Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Blind Item #10

The alliterate A list mostly movie actor did a whole bunch of do you know who I am things directed towards staffers at a hospital. Hopefully they said you are an idiot who makes car commercials. Anyway, the actor wanted tests for himself and his family. They all tested negative.


  1. You answered the question yourself when you said he tested negative. He pulled rank and got them when he shouldn't have.

  2. Noooo,I loved me some mcconaughey:(

  3. ......did a whole bunch of do you know who I am things directed towards staffers !
    They all do that....the humbler the public persona the more Know the rest!

  4. A plot twist would be if he caught it while at the hospital while demanding special treatment

  5. "Well, you're alright,You're alright, You're alright" Pure🌽 , sorry.

    Argh, the privilege card really gets whipped out when the paranoia gets going. Is he going to drag them in again over and over? Stay home!

  6. McConaughey went from being in on the joke to a self-parodying tool, imo.

  7. Every time I read about a celebrity with their pap photos about testing positive, I think WHATA JERK, you took the resources to run the test and perform them from patients at risk - In POVERTY . THESE ELITE Bs ers. Shame them, not run their little payed for stories

  8. The minister of culture in Austin texas gets what he wants now and freakin pronto baby!

  9. Less than 1/3 of the people tested in ny/nj are positive

  10. I hope the pos at least made a big donation to the hospital.

  11. alright alright alright what a dick

  12. Do these celebrities think that once they test “negative” they can’t catch Covid-19 AFTER they take the test? It’s not a vaccine for God’s sake, it’s a test.

  13. What a goddamn asshole! FU MM. Hogging the tests for a damn cold.

  14. Really gross to see celebrities get special treatment in a pandemic. That's really asking for some torches and pitchforks type shit.

  15. Anonymous1:04 PM

    The guesses stopped after one person when this could be literally ANYONE in hollywood
