Thursday, February 06, 2020

Today's Blind Items - Watch Your Back

Back in the day, right before their reality show hit the airwaves and they became famous overnight, they weren't as careful with their business as they should have been. They didn't know the general public would be asking so many questions about finances and how could they afford this and that with what appeared to be no income. It was fine when they were quiet mobster types, but now they were on television every week. They finally got their act together around the third season in. They all had stories and stuck to the same script. The problem is, one of the guys, who we will call D was trying to take over a lot of contracts run by someone we will call E.

Now, D was much younger than E and much more brash and took everything he learned about E and spread it to the media through a bunch of leaks and also made sure higher level mob guys also learned about it. D got so into it that he didn't even care that he was hurting his own family. D was tired of scrambling and shuffling paper and money to make it look he was rich. He actually wanted to be rich and if a family member or two had to be thrown under the bus, so be it.

D got his wish. He landed all E's contracts plus some new ones as a thank you from the people who passed them out. This worked great for D for several years. Now though? E has aligned himself with some very powerful people and is telling them all kinds of secrets about D and how D has been lying about how much he is earning. The people who awarded the contracts are just discovering this. Meanwhile, D has no idea E has been undercutting D and D has been trash talking E. The clock is ticking though on the future of D. I am not talking about his future on the show which will probably never end. I am talking about his future. His breathing future. He committed some really serious misdeeds and the people in charge aren't happy. Will his "fame" save him or will they use him as an example.


  1. joe Gorga/Guidice?

    1. My first thought too. Good if true.

  2. I'm also thinking Joes Gorga and Guidice.

  3. Going with the joes...both gorga and guidice last night episode had gorga talking smack about guidice and they replayed their infamous "joe brawl"

  4. joe gorga is only 7 years younger than joe giudice tho..

  5. no...Joe Guidice is almost 9 years older than Gorga

  6. almost 8*.Guidice turns 48 ina couple months.

  7. "his breathing future" omg Enty that is a classic I can't stop laughing!

  8. IKR @E..."like as in-breath, waking up and what not"

  9. fits guidice and gorga to a tee.

  10. @ tricia - almost 8 years is 7 thats not 'much younger' though i agree it sounds like them.

  11. But Melissa Gorga (and Joe) didn't join RHNJ until Season 3.

  12. I agree Boozie...but I remember that being a source of contention for the. Guidice being insecure b/c Gorga was a younger, more successful version. That said, haven't watched that show in 6 or more years. I just cant lol

  13. Anonymous10:58 AM

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  14. I would say Gorga/Guidice but the way this is worded it says right before they became famous overnight, Gorga didn't join the show right away, I think it was the 3rd or 4th season. This makes it seem that they both joined the show from the start.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. It has to be Joe Gorga. He didn't go on the show until 2011, 2 years into the show.

    But what was that clown ever successful in? It was all a ruse to get on the show. That's why Melissa is keeping her Envy store, even if it is bleeding money (per an Enty blind) because they have no story line without it. They don't even pretend he works, he's just there to listen to Teresa while Joe is incarcerated this season.

  17. If this is The Guidices does that mean their daguhters will be doing the yachting circuit in a few years?

  18. Andy Cohen revealed when interviewing the Guidice's, Teresa asked something like "Have any others in the franchise been audited?" He was stunned....

  19. What is most astounding to me about this blind is
    "They didn't know the general public would be asking so many questions about finances and how could they afford this and that with what appeared to be no income"

    The mobsters are so dumb that they didn't know anyone would wonder how they made their money
    the American public is so dumb that they have to ask...

  20. @Melit, It's a reality show, most people assume it's all fake unless they're completely brain dead. Might as well be Amish Mafia.

  21. Amish mafia is based on a lot of reality. The Amish are not all what they seem.

  22. @chi, First it was albinos, now it's the Amish, is no one safe on this site?

  23. I think this is Joe Gorga and Joe Guidice. After a 2 year boycott, I have watched some of this year and it follows the plot of this blind. After saying that, the last few episodes felt sickening, and I'm done. I'm sure Andy Cohen will not weep any tears at my exit.

    As far as the Amish, I'm not bashing them. They are human. I work around them, deal with them, and know how they work to a certain extent. Lebanon Levi's book is very accurate. So read Amish Mafia and get a taste of the real Amish. The stories are real, and some happened near where I lived, so I was able to watch the court room progress. Anyways, the Amish are just humans too. The end.

  24. Check out Joe Giudice's IG. He's traveling in the Carribean, including Cuba. He couldn't get enough of being near Al Capone's hotel suite. Only traveling with dudes (including his Canadian cellbuddy from the slammer) and is on a "journey". Do I hear gay bells ringing?

  25. Allow me to throw out the 'Jersey Shore' gentlemen.

  26. Oops - meant to put the 'quote marks' over gentlemen.

    1. Was just thinking the same. About Jersey Shore, that is, not the quotation marks 🤣

  27. "...That said, haven't watched that show in 6 or more years. .." This 'show' has been on for MORE than 6 years???! WHO watches this shit??!

  28. Not sure if it's a about Joe and Theresa because the blind says they got their act together season 3. Pretty sure they were in bankruptcy by then and the fraud allegations started up right away.

  29. Apparently there are several puppy Mills that were run out of Amish country. So for that alone, fuck them

  30. Can you imagine if this was pertaining to the Duggar family??

  31. Not to derail, but the fight between the Joes at that weekend therapy retreat was one of the best things I've ever seen on reality. Gorga still had some hair then but was going bald. He used that Ronco type bald head spray in black before shooting. That black crap was EVERYWHERE...Guidice's white pants got especially stained. No one could figure out where it was coming from. It was on the walls, carpet.....

    Gorga did a confessional stating he had sprayed his head. Then showed up bald in the next season. was funny as hell.

    Then he lost me when he claimed he was full of "poison" that had to be let loose everyday. Gross.
