Friday, March 27, 2020

Blind Item #5

Se doesn't believe the words in her apology, but this foreign born A-/B+ list actress was facing the loss of her role in a franchise if she didn't say something that sounded like an apology for recent remarks.


  1. Is she tone deaf or has her ego got away from her ?

  2. Her role should be sliced by 2/3rds at the very least.

  3. I can't imagine cancer survivor Michael Douglas wanting to work around her now that he knows how little regard she has for other people's welfare.

  4. She back tracked because of the public crying about what she said not because of her maybe losing a role. Seems like your sources are just dishing up things we know already.

  5. She looks more like Steven Tyler every day

  6. I think she had some sort of breakdown recently... weird posts about having problems and then cutting off all her hair, etc. She seems out of touch at best.

  7. I'd prefer that no matter what any persecuted celeb du jour says, that they not fucking apologize immediately thereafter when the fucking twitter-verse objects. tell them to fuck off, no matter how offensive. let the chips fall where they may. I hate the goddamn groveling apologies.

  8. I used to like her and think she was ok.
    But recently her crazy has been showing a lot and she’s losing any goodwill she had. Successful celebs, that don’t need to act thirsty anymore, should just keep their mouths shut and get off social media.

  9. BS ‘Apology’ plus she made excuses, which is never good. I feel sorry for her dad with Stage 4 Lymphoma who lives with her.

  10. Shut up and be a wasp!

  11. "[she] doesn't believe the words in her apology" oh cool, enty is psychic now

  12. Pretty sure she sold her soul. Isn't dying ones hair blonde some sort of sign of allegiance? Things are getting FUCKED out there so NOTHING surprises me anymore.
