Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Blind Item #11

Don't believe the hype. The alliterate about to be former royal was not offered that per second deal that is all the buzz. 


  1. I thought the Entern might have forgotten to make up today's MM BI. But here it is evening time in Britain everyone is home from work just finishing dinner and ready to watch telly for the rest of the night.

  2. Lol at $1million per second to return to suits.


    1. If they're going to lie for their Cabal pal, they should at least ATTEMPT to make it believable.
      I guess they're pretty confident that we are all a bunch of retards.

  4. When does she go into obscurity?!!

    1. Indie, that happens POST-declassification apocalypse. Up until the public knows everything she can still walk around pretending to be important.

  5. "The Real Trashwife of England" strikes again

  6. I am so looking forward to the inevitable Markle sex tape, with her yachter skills she'll put all those past pillow princesses to shame.

    1. She already has one:

  7. Has anyone seen that special they're about to air on Vice about Fat Markle and Soy boy Beta Cuck Harry? In a nutshell it basically blames all the hatred towards her on the entire world being racist. No fatty, it's because you ooze cuntiness...

  8. @Brayson I thought there was already a tape(s) floating around out there in the ether

    1. You are correct!

  9. It would be nice if the press only covered her actual contract gigs and not leaks from her people

  10. @E, That's what I meant about inevitable. Either someone will release something or she'll do it herself if her public profile wanes.

  11. Fat slob Markle. Where every second is a sloppy one.

  12. anyone who wants to read the craziest new theory on H&M should head over to Nutty Flavor's blog and review the comments

  13. Hmmmmmm. Wait, don't tell me! Golly, this is a really tough one. Could it possible be Mehgan Markle? Jeeeeezus, Enty. It's like you're not even trying anymore.

  14. For a second I thought that Enty cared that chuck D booted Flava Flav out of public enemy (don’t believe the hype) for wanting to play at a Bernie rally.

  15. Yeah, fuck all the tricia trolls. Pieces of shit. Come troll me instead, jagoffs.

  16. If Archie is a doll, Harry's gonna figure that out sooner or later.

  17. Replies
    1. This is why we cant have nice things. LOL

  18. Did y'all sign the petition? Some may say it won't help, but it seemed to help the Canadians.

    Do your bit for humanity.

  20. Its full moon, tricia. It seems to rattle the cages of the crazies.
    Meghan Markle, legendary hustler. Not really attractive, not really very articulate, horrible dresser, whore who slept her way to the z rocking the British Monarchy. Who'd have thought.

    1. She's bloodline. Not by much, but she IS in. Harry got to pick, but it had to be bloodline. Rephaim. That's what THEY believe about themselves.

  21. @sandybrook will never understand how anyone can be a fan of a narcissist.

  22. People who say Markle isnt attractive are just in denial.

  23. @Count, Just like people who insist Iggy Azalea is a one hit wonder.

    1. I cant comment on Iggy. Couldnt pick song of hers out of the crowd

  24. Keep hating MM. She will be richer than and do more good than any one of us commenting on these ridiculous blinds.

    1. She'll blow through that within two years, probably less with the tax bills she owes to the US, UK and Canada. The RF could pay her taxes for her but, after all her BS, I doubt they'll be inclined to do so.

      Then where will she be? No one will trust her. Her value to anyone will be nil because she'll have no connections. (In case you haven't noticed all her powerful 'friends' have faded away like fog in the sun. Perhaps it's because she's become toxic or they're trying to avoid being connected to her connections to the Seagram's, Epstein, Weinstein, etc..)

      I doubt her money laundering scheme...err... foundation will bring much in. Merching? Doubt that'll bring much in, either. Maybe Markus will "marry" her or she can live with Jessica. Perhaps some Arab prince will add her to her harem but she won't enjoy that. No merching opportunities.

      Using "Archie" as a tool? Doubt that'll work. You will note he has no titles. He should have been given one seeing as he is in line of succession. That means a couple of things. One is she used a surrogate so he is not "of the body" or he is not Harry's child. Either way that makes him a commoner. Her keeping him away from the RF indicates to me the thing she fears the most is a DNA test.

      She's too old to go back to yachting. There are younger and prettier things with less baggage available to be a "rent a beard". Her value as a SJW "icon" isn't that much, either. She's always considered herself as a Caucasian until it was more convenient (and profitable) for her not to do so.

      So where will she be in five years?

      Hubris is always followed by Nemesis.

  25. But yeah, Markle got where she is based on her looks and uh, enthusiasm.

  26. @MyDogSmiles, on the trailer for the Vice "documentary", ugly Lainey Liu is prominently features. Her already unattractive face is distorted by hatred and bitterness at the idea that WOC can't just waltz in and take over every institution in the Western World, and she calls this "racism".

  27. What good has she done? She shows up and gets her picture taken.

  28. I think MM is very pretty.

    That said, before she starting dating Harry, did you even know who she was? I didn't. Before she told us all she was black, did it even occur to anyone to wonder about her ethnicity? It never even crossed my mind. She and her fans are using racism as a reason to explain why we all recognize she is a grifter and don't like her.

    1. I did not hear of her nor did it ever cross my mind what her color was. I just thought she was an American. So much for racism.

  29. MM wasn't good looking before the nose job, and wasn't successful at age 40, not particularly famous or seen as a major actress, doubtful she'll be mega rich in her lifetime. Mega star rich women don't try to hunt and land rich husbands

  30. @Mischi The only reason I ever watch Vice is for Sunny in Philadelphia reruns. Every time I see that trailer during commercial breaks I get so fucking pissed !!! Yeah, people of color are soooooo discriminated against *Yawn* Riddle me why every single fucking commercial on the planet has people of color or mixed race couples. I'm so tired of race baiting that it makes me sick. Luckily the over usage of the word racist has deemed it worthless.

  31. Vice had this unbelievably creepy doc about a satanist named Pazuzu who killed a few people (if I remember right he legally changed his name; he wasn't born Pazuzu!). They also had an interesting story on Fredrick Brennan aka hotwheels the founder of 8chan, which was everything you'd have expected

  32. Thia, I don't think MM is pretty. She looks better with bronzer and fillers, but most people do. She has a face like a peanut when she doesn't have fillers, with indentations below the eyes and then bulging out again. Her nose is just horrible, like Bob Hope's but worse. She is cross-eyed and has a beady rodent look. She can look truly demented at times. Her smile is like that of a horse.

    We won't even speak about her hair, which could look a lot better.

  33. I think she is pretty. I also think she's mad as a box of frogs.

  34. Harry and Meghan's engagements for the rest of March ..

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will attend the Endeavour Fund Awards in London tonight in one of their final engagements before stepping down as senior royals at the end of the month.

    Harry and Meghan will celebrate the achievements of wounded, injured and sick servicemen and women who have taken part in sporting and adventure challenges over the last year.

    The following day, Harry will be at the official opening of the Silverstone Experience with motor-racing champion Lewis Hamilton.

    The couple will also attend the Mountbatten Music Festival at the Royal Albert Hall on March 6 before Meghan undertakes an engagement for International Women’s Day on March 8.

    They will both attend the Commonwealth Service at the Royal Albert Hall the following day, where they will be reunited with Harry's brother Prince William and his wife Kate - who are currently on tour in Ireland.

    Despite quitting a senior royals, Harry is expected to attend the London Marathon in April in his capacity as patron. The Duke and Duchess will also attend the Invictus Games in Holland in May.

  35. Chippy, if she's pretty, I'm the most gorgeous woman to have walked the earth because I look way, way better than she does, without makeup or fillers or plastic surgery. I think I look average, and she's way below.

  36. FatMarkle attractive??? Yes, if you like the dirty, skinny-legged, beady-eye rodent look. The photos over at DM of her early days doing a "sexy" shoot are as sexy as a cold bowl of Oprah's leftover mashed potatoes.

  37. Is the “fat Markle” thing an ironic insult? Or do people actually believe she’s fat? 😬

    1. According to multiple people here, TwoDots,they (1) are waaaaayyyyy skinnier than MM. Did you know we're amongst such beauty?
      Then there's the others (2) who giggle and blush when she's called fat, joining in like retarded sheep, not even recognizing that these morons are actually calling THEM total heifers.
      And the last group; (3) these are women who don't actually have *any* female friends, and blame that on the fact that women "aRe jUsT sO cAtTy AnD BiTcHyYyYYyyy"

      I'm happy I could answer your question

  38. sandybrook said...
    I thought the Entern might have forgotten to make up today's MM BI.

    You think this blind is made up? So you think somebody is ACTUALLY going to pay Markle $1M per second to appear on Suits again. GTFOH.


    Yeah, okay Meg.

    Weighing in on her looks, no, I don't think she's unattractive. But her inner ugliness has been oozing out for quite some time, so it's getting harder and harder to see anything good in her.

  39. She has had massive work done, you only need to look at her teen photos to see how much. Anyone can be attractive with that much work

    She basically paid to erase all her black features, and then calls the rest of the world racist

    1. Think she lasered her undercarriage to hide the black curlies?

  40. @rosieriveter, it kills your powerful insult when you use a word like "retarded," which says a lot about anybody who uses it. Just saying.

  41. Here comes πŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸΊπŸ˜΄ to shit the conversation.

  42. @Mischi: Killing it again!!!

    @Chippy Hic: Colorful language that describes exactly!

    @Do Not Lie: Diseased beady eyed vermin is an exact description.

    Why in the hell would Markle have shelled out big bucks for a nose like that? She must have gone with the lowest priced bid.

  43. CBCG_ Yeah! She'll do amazing things!

    You get a banana! And you get a banana! And you get a banana! Bananas for everyone!

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. As for her looks: she's common looking. I pass hundreds of girls on the street that are prettier than her.

    It takes a certain amount of ordinary to make hundreds of thousands of $$$ look like nothing. The bare legs in London in January is a classic skank move: like she just rolled out of a nightclub in a drunken haze. Or you're a street walker and it's convenient for easy access. It's so LA.

    And yes, her hideous personality makes her completely ugly.

  46. Sparkles obviously. The gift that keeps on giving. Well, if it is anywhere near the truth that she received a return offer, it sure would beat yachting again.

  47. Cant wait for the day Harry dumps her.

  48. @Unknown: I doubt Enty cares much one way or another, but he knows the racists here will eat it up. And yes, if you are this upset about her, you are a racist. There's no other possible explanation for the obsession and irrational anger. She's a fame whore. Great. So is every single other person we talk about on this site. So why the special hatred for her?

  49. Jesus, how do people still care about this? A new blind stating the same cr@p. MM is a dick, we get it.
