Thursday, February 06, 2020

Your Turn

What age has been the best in your life so far?


  1. Replies
    1. Mydog. ..38 was the best! Enjoy.

  2. 17 aka senior year of high school

  3. 0-3, I started school at 3!

  4. Anonymous10:09 AM

    My 30's. Best decade of my life. I looked great, I was strong and healthy. Newly married with a fabulous job.

  5. Right now. I'm old enough that I've run out of fucks to give about what other people think, and young enough to still do stuff.

  6. 29-30. 2009 was the best year.

  7. Now. never look back, always forward.

  8. It's difficult to answer because different ages have different pluses and minuses. Like one age might have been really tough personally or professionally, but you also got ridiculous nonstop tail at the same time. So then what are you looking for, a goldilocks age where enough good stuff happened but not too much bad stuff?

  9. my current age of 32! Although ages 11-12 were amazing times for me, I love the person I have become and now am. : )

  10. Now is great because people say ok boomer.

  11. 40s. I've run outta fucks and life is grand!

  12. Now !! I’m going to be 57 in April and I can finally relax . Kids are turning out great , husband is two years away from retirement And I’m enjoying my retirement . Healthy as can be and doing what I want .

  13. 21-27 were the greatest, then turned to shit! I'm turning 35 this year, so I hope it will get better.

  14. Ask me right before i die. I'm not sure yet. Leaning towards high school (17)... or maybe right before i got married/had kids (late 20s). I doubt any are in front of me.

  15. Honestly, every year has kind of been the best. But I feel like 26 was my sweet spot. I felt like an adult at that age and I was still young and hot. *L*

  16. The one that is now. For so many reasons. Memories are wonderful, but nothing is more powerful or beautiful than the moment.

  17. 14 - 27. Now its all work and bills and working to pay bills.... Plus, we travelled in groups... those groups are gone.. married, kids, moved away. No responsibilities - life was great. This adulting thing kinda sucks. :-) But, the alternative (and I do have friends that didn't make it) sucks worse.

  18. Anonymous2:39 PM

    I don't know. Life is usually hard.

  19. The best day of my life will be the day I die

  20. @notthis, Yeah but you sh!t yourself. Although think of how relaxed you must be that you just don't care.

  21. I loved 37.i could still eat anything i wanted, drink like a fish with no repercussions, my jowls were still in their rightful place, and i was finally making buck. Also, most of the icky health tests start at 40 or 50.

  22. Now. I have more money and security now. It's true that money isn't everything but I like it better when I have enough of it. Most of us looked better when we were younger but you can always tweak and tighten with well-thought out (plastic) surgical procedures and good skin care, etc. without going all Palm Beach/Beverly Hills. And I try to remember that there's more to life than smooth skin and maintaining a certain silhouette, but this can be complicated for someone who is as shallow as I am.

  23. Now. I've finally perfected the Death Stare to a-holes who say rude/inappropriate things. I can spot narcissists and psychopaths and control freaks in the first five minutes of meeting them.

  24. My age of innocence.

  25. I am 56, my 30's were very very good, but this last year has been pretty close.

  26. Coming of age 9-12 ! Just started my 30s, so we'll see what happens next

  27. 3 - 11 My parents made my childhood wonderful.

  28. I had a fantastic year at 27. Been downhill ever since. This must be why all the rockers check out at that age.

  29. Right now at 35. I'm pregnant, have the most caring, well-hung partner, I'm managing a business & getting ready to launch my own, & finally told my abusive family to fuck off.

    2 years ago I lost all feeling below the waist, couldn't walk & 1 year ago I nearly bled to death after cancer surgery.

    But right now...everything's coming up this bitch ;)

  30. Hands down, summer of '69 when i was 19!

  31. +1 Lorkhan, Good for you! 👍

  32. Anonymous7:54 AM

    @Lorkhan way to go warrior! Glad that things have turned around. Make sure someone lets us know when you deliver. Maybe we could have a pool w/ delivery date, sex etc???

  33. I would say how, but with my 18 year old skeleton. My bones are a fucking Halloween decoration ya thrown in your closet. Moral of the story, don't run red lights and hit cars I am in. My lil PSA.

  34. 21 to 35 years old were the best. 40 now and it is not that great.

  35. I had a blast 37-41
