Friday, February 07, 2020

Your Turn

Should the Oscars have a host?


  1. As long as they don't bring up politics...

  2. I will watch if he hosts.

  3. It's fun to watch him roast those scumbags.

  4. Of else are going to understand the complexities of the award show!

  5. I dont watch so I dont GAF

  6. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Consider the gold standard, Carson. He knew exactly what to say to the TV and when to say it.

    Now ask who else is alive that can match that talent.

  7. Of course they should. And the people who complain about who they picked should be told to go fuck themselves. Pandering to lunatics is never the right way to handle situations.

    1. Which is why you get called out for being the scat fucker you are. No pandering for YOU.

  8. Gervais of course

  9. Carson couldn't get the gig today, with the booze fueled wife beatings.

  10. Indie-- lol!

    I would have thought yes, but I really didn't miss having one last year.

  11. Who watches it anyway

  12. Only if it is Ricky Gervais.

  13. DVR just in case--but haven't watched in years so unconcerned about a host or none.

  14. May as well not bother. I'm in the very small minority of people who enjoyed Seth MacFarlane's stint.

    It will be very interesting to see if they put Kirk Douglas in the In Memoriam. Remember when Roy Scheider died (and a couple of other people, I believe) a couple of weeks before the ceremony and they didn't put them in because they "didn't have time"?

  15. Who gives a fuck... let the auditorium
    Burn to the ground and take everyone of these self-congratulatory satanists with it. They’re fucking useless tools, literally.

  16. Yes, Ricky Gervais. I wouldn't mind though if they brought back Billy Crystal.

  17. No one missed the host,the tributes will have presenters. And let them get as sanctimonious as possible,otherwise,what will we talk about?

  18. @shakey, Probably, honoring dead people is the only way they can distract from their own scandals and atrocities.

  19. Hey, the In Memoriam is my favorite part of the whole show! Most of the time, the actors featured are ones I like WAY better than the ones who are actually nominated that year!

  20. A triumphant return by Rob Lowe!

  21. Someone in GQ, i think, wrote a long article saying it should be hosted by Markle and Harry, i think it was a parody, but these days who knows.

  22. I don’t care about an entertainment trade show.

    I wish more people cared about Nobel Prizes, Pulitzer Prizes, Cadelcott Medal, & John Newberry Medal.

  23. Can we get the Darwin Awards & the Ig Nobel Prizes televised?

  24. There is way too much drama regarding the host/hosts:

    You can't be a comedian, because you're sure to have offended someone at some time.
    If you are male, or white (or God forbid both), some would find that "problematic."
    If you are an actor/actress, you would be crazy to do it, since it is highly unlikely to advance your career.

    That being said, I don't even watch anymore because I'm tired of being lectured by pampered hypocritical millionaires who spent much of their time virtue signaling.

  25. I don’t watch but I like how Ricky Gervais takes no prisoners with the inflated egos.

  26. Yeah, Ricky Gervais, calling them out and scaring them!!

    1. Nah. He's pathetically transparent and no one in their right mind wants anything to do with him. Arrogance eventually shows itself for what it is.

  27. I'm think the host should be an AI robot which could say anything and get away with it, as close to the knuckle as possible for prime time , Gervais on steroids. Something along the lines of a ventriloquist's dummy with no strings attached.

  28. YES, it was boring last year. They need Ricky Gerveis to make them sweat.

  29. Ain't watchin'... don't care.

  30. Ricky Gervais, Billy Crystal, Tina Fey & Amy Pohler

  31. Old oscars not for me. Ill stick with Ricky G

  32. YES! My goodness. Don't get me started.

  33. Ricky Gervais for presenter

    The Noble Prizes lost some shine for me when Barrack Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize "to help make him strong" but "regretfully failed" to achieve that, according to the ex Secretary of the Nobel Selection Committee, Geir Lundestadin, in his autobiography.
    While the award came 9 months into President Obama's reign, the nominations had closed only 11 or 12 days after his inauguration.
    I do still pay attention to the people awarded Nobel Prizes for achievements.

  34. Anonymous2:50 AM

    Q Does society need Oscars?
    A No
    Q Corrupt?
    A Yes
    Q Political motives?
    A Yes
    Q Purpose?
    A To sell advertising and push NWO agenda
    Q Solution?
    A Boycott.

  35. I love all the votes for Ricky G. Couldn’t agree more... he wasn’t on long enough at the GG. He is brilliant and the only redeeming thing about the snooze fests of incessant Hollywood circle jerking...

  36. Just courier their awards to them. No need for ceremony. Nobody cares.

  37. God knows it has plenty of parasites.
