Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Blind Item #5

This foreign born A-/B+ list mostly movie actress who is once again going to gear up for her long dormant franchise, is having to spend a lot of time alone with her actor boyfriend. He will probably find out about her drug problem.


  1. /Norman ReedusNational Treasure

  2. There's going to be another National Treasure? With Nic Cage? That sounds like a bad idea.

  3. Sadly,maybe

  4. Well he looks like he's on meth, on the DM pictures. So...

  5. Norman and Dianne just bought a love nest in LA for boo-koo bucks. Maybe Megs and Hairy will move in next door. Don't believe the hype that Harry is beside himself with worry about the Royals during the plague times. Not.

  6. It's looking like any production is probably not going to start until after Memorial Day (US)/ Victoria Day (Canada), May 25. And I'm not sure if I'm thinking positively or negatively on normal life and commerce restarting. Be safe everyone.

  7. Same to you HushHush

  8. Thanks Tricia. I have parents in lockdown in nursing homes, and other elderly relatives. And a few other friends with conditions. I'm still under 50 and can deal with it, but if you can avoid a car crash so to speak, one's better off.
    My Film Familia as they call themselves are now all finished work, and for who knows how long. Housing in Vancouver is crazy expensive, and rent and mortgages still have to be paid. There's petitions going around for rent relief, mortgage payments can be deferred, and that might be included in the coming bailout. If crews start getting into debt, expect more reader blinds on the rich and famous who've been jetted off to less affected areas.

  9. Do you really think you can live with someone as long as Norman has with her and NOT know she has a drug/eating/nose-picking habit? Norman Reedus is not only a talented actor but a very gifted photographer. He has (or had) his own gallery here in Manhattan that sells his prints. And they're not cheap, by the way. He's a Florida boy and I'm a Georgia gal. Would love to meet him and exchange photos. Someday, perhaps, when the gom=ment isn't forcing us to remain in our apartments on the threat of arrest. Any minute now!

  10. Kruger sure does look it but thought it was breast feeding. Hmm

  11. If he found that out about her, it would probably bring them closer together. I can't imagine him looking down on a user.

  12. If she's partaking, he'd know about and probably join in. Or he has total blinders on. OR maybe this story is bs. How do they get these leads. Either way i cant stand DK..just curious as to if this is legit

  13. This is one of those couples that I'm really surprised that is still together.

  14. To be honest, every interview I've seen of Norman, I get the impression his daughter is a priority and would take her and run if Dianne is using.

  15. I think Norman is a good dude and would take the baby if Dianne is using.

  16. "He's a Florida boy and I'm a Georgia gal."
    WTF fionafab/boo?!



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