Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Blind Item #5

As I told you would happen, there was nothing new aired in the documentary of the former A list teen actor that had not been said before. It was low hanging fruit. Will everyone get refunded from online? Not a chance. 


  1. Snake oil salesman Feldman

  2. Feldman- and I think I read he named Charlie Sheen, which we all already knew about that incident

  3. When you need cash -- tell about those you say raped your ass...

  4. I was waiting for this blind!

    I heard the documentary didn't even play. So Corey collected $20 a head to view a film that was "being hacked" according to the "tech support" Corey lined up and had on audio so the theater audience could hear their conversation. And also, conveniently, the "moderator" Corey had hired for a discussion after the film also bailed on the event.

    Scam, scam, scam, scam, SCAM!

    I'm as street stupid as they come, so if *I* can recognize this is a charade, I'm surprised not everyone else can.

  5. Rolling Stone has an article about the doc:

  6. Didn't this happen in the 80s when they were stars? Most of the men are probably in nursing homes or dead by now.

  7. The only thing he said was that Haim was raped by Sheen during the filming "Lucas" which has been common knowledge for years.

  8. Well...he also trotted out Bob Hoffman, sidekick to well-known pedo brother Alphy Hoffman of the Soda Pop Club which has been discussed AD NAUSEUM to the point where the subject is actually tiresome.

  9. I want Enty to revisit that blind regarding Charlie and possibly Heather Locklear having drug fueled sex with her daughter

  10. Oh...and as a bonus - he never says he was assaulted - just Haim, just claims he was "emotionally molested"
    Even with a big fake "reveal" he won't give up his "manhood" to admit he was touched.

  11. So much smoke and mirrors. Wasn't Feldman claiming that they were both offered up to others and some big names? I don't know what happened to Feldman in the past, but he's one of them now.

  12. I was reading some of the accounts of the screening that he shut down halfway though when Feldman was trending on Twitter a night or two ago. He still has a LOT of believers.

  13. It never even showed online in full - lol. According to viewers posting on reddit, they got endless error messages, which Feldman blamed on being "hacked" by the "wolf pack". Only the in-theater crowd got to see the whole thing, which was useless because as the not-so-blind says, there was no new information.

    I doubt Feldman made very much money off of this nonsense, so I'm sure he'll have another scheme lined up quickly. I still see him faking a kidnapping or another assassination plot.

  14. No, he shut it down halfway through, he never started it back up again, lol.

  15. Now after he b.s. yesterday, I almost want someone to kick his ass and knock some sense into him. Got the good son people, then spill it. Post it, do an interview, whatever. If you don't then just go away.

  16. Refund of online payment.... ROFL Enty!
    You've never done a digital payment have you lolzzz 🤣!

  17. People who willingly give Feldman anything but a kick to his privates deserve to lose their money.

  18. Anonymous10:18 AM

    How much do you think he made? Seemed like a lot of people were tweeting about not being able to view it.

  19. The big difference is that while it was widely rumored and discussed in the online gossip world that Sheen abused Haim it was not reported by media. Now there will be stories in news media about the allegation.

  20. Very true @texasrose. The names are now on tabloids and main news sites. I believe what he has stated, but, I also believe he wants money. Both, can be simultaneously true at the same time.

  21. @TeeHee - I agree. I certainly don't think this is some noble cause by Feldman. It's a huge money play and I assume 'someone' stopped paying. I'm waiting for Sheen to start talking about being blackmailed.

  22. This is the part of the story where the side show rolls up the tents and scurries out of town. The technical difficulties being a "hack" is quality stuff. He needs to have some sort of third party company running things to build some objective credibility (similar to the outside accounting firms counting award votes).

    Dr Oz did try to mix a sploosh of skepticism into his interview, and ended with making Corey promise he would return after the airing to discuss details with names. Corey agreed. Again, a wait and see.

  23. Real bravery would be to out the current pedo ring in Hollywood and save some kids, not just reveal who was abusing people thirty years ago. Someone has to lift the lid on Nickelodeon.

  24. Anonymous9:28 PM

    The real predators should be paying Corey. His lunacy casts reasonable doubt on their existence.

  25. A list star
    globally adored
    a family man facade
    born in 1942

    the only one who adds up is .. Harrison Ford



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