Friday, March 06, 2020

Blind Item #4

The permanent A list "singer" has no control of the meds she has to take each day and the prescription needs to be changed again. 


  1. Britney drew the wrong card when it comes to her family :(

  2. Are they meddling with her meds to keep her unstable?

    1. No. It's pretty common for meds to stop working properly after a while, so sometimes us mentally ill people need adjustments, and sometimes can be every year, every two years, etc., it's all dependant on brain chemistry. It is VERY common, it's nothing new, and if her meds aren't working properly, keeping her on that med or that dose is even worse and will make her more unstable than trying to fix it.
      I have bipolar 1 and am an 18-time psych ward champ because of it (most from mania-induced sleep deprivation, almost all required a med adjustment. Ask anyone with severe mental illness- this is not suspicious or alarming in the least, and comes with the territory of bring treated for mental illnesses).

  3. A lot of psych meds stop working,or have severe side effects. Either way,it's a nightmare trying to get them right without overmedicating.

    1. This. I have bipolar 1 (and a pharmacist dad), and the whole med adjusting/guinea pigging SUCKS, but sadly is necessary. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, and I hate when pepple talk about med changes and imply that it's because it's that person's fault (ie- they've gone crazy, as opposed to their bodies became tolerant of the meds, or their body chemidtry changed and they need a boost. It's "normal" and comes with the territory of being mentally ill). Going on new meds, etc., is hell, and not everyone responds to the first, second, third, etc. adjustment, so it can often tske a year or more to grt back on track. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.....

  4. Safer for the rest of us.

  5. Poor Britney but if it makes her stable, then take your meds..
    I knew we would have a Britney blind her son was online talking about her and grandpa
    He loves his mother and don’t want to make bank for singing, per her son his words..
    He said grandpa is a dick.. it’s all on line.

  6. This is Karma Personified. Her "parents" made and continue to, their "living" by pimping out their child, no doubt for a cushy life. They got it, AND EVERYTHING that comes with the decision to market their mentally fragile kid.
    It must REALLY SUCK to be Brit.
    Probably not a picnic for her sons, either.

  7. Jamie Spears keeps her hopped up on the pills in order to make that bank. He needs to be prosecuted for abuse.

    1. If she wasn't on pills, she'd be dead from suicide or self-destruction (not to mention, her dad is neither her doctor or pharmacist). She's come a long way since '07, and as someone with Bipolar 1, I WISH I had/have a conservator to make sure I didn't/don't blow my money impulsively, or make sure I don't forget my meds, etc. People who aren't mentally ill (or refuse to acknowledge they need help with their mental illness) have no clue that conservators are put in place to prevent bipolar/mental illness related self-destruction because while we can still make decisions for ourselves, we can do stupid things when mania or hypomania sets in. If it weren't for her being medicated, she'd be dead/another statistic. If she didn't have a conservator with all that money she makes, and being in potentially risky environments/around constant "yes people", she'd have killed herself from suicide or drugs a LONG time ago. Dancing/performing, for people like us, is not only therapeutic, but it's a rush we can get without drugs or self-destructive behavior. Dancing saved my life many times. The combination of meds/conservator/dancing has put her in a MUCH better place than most of us who have to deal with everyday life without someone making sure we don't ruin our lives or lives of others by making stupid decisions. She has survived what many people died battling, but all people who have no clue can do is criticize what is being done to allow her to live as much of a normal life as someone like us could have.

  8. Thanks for the insight and best wishes to you, Ash01e!

    Hopefully, her father is monitoring the medical protocols as carefully as the financials, and there's just an adjustment period underway that is unknown to us

    1. You're welcome, and thank you! To outsiders, I can see how all of this can be seen as "controlling", but quite honestly, it is something necessary to help someone with mental illness thrive. I admire Britney's team, as so much positive has been done by keeping strict watch on things. Not many pepple in her shoes can pull off everything she has since her recovery began. Obviously, something is being done right. I think everyone who is mentally ill should have that in their lives to help them achieve success. People like us need structure, and we need "no people" instead of "yes people". Britney had too many yes people, now that she's on a tighter "leash", she has blown me away with the progress she has shown. Med adjustments happen to everyone who is mentally ill. It stinks, but is necessary.

  9. Ash01e, thank you for trying to shed a little light. it is much the same way with my stepson.

    1. You're welcome! I wish your family, and your stepson the absolute best. It's such a hard road for everyone involved, but as long as you support him and let him know that sometimes, there's a glitch in the Matrix that needs to be tended to. He's not alone, and if he keeps up with treatment, he has a long, fulfilling life ahead of him. Please stay strong for him, I know there can be times where it seemd impossible, but in the end, there's a silver lining and important life lesdon. *big hugs to your family*

  10. "No control over her meds" as in she's prescribed medication she most likely doesn't want to take due to side effects and the like, to save her life and since she has a conservator, she's forced to take it so she doesn't kill herself or ruin her or anyone around her's lives, right? Nobody on psych meds wants to be on them, and most of us are forced to take things we don't want to in order to save us from ourselves. Our choices are take the meds or live with a brain intent on self-destruction. If you honestly think that Britney shouldn't be required to take meds, you obviously know nothing about mental illness, and weren't able to identify the severity of Britney's when it was all over the media in '07. I'd love to have someone legally be in charge of forcing me to take the meds I hate twice a day. That way, nobody would have to deal with me off my meds when I forgot to take them, and I wouldn't have to deal with the withdrawals. And, I wouldn't have needed to tattoo "Take meds" on my knuckles and feel like a failure because even that doesn't always help.
    People should sympathize with Britney because she has to live with a brain that is always trying to destroy her, not get up in arms because someone has to make sure she is medicated in order to prevent a tragedy, and so she can live as normal of a life that many of us with mental illness but not her resources could only dream of having... If only more mentally ill people had conservators making decisions/taking care of them, there'd be less drug addicts and homeless, that's for sure.
    Sorry for all the rants. I just wish more people were educated about mental illnesses and the processes many of us have to go through to function in ways everyone else takes for granted.

  11. I'm really glad Assh01e chimed in here.

    I have a schizo friend with voices in his head. When he was first being medicated the results were awful. I've since seen him go through a lot of adjustments. Since his illness (the voices) is not violent or self destructive (mostly delusional), he is now on low medications and lives with his parents.

    However, he is not working a job and does not need to be fully sane. If he did, he'd be on a lot more meds and he still would have "episodes," so yes, psych meds for serious mental illness are an ever shifting target. :(

  12. Thanks for all the knowledge, Ash01e! I just read the new Carrie Fisher biography and learned a lot about bipolar from that, too. For book lovers, I highly recommend! I didn't even know about hypomania until now.

  13. Can we please just stop with the Britney blinds already? They are constant and they are not entertaining. This is her life and will continue to be her life and twisting the facts (such as insinuating that there’s something wrong with changing her meds) is just pretty low and truly unnecessary.

  14. I'd have no issue with Britney blinds if they weren't all so F'ing boring. I miss the Brit of yore, but she's probably much better off now.

  15. I’m sorry the meds stop working. I pray everyone with any kind of sickness receives & manifests recovery & healing.

  16. Ashe01e thanks for sharing a lot of good information

    Depending on the State and County you live in if you are disabled by being
    Bi-polar you can get a lot of help from housing that has 24/7 nurses aide supervision
    To make sure you are taking your medicine and eating, to transportation and
    Adult daycare. Of course bi-polar diagnosis is a good way to get on social security
    Disability / SSI and to get Medicare / Medicaid and in addition to subsidized
    State health insurance policies.

    State and county social workers should be assigned to your case to help you
    Work through the maze of resources available to you.

    What Britney Spears has been doing - dancing hard every day, staying on her medications,
    Reminds me of the movie ‘Silver Lining Playbook.’ Vigorous Physical activity is essential for the
    Mentally ill.

  17. Vigorous Physical Activity for the mentally ill? All these years i been tryin to convince broads that my jizz can cure crazy, but makin them werk my dick is what can do it?



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