Thursday, February 27, 2020

Your Turn

Do you wish your parents had given you a different name?


  1. no..I love Theresa:)

  2. God, yes! They didn't even give me a middle name to fall back on, the buggers. Oh my sister got two, oh yes, but me? Their firstborn and only son? NADA. Just this embarrassing Christian mane.

  3. Name not mane. Though flowing locks of golden crusading, righteous hair wouldn't go amiss if I'm being honestv

  4. Abso-fucking-lutely! I was born 4 weeks early, and my mother only had a boy’s name picked out (I have 2 older sisters.) I found out about 5 years ago that my godmother actually named me! (My brother does exist though; she had him after me.) My name isn’t horrible; it’s just that the reason it was chosen was so f***ed up. I would tell the story, but it would make all the crazy shit that the trolls posted on here today pale in comparison. 🙄

    1. My father named me after his mistress.

    2. Malaprops nooo!( :-O

  5. Anonymous10:12 AM

    No. But they should have called my younger brother Johnny booger fuck face

  6. @Flashy: well I do have really nice hair, so there’s that. Thanks for making me feel a little better!

  7. No way. So exotic I’ve had telemarketers wanna holla.

  8. No I love my name and I don’t like when people try and give me a nickname..
    Naw dog my parents gave me a beautiful name and that’s who I am...

    1. Ugghhhh I messed up and named my youngest a fad name....I’d had it picked out way ahead of time, when it was fresh and new. My the time she actually rolled around, everyone else was onto it. She’s one in a sea of Karen’s and hates it, esp since the rest of us have unique names. Sorryyyyy!

    2. Just tell her you named her after Karen Gillan.

    3. @Erik it’s not really Karen, But the modern day version of Karen and Jennifer. I did however go with a normal spelling and vowel usage instead of y’all and x’s… So she’s got that going for her.

  9. Nah, I'm just used to it now. I would never have chosen it, but I don't know what I would have chosen instead. I'm just used it it and there are a few celebs with the same name, so it isn't as unusual anymore.

  10. Nope. "Always name your child a classic, strong name. Fad names are cheap." Right or wrong the expression holds up.

    Would you rather take an order from Chad, Thad or a Charlas?

  11. Nope.....I've the most common yet famous name in my country!!!
    Meaningful too.....

  12. Sure. Warren Buffet would have been nice.

  13. @Olive Ouch, especially now with the Karen meme. (If you don't know it you have to google it)

    1. My personal fave, apologies to all Karens in advance.

    2. @gauloise perhaps I should have just used Jennifer our Kristy to refer to (my generation, anyways) a very common name, so common there are 4-5 in any given class or graduating class. My apologies Karens of the world! Not trying to perpetuate that meme.

    3. My apologies for typos too as apparently I’m gonna have to start using the preview bc my keyboard surely, time and time again at the very last second still thinks it’s smarter than me.

  14. Yeah you can tell how old someone is by their name. My sister is hugely pissed she’s named Karen.

  15. My parents were going to name me Barbara, but my sisters intervened and they named me something else that was not that popular way back when. It's pretty common today, though.

  16. When I was little I hated my first name ( Valencia) All the girls had names like Mary or Kathy. Plus I was the only Mexican American in my class. No one could ever pronounce it the right way . I find out that my mom wanted to name me Guadalupe 😂. Well today I adore my name and say it proudly, correct pronunciation!!

  17. When I was younger, yes. Having an Irish name growing up on the edge of protestant areas was not a fun time.

    Now? Now I'm proud as fuck of my Irish name, and God help those who pronounce or spell it wrong! No fada? No nice!

    1. I feel your pain, coming from glesga.

  18. In my own personal mythology, I named myself, since my parents couldn't stop bickering over what to name me.

  19. @Wee S.
    I might have tried to kick your melt in in my stupid youth. If so please accept my apologies and the fact that I was so crap at fighting that youd've probably whales the livin shite out of me anyway .

    Lived on the Prod edge of Lenadoon back in the early 70s. That's when there was a 'prod' edge there of course.😁

  20. No. It's a feminine, nice sounding name, sort of old fashioned. Not too common, but is international.

  21. Sometimes, but only because people always spell my name every way but correctly (Eric, Arik, etc).

  22. I was named after a morning news lady from San Diego. Allison, its a nice name, I think I will keep it.

    1. Snap! And proper spelling with double L 😊

  23. Ah @flashy Vic I'm sure you would have, but glad to hear you wouldn't now!

    I used to change my name when walking through Portadown, cursing my mother for giving me a chucky name. Now I couldn't give a f**k.

  24. @A Claire.

    I'm disappointed it's not Veronica Corning stone. Or Tits Magee. Or Pirate hooker from Whore Island.

    All Anchorman references, just in case you think I'm getting at you. I'm most certainly am not.

    Stay Classy, San Diego.

  25. @Wee S.

    Yeech, Portadump...I mean down. You have my sympathies.

    Funnily enough my first name is a bit Irishy and my surname could be either, so I used to get called '***** the taig' by some of the budding Oscar Wildes at my old secondary school. Oh how we all laughed...well those cunts did.

    1. I was baptised a proper Irish Catholic with four names, five if you count my confirmation name so I could have a different name every day of the school week if I wanted.

      And I don't come from portyup, my prod friends went to school there.

  26. They did okay with my Christian names, but friends and family have always called me by a nickname. My real name is reserved for work and the occasional invitation card.

  27. @Malapropos: Yikes!!!!

  28. @Flashy HAHAHA, right? Oh, and I love lamp!

  29. Yes and no. I never got my name in a mug, keychain or magnet and hated it when I was younger, but I like that its unique now. Glad I didnt end up a Brittany, Tiffany or typical 80s baby name.

    1. Or Jennifer!

    2. I had the same issues growing up but love my name now.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. No,I like my name. I didn’t when I was a kid ,it’s a very old fashioned name.

  32. I used to, but then I grew up and it doesn't bother me anymore.

  33. Anonymous4:26 PM

    At the time, yes - now my name is French and old-fashioned. I named my sister. Her name is Julia. She goes by her middle name.

  34. Mine did. I got to first grade and wondered who this John person was. I'm Sky.

  35. Why do you ask, Two Dogs Fucking?

  36. Funny Story.

    Growing up, I always thought I was a Jr. because my dad and me had the same name.

    However, when I went to get my NV Real ID, the lady there said my name wasn't as a Junior.

    She explained that my birth certificate name doesn't match my dad's, nor is Jr. indicated on it.
    She explained that my dad's name on the certificate is D.A Howes.
    Mine was my full name.

    She said I've never been a Jr because of this.



  37. Considering they wanted to name me Mildred Gudelia? No, I feel lucky...

  38. Trumpa.
    they were close

  39. Yes. Mine was one of the most common names that year. There were three of us in a 30 kid class. Boring.

  40. I heard Ron Guidry interviewed yesterday and i thought Guidry would be an interesting first name, for a hillbilly or redneck boy.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. As long as you didn’t live amongst a million guidrys... then you would just be known as dat fool who gave their kid a (very) common Cajun last name.

  41. I hate my name, always did. I regularly make up names at different events just for fun (when asked my name). I have several different ones that i use. Now that i'm older, my name is an old lady name and I really hate it.

  42. Yes. Would have liked to have my Grandmother's name...Genevieve.

  43. Yes. I have the same name as my father. Always hated it.

  44. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Yes! I never found anything with my name on it as a kid.

  45. Hate my name. I have no middle name either so kind of stuck with it. It is a very well known basic bitch name.

  46. Obviously named after a very famous book and film character. My sister was named Allison after the chick on Melrose Place. Mom was not on drugs (that I know of)



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