Saturday, March 28, 2020

Blind Item #2

There are literally tens of millions of dollars available to him with a phone call, but this parental unit of a celebrity is asking the public for money using the celebrity's image and name. Just ask the celebrity directly.


  1. GaGa’s father GoFundMe

  2. You really don't differentiate do you?
    Salty for all....

  3. who the fuck donates to these scams. a fool and his money...

  4. Papa Gaga. A fraction of her wig budget would cover these people for a long time. While she’s under no obligation to pay, it is quite shameful that she has done nothing. For someone who claims to be devoted to her fans, she’s not acting like it.

  5. The DM article said she is also part owner in the restaurant! So how could she not know or take responsibility? Crazy.
