Friday, March 27, 2020

Blind Item #3

The celebrity cult is trying to exploit the fact the former B listish actress turned A+ list celebrity took some of their classes over the years.


  1. No shock there lol

  2. I’m sure she was angling to be with Tom Cruise

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. +@Tricia13. Meghan and Harry escaped from Canada to move to US!. In the midst of a pandemic! She can not stop being in the news!

    1. @Guesser: She’s such a liar. She kept posting that she was still in Canada, but now she’s saying that they moved to LA before the borders closed. The time line overlaps. She is so bad at details.

  4. Those little organisms she spreads around town... those ain't Thetans.

  5. This is true! Enty called that 6months (or longer) ago. Maybe TC or maybe just to get a role of any kind

  6. I can see her now at the Malibu farmers marker in her Coachella best !

  7. Well, the Canadians refused to pay for their security any longer, now it's on us!

    She is a clever one, she held the bait of isolation and family privacy in Canada to get him to leave the UK, and then once there switched it up to get him to the celebrity fishbowl of LA, which was her plan all along.

    1. Markle has him right where she wants him. California has always been her game plan. That way she can claim half his fortune when they divorce.

  8. @Guesser Well it will be much safer for little Archie in Los Angeles, than stuck on an island in Canada. And I'm sure the main reason for the move is her concern for her mum.

    1. @Norster: She and her mom are not close. She just uses her when she needs to play the race card.

    2. @norster: Also, she does NOT have custody of ‘Archie’.

    3. Did you forget this " .../s" ?

    4. Brilliant move, leaving the safety of your secluded island for the festering hotspot of disease that is LA. With a child no less! Markle doesn’t give a shit about anyone but herself.

  9. "MEGHAN Markle fans have shared their delight at rumours legendary film star Tom Cruise is keen to share the screen with The Duchess of Sussex."

    1. @gauloise: Yeah, just like she spread the rumor that she was supposed to be the new Bond girl a few years ago. All lies & PR. She was never even in the running.

  10. Oh my. This gonna be a loooong few months of quarantine

  11. @Tricia13, Ill fitting mask and gloves, no doubt.

  12. Cool. Archie can have play dates with Paris Hilton's dog.

  13. How the hell did the Markles get out of Canada right now? And LOL, morons, the U.S. is number one in the world for infection rate.

  14. Well they supposedly arent going to see Prince Charles because of corona fears but move to Cali which has the third highest cases in the US.


  15. Wonder who's jet and house she is using this time, any ideas Enty ?

  16. Im sure she took the initial scio classes, and probably looked into kabbalah, too...testing all waters for opportunities.
    If Canada and California are on lockdown, how are these two even making the move (which I agree was the goal all along). If anyone ever defended these two and the desire for "privacy," take a look. I still think he's a confused mixed bag of emotions, but she's as phoney and manipulative as they come.

  17. Are we sure they didn't leave Archie? @Vita,they took a last minute private jet. But Why are they let in?

    1. American citizens are allowed back in the US, as long as they can find a flight.

  18. She wants to promote the Elephant Documentary that Harry begged for her.

  19. detestable, mentally ill MM and laughable, ball-less Just Harry

    Dumb & Dumber are geniuses compared to these two fuck ups. Everything they do backfires, everything they touch turns to shit and everything they say is a lie.

    I mussed have missed the memo that Trump wasn't POTUS anymore....

  20. @Superfly -lol lemme guess,she was another hypocritical, moral/intellectual lightweight who said she would "flee the country and never return" under POTUS?
    only until Disney calls! OR Iger is harrassed by her husband .The shame lol.

  21. She's gonna be the next mission impossible girl, watch me

  22. If Harry joined Scientology...

  23. Tricia13 - before the moved to Canada, she publicly announced that she would not live in the US as long as orange man bad was in charge. Yes, echoing dozens of woke celebrities who proclaimed proudly that they'd move to Canada or Spain or Britain or even Australia in 2016, yet are still living in the US.

    I guess Canada not paying for their parasitism changed her mind.

  24. Canada and California have about the same population. There are many wide differences in health care in the US, let alone the US and Canada- cross Canada it's pretty much the same, with exception for some acute care, rare disease, and cancer treatments. I would way rather stick it out in Victoria, BC than in a big city like LA or NYC. That's why NYC is blowing up right now. And if you need care for a heart attack, drug overdose your survival rate plummets, and ambulance wait times can be so long, that they may as well bring a hearse. I hope everyone is safe and well. I wouldn't want to catch this, or be in need of emergency care.

    Todays stats for the corona virus.
    BC 725 cases, 14 deaths,
    Canada 4018 cases, 39 deaths
    California 4202 cases, 85 deaths
    USA 83,836 cases, 1209 deaths

  25. Thanks Guesser and Cat

  26. I think it NXIUM. What was the off-shoot called? Vantage?

  27. At first i thought NXVIM and Sparkles, but its Sparky and scio

  28. This is all a lead up to their divorce. Harry and Archie are not in North America. Obviously there is no reporter with enough balls to dig up the real story and get it published.

  29. Enty's being way too generous in his ratings system. No way in h3ll was Markle in the B category. More like D list. And, then not even that. Kathy Griffin made a living "Being on the D List." She was clever, funny, interesting, hilarious, and engaging. What do we get with Markle? Whining. Blaming. Etc.

    She dresses like a whore on a street corner.

    Markle is not close with her mother. Doria is merely a prop to be used when it's convenient.

    Today in DListed Harry was referred to a Meghan's valet.

  30. @Aquagirl,you are right, of course ,she may have come by herself undetected,but not with Harry and "Archie". A private plane landing at this time would be noticed,even with a private runway. Maybe Trudeau tipped them off? But until we see the "happy" family bunkered down in LA,I won't believe it. Personally,I would feel safer in a $14 million dollar home in Canada.

  31. @STN: Please be right.
