Saturday, March 07, 2020

Blind Item #3

Arguably the most famous member of this foreign born all female group tested positive for the corona virus but apparently says, for her, it feels like a really bad cold.


  1. Lauren J? or a Spice Girl? MelB?

  2. Perrie Edwards from Little Mix

  3. Belinda Carlisle from Go-Go’s?

  4. In our celebrity obsessed culture, I'm curious how the media will portray corona virus cases, and even deaths of famous people. If a celeb dies from a drug overdose, they will cover it up with a story like- complications from a chest infection. Or if they have a real health problem that is private, a co-morbid one, it will be made public. And if you have a drug problem like opioids, or like to smoke crack or meth, this viral pneumonia will end you. And those of us here know, that is a lot of people in blinds.
    However if a celeb gets it, they'll pass it around like any other human, except that they'll want to be blameless. And the media will try to suppress panic when famous people die, as it will seem more real when a household name drops dead. And with all their money and resources, if they can die, then I can too! So it goes.

  5. Jesus, it's not the Plague. Most people say it's like a really bad cold or a really bad form of the flu.

  6. Who will be the Coronavirus’ answer to Rock Hudson?

    1. OMG were you around then? People treated having AIDS as shameful -- a person might be gay if they got AIDS. There's a bunch of panic and hysteria now but it's not the fucking same scandalous and condemnation type of thing.

  7. THANK YOU @cheesegrater15! I am so sick of this being blown out of context. More people slip in the tub daily world wide then have died of coronavirus.
    People who do die are dying from pneumonia not the virus (coronavirus is just ONE of the many ways of getting pneumonia) AND they are the elderly and people with compromised immune systems. People who fall into those two categories do need to be careful and we as a society need to look out for their well being. This does not mean everyone else has to freak out and stock up on toilet paper!!!!! Can we please start using common sense? For people who disagree with me please see the swine flu, bird flu, H1N1, and ebola (outside of Africa).

    1. Right? More people die drinking Corona than people have died of the coronavirus.

  8. @Bleu you are right AND AIDS was/is a real concern. Coronavirus is feeling like its the "Distraction of the Week".

  9. +1 @Faust and @Bleu. But I am curious if a famous person gets COVID-19, how the media will use that to continue to blow this totally out of proportion.

    1. Didn't the vice president of Iran test positive last week?

  10. Thinking it's Posh.

    Also thinking covid-19 can eat a bag of dicks. So many things have been messed up because people are panicking, and if they'd just be somewhat reasonable about it, 99% of the world would be fine.

    Agent K was right. "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it."

    1. Posh hardly eats and it very well could be.

  11. Thank goodness stupidity isn’t contagious or we’d all be dead.

  12. Kim McCauffee of Girlschool?

    1. She was quoted as saying:
      "Don't you touch me baby cos I'm shaking so much"

  13. i'm guessing it's one of those kpop bands but i'm not familiar enough with that genre to know who's "arguably the most famous"


  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Some kpop bando. Europe is not close to china burgers

  17. Facts: Influenza kills 1/1,000 people; corona virus kills 24-32/1000 people. Much more lethal. Wash your hands, wear gloves, don't touch your face.

  18. Perrie Edwards from Little Mix

  19. The death rate for the virus is way higher in the US than anywhere else --almost 6%.fact: 6% of the US population is over 19 mi!lion people.

    The hardest hit are the old folks: the death rate among them is almost 20%.

    Still laughing it off?

  20. I agree people are over-reacting but every time they report another 36-y/o has died I get a little nervous.

    36, 42, 51... those are all pretty young ages.

  21. Definitely Perrie from Little Mix. She pulled out of a gig recently due to illness

  22. It’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better. The death rate is 3.4% (only measuring obvious cases) overall, but for people over 60, it’s higher. I’m mainly staying home.

  23. @MattDaddy

    That stat is not correct. That's counting the world. US is still under 1%. If you want to challenge my stat I'll get the info, I figured it out a few hours ago, but right now I'm not into it, I'm tired, lol. ;)

  24. Current US count today: 551 confirmed cases, 21 deaths.
    Those are facts.
    (Different unknown here from the one above.)

  25. What? She hasn't developed a taste for human flesh yet? LMAO Morons. IT'S A COMMON VIRUS. A simple internet search would tell people that. Ridiculous.

  26. Posh isn't in Spice Girls anymore.
