Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Today's Blind Items - Government Sanctioned Trafficking

It has been a rough year for this sometime reality star. His wealth has been threatened by those who have more money and making matters worse he has two women he is trying to make a deal with so they don't sue him for sexual assault. One of them he got pregnant too. His empire has not been under this much of a threat since his straight up criminal days a couple decades ago. He likes being a celebrity and having women younger than his daughters want to sleep with him. One thing he really misses is big big power and he finally has another shot at that.

He is part of a project which is going to traffic people from all over the world to make him and some others rich. He and his partners are importing tens of thousands of people from India and other Southern Asia countries to make a project in a Middle Eastern country come to fruition. It is backed by banks and other banks who are the main conduit for financing terrorists. Make no mistake, our reality star, who all of you know, doesn't care where they money comes from r where the profits are going or who is going to die building the project, he just wants it done. He had his fill of regulation and now wants to ignore all of that. When you are importing a whole bunch of workers to be exploited, you also have to import vices for them to spend their money on. Our reality star and his partners will be trafficking women to be exploited. They will get no wages, but will be forced to have sex with men for money which will go right back into the pockets of our reality star and his partners.

They believe in the old company town philosophy. They want the workers to not ever get ahead. Everything they need will be provided at a cost. Keep them always under pressure and always owing and if they get sick or injured, kick them out and let them fend for themselves. Of course they will do so without a passport because those are to be confiscated. But hey, at least our reality star will have a world record to his name.


  1. if you say so Enty!! Rverybody is a trafficker on this site, just like everybody reads it but NOT everybody bought your podcast so there's still hope.

  2. The fan fiction about Courtney Love last week was better though.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I don't know if the reality star is involved, but this is how much of the global economy functions. The UN is a f*cking joke.

  5. Plz reveal the project at least....Iam flooded with middle East job offers in my mail/YouTube recommendations !
    I didn't even search for middle East jobs!

  6. The project is maybe all the buildings for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.

    It is basically being done by imported slave labor

  7. +1 NE peanut, That guess fits the blind!

  8. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/477585-bloomberg-wont-release-women-who-sued-him-from-ndas

  9. The World Cup will be a celebration of slavery.

  10. Jeddah Tower in Saudi Arabia tallest building in the world the Binladin group is part of construction team.

    1. Binladen group.... second name for trustworthiness!!!

  11. When was Michael Bloomberg a "sometime reality star"? Did I miss something? And 20 years ago he didn't have "straight up criminal days"; maybe behind the scenes but he was the head of the Bloomberg industry that provided expensive hardware and information to financial companies all over the world (eventually sold to Merrill Lynch, I believe).

    This is def Hadid

  12. Anyone who has ever worked on a trading desk or for any financial services firm/investment bank is well acquainted with the ubiquitous Bloomberg terminal

  13. No Hadid is always with young women it’s disgusting to see.

  14. Sounds like a real man of the people right?

  15. @sandybrook
    The "Courtney is a killer" saga was mostly an Himmmm obsession, even if the blind items were anonymous in those days. The guy was in complete denial when one of his idols committed suicide. To him, that could only be the work of some evil woman, and he wrote story over story to show it. Cut to 2017, and it was the exact same narrative about the death of Chris Cornell. It couldn't be depression, it was murder by some evil woman, and there's an entire series of blind items to prove it.
    The irony is of course what Himmmm suffered from.

    Then, Courtney Love means very little in our days, and, with Himmmm out of the picture, it's tempting to "retcon" everything and to put it all on David Geffen. The problem is the writing. The blind was even more cringe-worthy than the speech from Christoph Waltz in Spectre, where he takes credit for everything bad in James Bond's life.

  16. Wow. If this is true, Enty is pretty much a straight up dick for having this info and holding it for a reveal.

    1. Human trafficking is categorized as a national security issue, by Executive Order effective 1-1-2019. Everyone involved in these crimes against humanity will be subject to total asset forfeiture.

      If Hadid trafficks people, the NSA will catch him at it.

      I'm guessing he knows his time is nearly up, and he is just going to do WHATEVER until he is arrested.

  17. Go ahead, Hadid. And then watch as the Executive Order that went live on January 1, 2019 causes the eventual confiscation of ALL of your assets. And everyone else involved.

  18. @Angela,the Courtney killed Kurt narrative goes back to the day he died.It was a constant,and got a new life from "Soaked in Bleach". Nothing at all to do with Himmmm,except that he agreed with it. The Cornell narrative was a copy of this, based partly on "The Rockstar"s girlfriend" blind, and a years long hatefest against Vicky and her Mother by obsessed fans,some on Lipstick Alley. Enty rarely mentioned him prior to his death,the only story was Chris trying to block a video of Brittany Murphy at his and Vicky's wedding. That's where Himmmm made his presence known here, at least in a obvious way.

  19. Why do people think this stuff is only known to Enty? @gauloise, that makes this blind sound almost possible. Although Hadid needs to stay out of the U.S. altogether,because he might go down anyway.

  20. @Tricia13,yes,I know,but some newcomers here think "he" has some profound knowledge for some reason. If someone is really from France,they could maybe enlighten us on why Roman Polanski is continuously lauded at award ceremonies, to an absurd degree,for mediocre work. Or at least explain Jerry Lewis.

  21. As for jerry Lewis..I was there when he was the Devil in Damn Yankees Revival in the early 90sBackstage opening Night ad the Parties etc...he was in his 60s I guess but relatively earth sprite. Always a gentleman to me, very different " offstage" than on.Kinda quiet

  22. *eyeroll* at Bloomberg. Hey farmers - focus on Sanders Sandinistas. More meat there. Enjoy your rubles


    ...But emphasizes it wasn't by anyone in the family or friends of the family. Well then, by who...? 🤔Come on, there's a huge story just waiting to be revealed here!

  24. Guesser, I've lived in Belgium for the past 20 years, and I've noticed some things about French culture since we often travel there (the border is only 12 kilometers from our house). Lately, there has been a book published by a woman who was sexually abused by a famous director, starting when she was 14 years old. He would pick her up from school and take her to his apartment for sex. This guy had always been lauded as a fabulous director, no matter that information about what happened has been out in the public for many years. Only when this woman wrote about it, did people decide to NOT excuse his behavior. Of course, he denied it. But this has been the first time that I have seen people in France not just shrug and let this kind of behavior alone. The director's latest award has been pulled, and he is being asked to explain himself. (This is much more than has been done to Roman Polanski, other than now he can't travel outside of France, which is a big restriction for him. After all, Switzerland refused to allow him to be extradited to the US.) When that teacher had the affair with her 13 year old student, the French wrote a book about what they called a May-December romance, and it was positive in nature.

    Look at that Charlie Hebdo magazine. It really printed some disgusting things, under the idea of free speech. I was just as aghast as anyone at the terrorism at their office, and the other people who didn't work there who were also killed. I have to say that I have never bought a copy of that magazine and probably never will. The sense of humor in it is ugly, even if there is some truth in it. A lot of French people said that they didn't agree with the humor, but they did agree the writers/cartoonists for that magazine had a right to say whatever they wanted to say. As for Jerry Lewis, he once made a film about a clown in a concentration camp. I think that cemented his worth as an actor and writer of worth. He was also very generous to others. And for the French, in general, once they take someone to their hearts, they don't let them go. However, times are changing.

  25. " Everything they need will be provided at a cost. Keep them always under pressure and always owing and if they get sick or injured, kick them out and let them fend for themselves."
    Isnt capitalism wonderful! Muh freedom and land of opportunity!!!



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