Monday, February 24, 2020

Today's Blind Items - The Meeting

Is she stirring the pot? She does enjoy making waves. It is one of the ways she keeps the focus off herself and on others. She in this case is a frequent visitor to this section. She is the spouse of one of the world's worst criminals. She also is best buddies with the celebrity CEO and the still wife of the serial cheater/sexual predator who thinks he can run for office again in the next year. Yeah. Anyway, there was a little dinner party and our spouse was talking about her makeup line and other things when someone decided to steer the conversation to politics. This is not one of her favorite topics, but she decided to throw a little bomb out there.

Shortly before his death, this offspring of a permanent A++ lister was desperate for financing. The publisher of his magazine was going to drop him and he needed investors. Despite his fame, no one wanted to partner with him because it was just throwing money away. Apparently one group that was willing to talk to him were drug dealers. Unfortunately, these particular investors would be arrested if they entered the US, so our offspring flew north to Canada to meet with them. He did this several times. It looked as if a deal was going to be made. Then, something happened. At a final meeting about a week before the death of our offspring, he flew north again, but this time was wearing a wire. The investors discovered it by accident because there was a metal detector in the lobby of the building where they were meeting and the alarm was set off by the wire. All the interested parties were in the lobby at the same time, moving through the detectors and everyone saw when the offspring had to remove his jacket and show what triggered the alarm.

A week later the offspring was dead. Or was it a witness protection program. The spouse says he was killed. The thing is though, she would have been about ten when it happened and is relying on what her husband had to say about it all.


  1. Emma Aispuro/Huma/Musk

  2. Mrs El Chapo, Anthony Weiner and Mrs. Weiner

  3. El Chapo's wife, Musk, Huma, and Anthony Weiner

  4. Forgot Musk but his part in all this is complete b.s. anyway, much of the rest is also quite questionable.

  5. JFK Jr. for the offspring of the permanent A++

  6. Is this supposed to be about JFK Jr and George Magazine?

  7. Is this saying JFK Jr might still be alive?

    1. There is a looney QAnon video that alleges that Kennedy and his wife were at a Trump rally.

  8. somewhat dorvannn. In any case, Weiner is a convicted felon, spent time in jail, cannot vote and certainly cant run for office. Musk cant afford to lose any contracts he has with governments by associating with people like Mrs. El chapo, which would make him a security risk, but Enty and Hedge do have that short they are losing their asses on, so he's always involved in stuff like this.

  9. @MyDog, That was my first thought, do the ages match up with her being about ten?

  10. Same here Brayson. Her date of birth is July 3, 1989.

    1. And JFK Jr’s death is states at July 16, 1999. Did Cartels like her husband’s have that much power back then? Not Mafia?

  11. offspring of a permanent A++ lister = JFK Jr, his failing magazine, George

  12. Emma is 30. JFK jr died in 1999. Don’t believe this at all.

  13. I believe this is one of them fictional tales.

    The weather was bad, Junior was not qualified on flying dependent on instruments, and he was recovering from an injury. He never should have gone up that night, much less taken anyone with him.

  14. @Thia, That's what the possible witness protection is implying, but I don't see a Kennedy wearing a wire. Grandpappy Kennedy was a bootlegging gangster himself. Then again they say JFK died because he pissed off Chicago so it would be following a separate family tradition. But wasn't there another person besides his SO on the plane, that would be awkward. As we learned from Teddy, when there's a death and a Kennedy, whiskey is usually to blame.

  15. Yes, JFK Jr, his wife, and her sister were all on the plane.

  16. JFK Jr died from being a dummy. Same reason it took him 3x and special considerations to pass the bar exam.

  17. Luis Silva de Balboa and a group of investors met with JFK jr in Canada to discuss buying the magazine prior to JFK jrs accident.

  18. A Kennedy up to no good?! Colour me shocked!

  19. Fan fiction

    There were so many reasons take-off was delayed and a non-instrument landing was made impossible.

    I can't imagine Carolyn and her sister would both agree to go into witness protection and have their parents believe they were killed.

    Their parents grief and lawsuit was no act

  20. Doesn't a large part of this qcrowd think JFKjr is alive?

  21. JFKjr and George magazine. JFK was killed by Allan Dulles.

  22. I was getting JFK Jnr from this blind but I don't think he's alive.

  23. I think this is one if the fictional blinds. I heard JFK Jr. was suicidal. I don’t know I'm sick of hearing about the Kennedys & other dynasties. If I want to obsess over dynasties I would move to the UK.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. @MyDog, Well with that birth date and him dying in 1999 then everything matches up. Does seem like BS, I don't think they'd risk the grief considering the shit storm that Kiki Camarena's death caused.

  26. Hillary took out JR. to get her senate seat.

  27. And 5 4 3 2 1

    It will be here and posting soon about the validity of the blind. Mark my words

  28. Agreed @Brayson With all the stuff I've read and watched about JFK Jr. over the years, nothing would shock me at this point when it comes to his death...

  29. Were I afraid for my life, and wanted to fake my death, I'd find something I was competent at, and stage an accident doing it.

    Were John-John to come to me, say he was afraid for his life, and pay me handsomely to alter paperwork at an airport, I might just do it.

    But everything YOU read is real. Seriously. All of it. Realsy reals.

  30. @E

    No need for that, people quickly found the plot holes in this one.

    And why would you give a fuck about somebody debunking a fake story? You should be glad, whoever does it, when you're spared from taking part in a lie.

  31. JFK Jr. died because he was not instrument rated but still decided to fly from New Jersey to Martha's Vineyard despite heavy haze.

    Haze obscures the horizon. Once you lose sight of the horizon, and you're not instrument rated, your life expectancy plummets precipitously due to spatial disorientation.

  32. ...and we have contact! You could almost set your watch by it

  33. Why do none of the links work for the archives? I want to read some older stuff but every link just brings me to the blinds for today.

  34. Why does Enty say Weiner is going to run again for office when HE KNOWS, Weiner is a CONVICTED FELON and CAN'T RUN? I'm sure Huma is still married to him, because they have a son, and his family is EXTREMELY WEALTHY. As his wife, she has access to that MASSIVE FORTUNE.

    These Huma/Weiner blinds are vile right wing trash.

  35. I remember when JFK Jr. died. Dr. Bob Arnot was on Larry King Live and said HE was flew out that same night, and the conditions were TERRIBLE. You could ONLY fly by instrument training. JFK Jr. was not instrument trained yet. He let his co-pilot go home, they took off very late, JFK, Jr. became disoriented in the ZERO VISIBILITY. He got into a death spiral and died. That's what happened.

  36. Enty, the Q anon wingnuts peddling this complete garbage to you, the FBI is having to deal with a lot problems due to these nuts. They are being called DOMESTIC TERRORISTS by the FBI:

  37. The way I read this blind, there are the players, the facts, the story, and a tease from Enty. The players are Emma Coronel Aispuro (The Spouse), Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman (The Criminal), Elon Musk (The Billionaire), Huma Abedin (The Wife of the Convicted Politician), Anthony Weiner (The Convicted Politician), JFK (The Permanent A++ Politician), JFK Jr. (The Offspring with The Magazine, "George"). So the relationships between The Spouse, and The Billionaire and The Wife are purported facts per previous blinds here. The Billionaire and The Convicted Politician are superfluous to the story. Their mention only serves to further identify The Spouse. It is a fact that JFK's son JFK, Jr. had a magazine called George, and he did die in a plane crash under circumstances that people have questioned over the years (then again, how many Elvis sightings are there each year, right?). The story is that the magazine was in trouble and that Jr. was meeting in Canada with some shady potential investors. Putting aside the questioning of his death in general, and The Tease made here by Enty regarding Witness Protection, it does seem that there was at least one group of investors interested in "George" at the time of JFK Jr.'s death, and that the group was made up of characters whose backgrounds were suspect ( To me that is the takeaway from this blind. I do not see the world any differently if JFK Jr. is or is not still alive. And if he was in Witness Protection, what became of the case? Surely any statute of limitations would have passed by now, right? Especially, if the crooks were involved in financial crimes, such as money laundering, which is what the NY Post article seems to hint at. As to the remainder of The Story in this blind, it would seem the question is whether or not the Dinner Party and conversation described actually took place? Or did Enty just pull together a fantasy revolving around the NY Post article, or one similar to it?

  38. JFK Jr.'s publisher was Hachette, run by expletive deleted DAVID PECKER, who ran THE NATIONAL ENQUIRER, who is currently under a plea agreement with the FEDS over his "catch and kill" stories for Comrade Trump. According to Ronan Farrow, who wrote a must read book "Catch and Kill" about these practices, Dylan Howard, one of Pecker's top men, who also paid off INDICTED PERV R. Kelly via shell corporations for trash, shredded an entire SAFE'S worth of KOMPROMAT on Trump after he was elected. I trust NOTHING any of them say.

    1. Great info. Just to clarify, Pecker was President at Hachette and greenlit George. Today he is CEO of
      American Media (publisher of all the rags), which is owned by Chatham Asset Management and Omega Charitable Partnership. See? As CDAN can attest, gossip is excellent business since the hedge funds/private equity pirates are in it now.

  39. @Studio54 Enjoy the show :)

  40. I think some of y'all are taking a blind gossip site a little too seriously. Domestic terrorists... really.

  41. Anyone can go to the CNN archives and read the Larry King Live transcript from around July 18,1999 w/ Dr. Bob Arnot a registered pilot as well as a doctor, about the horrible conditions that were present the night he flew out to I believe Nantucket, the same night JFK, his wife and passengers all died, with JFK , Jr. as the pilot.

  42. I also remember that JFK jr and his horrible wife were having another one of their interminable fights. That woman was horrible and it was a gift to humanity when she left this world.

  43. @Unknown

    The AGCWebpages links from 2014 to 2017 (approximately) are broken, because they were written for the other platform, you know, the one that was ridiculous from day one and then didn't get a single fix during three years. Then, Enty brought the blog back to Blogger. The early links (before the switch) were fine, but all the posts on the other platform received new URLs during the transfer.
    That's why you can't read the posts by clicking on these links on AGCWebpages, you have to find them here on the blog archive, by picking the right week and trying your luck between several "Blind Item #7".

  44. From the Daily Beast article about nutcase groups like QAnon:

    "A previously unpublished FBI bulletin from May 30 says that for the first time the agency is labelling “conspiracy theory-driven domestic extremists” as a growing threat. The report points to fringe conspiracy theories as being potentially harmful and having the potential to expand in the 2020 election cycle. “The FBI assesses these conspiracy theories very likely will emerge, spread, and evolve in the modern information marketplace, occasionally driving both groups and individual extremists to carry out criminal or violent acts,” the document says."

  45. Why wouldn't he just get some money from his mother?

  46. Blindasthenextguesser, I think you have it.

    The thing that does change is if as some of us have read, JFK,Jr. was told there was going to be an attempt on his life and who was behind it.

    Depending on how the gov't wants to frame the drug thing, there could be NO statute of limitations. Say, they wanted to charge the drug dealers with funneling money to terrorists or if the top dealer himself was involved in terrorism, any statutes of limitation go out the window.

    This also applies to sex crimes involving children. We can about place money that at least some of the people in this blind are involved in 1 if not both of these no statutes crimes.

  47. this is some 4chan conspiracy porn lol

  48. They found remains so no, none of them were alive - also I don’t think the sister was initially supposed to be on board.

    There were MULTIPLE warning to NOT fly that night. There were ppl that stayed grounded by JFK jr. thought he could handle it just like Kobe Bryant’s pilot assumed he was just fine to fly thru ZERO VISIBILITY fog. Sometimes it’s one’s overestimation of ability & thinking nature won’t be such a big deal.

    Nature always wins. Humans will go extinct. Remaining life will evolve. Rinse & repeat. Homosapiens w/o our modern stuff would be dead w/o it

  49. One fun blind tho I liked was the James Dean Died In 2003 blind reveal. Fun to think about. Wonder who the wife was....

  50. Lol just reread the blind...

    Big error: even a wire in that year wouldn’t set off a metal detector. Not enough to trigger it esp since the wires as far back as, well, a long ass time. This is something I know for sure. I have family members involved in a profession who would confirm this, & it can easily be accessed as information online. Also - the feds & SS wouldnt let the meetup happen surreptitiously anyway

    if anybody is interested, the history of tech forensics = really fascinating. I can promise you the metal detector set off by a wife...flat out false. Even then. Even 1975. Even 1938. I almost went into a relevant profession under a relevant career umbrella.

    Btw, Mrs El Chapo can say whatever she think you’re not being watched lol....think again...oh, & if you’re thinking of a three letter a game of hot & cold, you’re chilly. Nobody ever said there weren’t outsourcings of enforcement.

  51. What is the definition of insanity?

    Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result

  52. @noththisagain As a Canadian, I wondered where they might have met with metal detectors. Hand guns are rare here- well only criminals and cops have them (too much paper work and restrictions to go thru). And in the 1990's that mean't that it might have been privately owned building in Quebec, during the bloody biker war. So lets say Montreal. And were the Mexican cartels even that big in 1999, let alone in Quebec (they are now, our dumb leaders dropped visa requirements for Mexicans, and now the cartels are in Montreal).

  53. Anonymous8:52 PM

    @longtimereader is correct. JFK was killed by Allan Dulles. read The Devil's Chessboard. CIA are gangsters with suits and badges.

  54. @Studio54 @sandybrook

    You're both wrong about the law. The Constitution permits convicted felons to be elected and serve in Congress, and this has happened before. Weiner could indeed run for his old office again.

    State law governs who can run for state government. New York forbids felons from running for public office, but there is a big loophole -- a felon need only apply for a Certificate of Good Conduct, based on showing that he has "reformed" and has not been convicted again, to be able to run for office. This is a low bar.

    Of course, Weiner could also just move to a different state that does not bar felons from office.

  55. Wait....was this story told by drug dealers?
    Well, it must be true.

  56. After reading all the comments, I'm shocked by how many people believe everything they read, see, hear.

    Just because CNN reported something, doesn't mean it's correct.

    There's a huge possibility the drug dealers wife is telling a story that's been altered many times over the years.
    I'm sure drug fueled paranoia has changed the original story many times.
    Even drug dealers love a good conspiracy.

  57. Yep, @bollybiy is correct. For example, Alcee Hastings was convicted of taking a bribe when he was a judge and is now serving as a Rep. from FL.

  58. HushHush - the American Embassy is the only place I can think of that would have metal detectors going into the building. Former co-worker worked as a security guard there for a short time.


  60. Huma, Weiner, JFK Jr

  61. Holy crap!! @. and @E you guys are REAL!!! as in REALLY REAL

  62. OMG!! @. and @E , this is REAL...I know who you both are! I do my research, you know LOL

  63. I think Enty meant "She" will be running for office again...and the serial cheater/sexual predator is Bill Clinton and the spouse is Hillary trying to run for office again.

    The rest I think may well be spot on!
