Friday, March 13, 2020

Blind Item #12

The person this late night actor was self-isolating with two nights ago is definitely not his supposed significant other. Again.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I hope everyone has an excellent weekend and don't let the Mockingbird media freak you out. We are all going to be just fine :)

    1. People are literally going to die.
      But I bet if you keep typing those smiley faces like it's 2001 you'll cheer everyone up, gosh darnit

    2. Have a good weekend, mydog! Looks like the Storm has arrived, eh? National Guard deployed in 7 states, 5 more to go!
      Enjoy the show! ;)

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Why not? If whoever he's f*cking never willingly slept with Weinstein then she's better than ScarJo.

  4. Two weeks of cleaning out the human trash. Poor satanic Disney -thought they would get to broadcast a fan-less March Madness to huge ratings. Now they lose their biggest money maker of the year.

  5. I really feel like Jost thought he was sleeping with a wooden mannequin then one day he realized it was ScarJo and was like yuck. I know that's the way I feel every time I see her try to act.

  6. Maybe Scarjo finally took a trip to see her child.

  7. @MyDogSmiles - not everybody will be fine, people will definitely die.

  8. I hope all the deniers are right, this just blows over in a couple weeks and it seems silly looking back. I really do, I've got older family I worry about.

    Otherwise, it's going to be really sad, some people are going to lose family members and we should help support people through their grieving.

  9. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Off topic but please don't forget the kids who rely on school meals! They are the ones I am worried about!

    1. My school district cancelled classes next week but it's still having packaged meals for the kids available for pickup. I think most districts will make similar accommodations.

  10. Happy and healthy weekend all.

    In FL with a flight to NYC on Tuesday, if the flight remains scheduled. Keeping up with news.

    People are panicking more than they did during hurricane Irma. Stocking up on toilet paper and bottled water. Not sure if people need to stockpile several months of toilet paper...

    1. Well nothing lasts forever....not even toilet paper!
      Anyways you have a good flight... Happy Journey!

    2. What part of Florida? Lemme guess. Miami? I live in Sarasota & the store’s have no empty shelves. And it’s heavily populated with elderly.

  11. Sounds to me like he's trying to isolate himself and keep the virus away from his SO. Major kindness blind.

  12. @unknown: Don't those kids have PARENTS who will feed them??

    1. Children in households with incomes at or below 130 percent of the federal poverty level rely on their school for free school meals.

    2. They HAVE parents who, no doubt, do their best.

  13. @Unknown, the governor of Ohio has decided to keep the free breakfasts and lunches going even though the schools are closed.

  14. @Monkeyweather Thanks! The storm has certainly arrived. This is the greatest movie ever! I've got a spoiler alert... God wins :)

  15. Blessed weekend @monkeyweather and @MyDog.

  16. Oh my God! Someone not married cheats on their SO?

    That happens every day in high schools all over the world. What a moral disaster.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. @MyDoy, Monkeyweather, PhillyWhilly, Tricia, all patriots, RiggedForRed! Have a Blessed weekend! :) :) :)

  19. Same to you @LaurenMaye

  20. Come to the think- the LinkedIn was is Hot.
    Is a South Pole kinda way.

  21. Stay safe guys. Better to overreact & be well, than to not care & get sick or do harm to others...

    Back to topic, Enty must really love the extra traffic from Brazilian CEvans/Scarjo shippers, with all these blinds practically begging for her current relationship to end ;)

  22. @LaurenMaye Same to you :) :) :)

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  27. Pretty much O/T, but I thought I’d bring something somewhat related to this thread. (i.e., liars.) Met a friend for a drink and met a random woman in the restroom. (I’m very talkative, in case you can’t tell 🤣.) She & I have both had the unfortunate experience of working with Terry Richardson. So we agreed on the fact that he’s a total scumbag. Then she told me that she knows Rami Malek quite well. (Considers him a ‘close friend.’ ) She said that he’s straight & that his relationship with Lucy is real. I literally asked her 18 times (because I didn’t believe her.) Normally I wouldn’t accept a random person’s opinion, but since she admitted that she had the same experience as I did with Terry, it made me wonder....She could be part of his PR, idk. But she was adamant.

  28. As far as this blind, ScarJo & Jost should just break up. Does she really need a THIRD failed marriage? Whatever anyone has to say about Blake, apparently (on the surface at least), they’ve been able to keep the relationship together. They don’t seem like a likely couple to me, but apparently they are both sober so I can imagine that would mean a lot to someone.

  29. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Let us all pray this Coronavirus isn't another disaster we never recover from like Y2K. Or Anthrax. Or Zika. Or 9/11.

    1. QAnon conspiracy is a fever dream of sick people with dangerous urges. If you Fetishize QAnon you’re the problem.

  30. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Italy refused to close their borders. Iranians refused to stop going to Mosque and even licking religious relics. Nobody is saying. Nobody. That this was created to destroy Trump. We are saying they are using it after trying every other lame stunt in the book to try to take him down. He did not respond slowly. He halted travel from China which will do more than anything else to prevent us from going the way of Italy.

    1. QAnon conspiracy is a fever dream of sick people with dangerous urges. If you Fetishize QAnon you’re likely the problem.

  31. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Remember when it was only a matter of time before AIDS was rampant in the hetero community? Yeah me too. Thats what the experts said was going to happen.

    1. QAnon conspiracy is a fever dream of sick people with dangerous urges. If you Fetishize QAnon you’re the problem.

  32. @MissDavie, very true! You sound like a very reasonably person :)

  33. What does the Coronavirus have to do with this blind? *rolling eyes*

  34. The only thing I want to add to this (probably for females only)...went to 3 stores today to buy TP (not to hoard, just necessity). No stock so I bought Kleenex. Unfortunately, the top of the box didn’t say it, but the bottom of the box says it contains Vicks 😳. I only realized this after I used it. Oof! Beware! Thinking about moving back to my home town so I can pee in the woods 🌲!

  35. Aquagirl - that was funny! Argh, menthol fresh anyway.

  36. Welll....shit. Great thread. This virus is not stopping anytime soon

    So we will see whose predictions, based on what’s happening today, come true. Just because Shumer says something stupid, doesn’t mean every liberal falls in line with it. Trump didn’t stop flights until after the virus was already here, he has been incompetent. He rejected testing, calling it a media hoax, and only declared an emergency yesterday.

    Obama ordered a full government response before anyone in America was infected with H1N1.

    The virus is uncontainable because we do not have the test available for every American. Worse, if that is possible, Trump has been a disaster at leadership towards his fellow citizens. The Dow went down 2300 points after his speech. They had to pump 1.5 TRILLION to get the market back on track after that speech, it’s literally known as “the 1.5 trillion dollar speech.”

    People are jobless, out of school, going to go broke, lose business........die. Because Trump had a bare shelf of science ready for a pandemic......because he had fired them all. Do you know why “Mr. Sotero from Kenya”, as you Deranged Trump Sycophants like to call him, had a $300 million “swamp” of scientists looking for the next pandemic? Because “Barry” almost lost the race against H1N1. It could have been so much worse! Maybe even as bad as the situation God Emperor Trump has found himself in through his own actions.

    So we can all talk talk, talk talk, talk....all you say to me is talk talk.....But the next three weeks will tell a tale. Think Trumps right? Take all your food and give it to the homeless. Then got out to eat every night. Nothing to worry about, right? Right?

    1. You will get a lot of hate here so please know that I am sending you hugs and love for this excellent post. 😍

    2. I second that emotion.

    3. Awesome BDM💕

    4. BDM... borderline Common sense in the CDAN comments? Not allowed. The mouth breathing enterns will soon notify you of the aliens that killed e Babies cuz Obama is from Kenya and Hillary Clinton already snuffed out the Police, FBI and CIA and replaced them with the aliens

  37. 1) your
    2) you're
    3) yore

    During this shut-in weekend, try to learn the meanings/differences/usages of the above

    Next weekend we'll do lose/loose

    1. Shut you're pie-hole!
      Your crazy !
      Yore welcome !

      Did that lose whore loose her mind!

      How did I do teacher Koala E?

  38. Where are the blinds.... Iam under lockdown here!
    I need at least 25 today!

  39. @Indie 😆 you're the best! Love it!!!

    1. Thanks Teacher Koala E....
      Where are the blinds BTW!

  40. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Neither Bernie nor Biden would have stopped flights from China at all. Just say Orange Man Bad and shut up.

  41. Well this was censored to shit. I demand you also censor bdm, they are OFFENDING REEEEE. Watch

  42. Maybe Enty got a case of Corona last night.

    And he's too hungover to post.😏

  43. Did he have butthole eyes?



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