Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Blind Item #11

This billionaire that everyone knows, continues to keep pouring money into media companies and many millions more to PR companies just so there is a very tight lid on exploring other connections he had with the billionaire pedophile. Oh, like the time they left a party together in Santa Barbara and went to a house in Montecito where some "models" were waiting.


  1. Replies
    1. I always love your guesses, Tricia, but I cannot see what your new picture is?

  2. Richard Branson..

  3. At this point isn't every billionaire somehow linked to Jeffrey Epstein???

  4. It's gotta be Bezos

  5. Wexner and Epstein...Oprah's house?

  6. Bloomberg, Oprah.....
    I despise more each day!

  7. I'm surprised no one is defending the aforementioned but will defend so and so because they are such great entertainers and the news media is not reporting what's really going on. Gates, Oprah, Bloomberg, Epstein, Wexner, Branson all cut from the same cloth and doing illicit shit involving innocents.

    These people become beyond wealthy and think themselves gods of this world. It's all about human trafficking, pedophilia, satanism involving human sacrifice, and every one of them has taken the adrenochrome shot in the left eye, thus the black eye mark. What a club to be in. But my eyes lie to me. I would love to see ENty tackle this mess. But remember, it's all a conspiracy theory until Rachel or the Lemmon are given the permission to inform the public, which is essentially never.

    And they call Enty and his readers fruitcakes for blinds. Snap.

  8. Bloomberg was his buddy.


  9. Winfrey lives in Montecito

    Wexner is ohio based, and just keeping a low profile and out of the press as much as possible at his age

    1. Her "fall" the other day was a foreshadowing.
      She says she has an ice pack wrapped around her ankle, but it might be the SPECIAL kind that monitors your location.

    2. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Goddamn you nailed it

    3. Definitely not Wexner. I can say with 100% certainty that Les has never been interested in underaged girls. That's all I'll say.

  10. Wexner is not attracted to women!

  11. Blaise--Certainly one of the very best comments, ever, on CDAN. Thank you for your compassion and obvious knowledge of the situation.

    Bloomberg, and it is never, ever mentioned, is deep in the closet. He is a tiny, nebbishy little man with not a whiff of personality. His father was a bookkeeper for a dairy, his mother a secretary. He is the quintessential mama's boy. She lived to be 100+. She was a lovely, sweet woman. He has done a lot of good things with his $ for Israeli charities. Hospitals, schools etc. He was an excellent Mayor unless you were one of the protesters against the right. How he became a billionaire is the biggest riddle since the Phynx.

    I cannot believe that from all I know about him, that he was involved with underage girls through Epstein. He was probably a financial friend because money is Bloomberg's thing. He (Eps) was close to every single man with money worldwide. He made them more. If he had channeled his intelligence in that direction he would have been formidable. Same with Madoff.

    One only has to look at the trick Bezos left his wife for to see he is lacking in any class at all. She is a hot mess. How much $ has he lost since the virus hit? He will make it back, believe me. Not gonna hold my breath for the wedding invitation to arrive.

  12. I thought Oprah’s compound is named Montecito, not that it is in any municipality called Montecito. Well played Enty.

  13. I think it is Gates. Most of the others are not names widely known like Wexner. Him and Dublin are known now though! What about Dublin and his wife? What happened to Bill Richardson and George Mitchell? Giuffre named them as well as Andrew

  14. Winfrey lives in Montecito.

  15. GATES!!!!!!!!!!!
    This is GATES!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Blaise-you have too much time on your hands, you're one fucked up dude.

    This is Lex Wexner and Epstein.

  17. Bill Gates stepped down from the boards of Microsoft and Berkshire Hathaway.Odd.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I've been waiting for some sort of Bill Gates blind, scandal, or like the Apple guy, illness.

  20. I think you're wonderful Blaise. Long may you reign.

  21. Thank you FionaFab for telling the truth about Bloomberg. All that talk about him harassing women was just that, talk.

    I think this is Gates. His recent actions should at least raise a few eyebrows.

  22. I just finished today's blinds and am amazed that there are no discussions about Amanda Bynes pregnancy yet.

  23. T. W. said..."I thought Oprah’s compound is named Montecito, not that it is in any municipality called Montecito." The richy rich town of Montecito is 10 minutes south of SB. My sister lives several houses from 'prah, IN MONTECITO.....

  24. @Unknown @9:43 PM: It must've been gas station convenience store hookup guy!

  25. Hey Blaise!! How'd those "arrests" go last night dude? What jail is Oprah in this morning? Spielberg? You people can not deal with reality so you obsess with this stupid shit. All this shit going on in the world and you people are up all night talking about Oprah. It's fucked up.

  26. UNKNOWN: Amanda's preggers announcement came after CDAN stopped posting. That happens a lot since they are in California, three hours behind NYC.

    What can one say about this? She is supposedly on mind-blowing amounts of meds which are all toxic as heck. The baby stands the chance of being born with birth defects if she is taking certain medicines for her bipolar diagnosis. If she does street drugs on top of that, the parents need to have this terminated ASAP. Amanda is not physically, emotionally, financially or spiritually in a place to be a mom. It means her parents will be raising her.

    I do not ever tell someone they should think twice about bringing a life into the world, but in her case, I certainly would. Especially now with the world upside down in every way. She needs a lot of prayers right now. I feel so badly for her and her family.

  27. +1000 @ Blaise.

    I thought Bloomberg at first. Like he was going to be able to withstand the scrutiny Trump got when elected. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....highlarious.

    But after reading the comments, I like Gates for this. His stepdown is indeed odd and goes right along with The Plan.

  28. Anonymous9:49 AM

    @fionafab Yes, Bloomie is totally in the closet. I used to see him at JG Melon's with his "partner" Diana Taylor who is an obvious beard. It's not even a secret on the UES of NYC...not that I care if he's gay.

  29. Unknown: Me, too. As long as it is consensual and makes him happy, that's fine with me. I call Ms. Taylor "Bess Meyerson II" for obvious reasons. I worked for Ed Koch in '85 and found him charming, funny, caustic humor, a hard, hard worker. He is buried a block from my apartment. I should go visit him and leave some flowers.

  30. Waiting for the proof from all the conspiracy nuts. Crickets...

  31. Both Bloomberg and Bezos are big into media buys



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