Monday, February 03, 2020

Today's Blind Items - Two For One

#1 This foreign born B+ list actor has always been dual threat. He just got his biggest break though with this new streaming show which was renewed for a second season prior to even an episode being aired. Anyway, our actor once lived in downtown LA and dated a series of actresses who all thought they were the only person he was dating. There was one actress in particular who wanted to share her story about the actor. They dated for over a year, broke up, got back together and then eventually ended it last year. She couldn't take his narcissistic ways and he was most likely cheating on her. Even though he would fly her to the UK to visit him and take her to parties, he never had her on the red carpet with him. Even after they broke up he would contact her telling her he missed her and needed her. While visiting him once, they were staying at a hotel and that's when he shared his favorite fetish with her. He told her that he wanted to share all of himself with her and wanted her to share all of herself with him. He went on to tell her he wanted them to pee on each other. So they went into the bathroom and started having sex, in the middle of their sex he stopped and they peed all over each other and then finished.  She thought it was okay, she was't really into it but did it because he asked her to.

#2 Even a decade ago, this former A- list tweener singer turned meth head adult had a serious drug problem. He was also a diva. One year, our singer was the talent for a Miss Teen USA pageant. After the pageant was over there was a big party for all the contestants and their families, friends, the judges etc were all there and so was our singer. A couple of the contestants were big fans of the singer, so sought him out. Two contestants ran over to him and were all over him hugging him and kissing on him and he loved it. There was a third contestant who was not interested in the singer or fawning all over him. This made the singer interested in her.  He invited the three to go back to his hotel to party with him and his back up dancers. So they all get in his limo and then his diva attitude kicked in. He got mad that the third contestant was flirting with one of his back up dancers and literally crossed his arms and started to pout like a baby saying he didn't want to hang out unless the third contestant gave him a kiss. The two fawning contestants wanted to party and the third didn't want to disappoint them, so the third contestant gave in and kissed him. He got all happy again and they continued to head to his hotel. Once they got to the hotel room drinks started flowing, music was put on and they started dancing and having fun. Our singer was in the corner on the phone yelling at someone saying "I need it now and if you don't deliver I'll never buy from you again." He started to break things and knock over lamps yelling and stomping his feet like a child. He then locked himself in the bathroom and said he wouldn't' come out until someone got him his cocaine. His back up dancers told the three contestants that this always happened. All he ever wanted was coke 24/7. The three contestants didn't want to jeopardize their titles, so they bailed.  Over the next couple years, he would reach out to the three and always try and hookup and was always asking if they had any drugs or do drugs with him. 


  1. 1. Someone from Lord of the rings streaming show?

  2. 1) Henry Cavill
    2) Aaron Carter

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Not Henry Cavill, his biggest break would be Superman, not the Netflix show.

  5. The girlfriend should have kept that information to herself. She consented to it. It’s not like they had sex with animals or kids.

    When people kiss and tell I think less of the person telling the story, not the other person.

  6. The first one is not LILO! She would have loved it!

  7. 1 is Tom Hiddleston. This Loki series on Disney Plus. Apparently, there will be a second season.

  8. I don't think Tom Hiddleson's biggest break is his new Disney show. Maybe Pedro Pascal from Mandalorian.

  9. Damn Enty, kink shame much? ;)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. #1) pee pee is not really that big of deal
    #2) this is also lot of words to describe a very common occurrence.

    Are you needing validation Enty?
    You're good enough and smart enough and gosh darnit people like you.

  12. I could see Mando pissing on a chick while Baby Yoda stood by drinking some soup. Star Wars gets weird y'all.
    However Pedro Pascal's biggest breaks would arguably be Narcos or Game of Thrones.

  13. We have truly degenerated as a culture. There is a headline in the NYPost about Weinstein and golden showers today. I guess it's trending?

  14. Bieber for the second one.

  15. Can't see Aaron Carter with Beauty Queens. But his broke ass can't afford

  16. Ask to pee on me and you will get laughed at, right in your face. No.

    Biebs for #2

  17. @momo, Consider yourself blessed if you didn't have to read descriptions of his genitalia last Friday.

    1. Oh no! What fruit or vegetable am I going to have to stop eating now?

  18. @Low Key Enty used to consider Hiddleston a womaniser in the past.

  19. 2) Aaron Carter, for sure. He was on Miss Teen USA as the entertainment back in 2005, he had 2 backup dancers for his cringy performance

  20. That description was enough to make me gag, Harry don’t care he just needed to take his shot for an erection

  21. 1) Anyone else never going to hear "streaming" show in relation to Loki the same way?😵 (i had no clue, but Sus had good info)

    2) definitely sounds like Aaron Carter, and that his little teen brain was like one of those coke monkeys in the bad lab experiments you used to read about. I genuinely believe this guy's brain chemistry is severely damaged from too much drug use during development.

  22. Can I go back in time and not read this blind?

  23. I am just guessing. Poor Hiddles. But in my opinion, there is nothing that scandalous about the blind. Not my kink, but nothing wrong between consenting adults.

  24. Bieber, he performed at a teen usa pageant

  25. Oh, them golden showers
    Oh, them golden showers
    Golden showers I'm goin' to guzzle
    Because they taste so sweet

    Oh, them golden showers
    Oh, them golden showers
    Golden showers I'm goin' to wear
    To walk the golden street

  26. Anonymous6:14 PM

    I can't believe no one thought of Joey Batey for #1.

    THE WITCHER was renewed for season 2 before 1 began, so its someone from that show. Batey is dual threat (actor and singer) and had his big break as Jaskiel The Bard on that show. Hello, the viral hit "Toss A Coin To Your Witcher?" He fits all the clues.

  27. Anonymous6:15 PM

  28. My dog goes pee-pee on command.

  29. @judyC my diabetic dog peed on command too so we could check his BSL and titrate his insulin. Aren't they clever?
    Whenever I hear about golden showers and feacal fetishes I recall the teachings of Sigmund Freud and the psychological development (or not) of humans and view it clinically. Not exciting at all.

  30. I thought #1 was going to lead to assplay and anal.

    I would let a broad pee on me if she was hot enough and wanted it. My only 2 interests in pee w/ broads is I'd like to leave my prick in a broad's butt, after cumming, then pee in her, and I'd like to spray my jizz all over a broad's face, then rinse it clean with my piss.

  31. my cat wouldn't do that

    he's lovely and white like a little polar bear

  32. Guys, #1 isn't physically possible. Men can't pee while they have an erection, it's just basic anatomy. So they can't have "stopped in the middle" and had a pee-pee session. So whoever is telling this little tale is a liar.
