March 06, 2020

Blind Item #5

This back in the day A- list teen singer who is not really on the list as an adult except by infamy tried to shoot some porn with a woman but he could not stand to attention. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. or is this AAron Carter again

    1. Do you have a fourth guess, asshole?

    2. Pull the dead animal out of your twat. She's not hurting anyone or trying to hurt anyone. You're the one being an asshole

    3. They get to say asshole and I get censored for what exactly?

  3. AC: The Thing That Wouldn't Leave.

  4. Bobby brown is married and just had another baby with his wife..

  5. Carter help this young man he’s living in the past and that’s bad..

  6. So does he need a fluffer,viagra,or is it the drugs?

  7. why can't this happen to all sexual predators instead...for forever????

  8. So this qualifies as interesting gossip.
    Bottom of the barrel dontcha think?

  9. If it's Carter then he was shooting a porn with a chick. Explains the performance problems lol

  10. Replies
    1. I was thinking Leif too! Probably AC, he needs serious help.

  11. Yet the other day he was selling himself for $50. So someone is getting ripped off somewhere

  12. And we needed to know this coz, he couldnt get it up?

  13. It's Aaron and his skank on that OnlyFans subscription site. The same place Mikaela Speilberg was posting. I'm embarrassed I did the research to find all this out

  14. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Obvioulsy A Carter. He could not perform because he is queer and no bi as he claims. That and the drugs dont help. Perhaps if he was the bottom everything would work better

  15. Dammm can't stand by to see our Queen Tricia bullied. Ramona is a mean nasty person. Please stop because you are ruining our fun. Get. A. Life. Troll. Tricia you are beautiful and your guesses are welcome. I'm not here to guess. I want my answers asap. I am here to distract from the horror show that is life. Yes Aaron Carter is probably correct for this one.

  16. I am private to the extreme and not on social media at all. I've never commented anywhere except a few YouTube videos of fitness people I used to work out to...just to say thanks to them. But seeing someone get bullied who is a cool Lady on a site that helps me chill out from a hard life I can't stand by. Being a cut fitness...listen to the podcast Watch What Crappens to know what that term really means... it is UN acceptable. Go away and get professional help if hurting others online is what gets you off.

  17. Dude needs dick pills or caverject.

  18. Definitely Carter. As if anyone would pay for that limp dick shit lol
