Thursday, March 05, 2020

Blind Item #1

Without the porn star or the racist dog killer, no one seems to want to watch, so this cable network has decided to cancel one of the mom franchises.


  1. I forget that channel A&E?

  2. Kim is a porn star.
    Paris is a racist dog killer.

    I know it isn't the answer, but it works.

  3. I can't believe that trash lasted as long as it did.

  4. Farrah and Jenelle for the porn star and racist dog killer.

  5. that's what you get for glorifying teen pregnancy

  6. Maybe a new show called the Porn Star and the Racist Dog killer? This is the OG Teen Moms.

  7. Good! Shame on the people who made that trash famous.

  8. Teenage Mom pregnant

  9. The world will be better for it! That NEVER should have been a series in the first place

  10. The wild thing about the Teen Mom shows is it actually did some good. It has been directly tied to decline of teen pregnancies in the US. Kids watched it and said HELL NO!

  11. +1 MD, seemed pretty obvious.

    Will be glad to stop hearing about that dumpster fire.

  12. The whole teen mom idea needs to be revamped. As much as people like to follow these girls/women/kids throughout their lives, keeping them on television and paying them insane salaries has created monsters who are unable to care for their families without a production filming them. All these girls have giant houses and expensive cars with zero ability to support themselves without MTV. They'd be better off if they sign girls to 2-5 year contracts, give them scholarships and then move on to other 'stars'. Kind of like Menudo for twats.

  13. Haha....I was trying to make this about Michael Vick.

    In any case - the show may have been a good idea in the beginning - like hoarders, intervention or 600 pound show - but following them beyond a point where they do or don't turn their lives around is just shameful. And will always end up being a toxic soup of high-paid pseudo celebrities with drug habits and continued lives of abuse.
    All the show has ultimately done was drop $ into the lives of a few whores.

  14. Hey hey Meticulous Bee - OMG I just realized that is NOT your name! ha ha

    it is "Meliticus Bee" wtf is that - I googled and no clue.

    regardless - yes - agree it was a great idea in the beginning but then basically the network themselves poisoned the well by opening "celebrity" as some sort of option for these girls and making them dependent on being televised.

    toxic soup is right - the "few whores" comment may be overkill as these girls were still too young to know wtf they were doing but Farrah certainly embraced the opportunity.

  15. The fan base didn't stop watching because Farrah and David aren't on it anymore, they stopped watching because it's stale. Pregnancies, scandals, literally everything that's aired is months old and spun into MTV's narrative. Everything that everyone used to watch for is plastered online, usually with minute to minute updates as it's happening. I enjoyed the series in the beginning, but why would anyone want to watch these girls take multiple expensive vacations every single season? Not talk about anything worth airing? They should bring 16 and Pregnant back.

  16. i'm with topsy. what MTV did is create a new problem for these women---they can't support themselves without the show. kail has a degree at least. but most of them didn't do shit to plan for the show ending. huge mistake. 16 and pregnant was fine---and i thought it was a pretty powerful illustration of the reality of teen pregnancies. should have stopped with that---just new moms every season.

  17. I happened upon the very first 16 and pregnant as I was post op. Thought it was the saddest thing to be put on to TV. About a year later, I then realized I lived a few miles from one of those parents. I've forgotten their names, the one who gave the daughter up for adoption. There's nothing glorifying being pregnant as a teen.

  18. Who is the dog killer? Is it Andrew Garfield?

  19. Jenelle and hairy beast bought another dog.Pure scum

  20. The shows that the porn star and the racist dog killer were on is still running, it was a spinoff of the teen mom shows that is canceled.
