Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Today's Blind Items - The Blackmailer

There is a reason why this former A list mostly movie actor doesn't work like he used to back in the day. It isn't that he doesn't want to work, he just couldn't because there were too many women who said no to being his co-star. Our actor, who was really closer to A+ list when he was big had a wide variety of women who wanted to sleep with our actor. He wasn't interested in that. He wanted to sleep with women he had something he could hold over their head. He loved getting dirt on them whether it was drug use or a secret abortion or what have you. He then would force them to have sex with him in exchange for not leaking the information to a tabloid. In one of his longer relationships where he well and truly destroyed the mind and career of an at the time, A list mostly movie actress, he knew there was a sex tape between her and a director. It was a casting couch thing and the director is a well known a-hole. Our actress didn't know about the sex tape, but the actor had viewed it once and could describe the scene well enough to the actress that she believed him when he said the tape was in our actor's possession. He treated the actress like crap for years and degraded her and humiliated her and just used her until her spirit was gone. There was never any mat talk for her. Her story got out and since then, the actor has a hard time finding work. Plus, no one ever likes working with him anyway, so it was easy to find someone else.


  1. Weinstein for the A hole director?

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  3. Replies
    1. I thought he went Batsh*t that's why stopped working.

  4. @Indie, Weinstein was a producer.

    1. Thanks....
      His name pops up in my head as soon as I see Ahole!

  5. Just a hunch Edward Norton.

  6. mat talk is a cheer reference - is this about kristen dunst? doesn't say she stopped working altogether.

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  8. "In one of his longer relationships where he well and truly destroyed the mind and career of an at the time, A list mostly movie actress,"

    "He treated the actress like crap for years and degraded her and humiliated her and just used her until her spirit was gone. There was never any mat talk for her. Her story got out and since then, the actor has a hard time finding work"

    I think these are key to solving the blind. Some real jerk who ruined an A list mostly movie actress.

  9. Damn, is there anyone January Jones hasn't dated? I keep checking the names of various douchebags' exes and her name keeps popping up 😂

  10. Jim Carey was in relationships with Lauren Holly and Renee Zellweger at one point.

  11. That's why I thought Shia. Enty had several BI reveals in the past mentioning how Shia' destroyed Carey Mulligan's life while they were dating.

  12. as well as Mia Goth's life.

  13. WTF is "mat talk"?

  14. I like Cusack for this. He hasn't had a recognizable hit in a decade. Everything else has been direct to video or indie projects and his twitter feed seems like he's gone loco. I can't wait for the reveal as I'd like to know who the woman is.

  15. Based on the Kirsten Dunst guess, I'm saying Tobey McGuire.

    "Her story got out" makes me think this is something we heard about, and my first thought was Kristen Stewart, but I'm not sure what fits around her.

  16. Thought of Cusack and Neve Campbell. Maybe James toback for the director.

  17. I like the Russell Crowe/ Meg Ryan guess. She was America's Sweetheart for a time.

  18. if it's Dunst then i say Tobey McGuire also. I hear he is a real douche bag.

  19. Lara Flynn Boyle for the actress?

    1. This blind immediately made me think of her & Jack Nicholson.

  20. Oooh, so many douchebags so little time. Crowe, McGuire, and Cusack totally fit.

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  22. Mickey Rourke? He was prob A+ when he was young and cute. He broke down Carre Otis, but she was never A list, maybe some other woman?

    Mat talk for wrestling reference

  23. Wouldn't Nicholson be permanent A+, though? And didn't he retire because he has dementia?

  24. I like the Tobey guess. Totally sounds like him. He hasn't worked since 2017. Since he got divorced from Ron Meyer's daughter.

  25. This is so vague it sounds like a fishing expedition on the part of an actor's management team.

  26. +1 Norton, although I like the Maguire guesses as well.

  27. Neve Campbell
    John Cusack
    Harvey Weinstein
    I guess??

  28. Nicholson and Lara Flynn Boyle. There are many reports of how he had her degrade herself.
    Definitely drive her mad

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  31. A list movie actor = Warren Beatty Jack Nicholson

    doesn't work like he used to = Jack Nicholson Warren Beatty

    director is a well known a-hole = Polanski

  32. Nicholson, Anjelica Huston, Franco Zeffirelli

    Anjelica put up with years of sh*t from Nicholson.

  33. John Cusack and Neve Campbell

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  35. Let's not get all spaghetti method now, there have been some good guesses so far, which seems to fit the best?

  36. On board with John Cusack/Neve Campbell.

    It says "one of his longer relationships where he well and truly destroyed the mind and career of an at the time A list mostly movie actress"

    I don't see anyone else with a career that has been "truly destroyed", certainly not Kirsten Dunst or Carey Mulligan. Salma Hayek opted for a super rich hubby and I can't see Angelica Huston tolerating it for long (if at all) when this behavior is this guy's normal.

  37. James Woods and Sean Young. And yes, they were both A list for a brief moment decades ago. He torture her to the point of breaking her mind and ruining her career. Director is James Toback. Woods is the ultimate scum bag. When he had the TV show, Shark, he didn't get his then teenage costar Danielle Panabaker to date him for his charm and good looks.

  38. I like it... coucher and dickhead both high and dry.

  39. @samson, Really, James Woods and Danielle Panabaker?

    1. Panabaker's career is still going...Flash

  40. I think Nicholson and Angelica H had a good relationship, marred only by his cheating and the ensuing unpleasantness between them. He was a little in awe of her as John Huston's daughter.

  41. I really think it's Cusack too. He had a really good career at one time. And treated Neve Campbell like dirt. Big cheater. He is straight to Netflix now. I always wondered what happened.

  42. @samson, good guess!

  43. My first thought was Tobey Maguire because the blind sounds like the way Michael Cera played him in Molly's Game. But Cusack did have the bigger career.

  44. Whatever did or did not transpire between James Woods and Sean Young was not one of James' "longer relationships"
    He may be a sadistic asshole but she has her own issues - and whatever happened between them was highly disputed by passersby and witnesses...

    On the Neve Campbell issue - I had understood that her rampant drug use and inability to actually show up was more of a career killer than other issues...and was Neve "mostly movie" - she had 5 years of Party of Five?
    John Cusack is a dick though.

  45. I believe this is Neve Campbell and John Cusack - and has been covered before...

    I could be wrong though....

  46. My initial guess was james woods and Sean young as well

  47. Whoever it is, James Woods now looks like some huge gut slob.

  48. Remember when Enty used to say "oh yes, this will be revealed" on some blinds? Now he never says it anymore. What's up with that?

  49. Besides Woods who is a strong candidate (he cracked Heather Graham when she was 17) , what about Nicolas Cage? Doesn't he own some video-rigged hotel in Korea town or some shit like that?

  50. Wait, are you actually placing the blame on the asshole actor instead of the actress who supposedly had the free will to leave the relationship? Is this the Twilight Zone?

    Lots of great guesses, it sounds most like Cusack/Campbell to me. I don't think Jack Nicholson acts any longer because he's a fat old fucker basically.

  51. I don't think it's John Cusack, I could be wrong but I really don't think he's that evil.

    James Woods IS a huge dick, multiple actresses have complained about him re. #metoo and there is no way he got that sweet very young girl (almost a child) Danielle Panabaker to date him on his own merits. I think it's James Woods.

    Other guess of Tobey Maguire was good as we know his boring charmless short weird self loves to try humiliating women. Nicholson seemed quite a good guess too.

  52. I'll go with the John Cusack/Neve Campbell guesses. James Toback for the director.

    Harvey Weinstein has only directed 1 movie and that was in the mid 80s. No way it's him based on that. Wasn't Sean Young bat shit crazy anyway? She seems like the one to dish it back twice as hard if James Woods was really trying to have it over her.

  53. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Do you ever plan to raise your vibration, Enty? To love, light and compassion?
    EarthGaia is changing. Look around you.
    Ever been to Mt. Shasta? Felt the energies there? How about Mt.Fuji?
    These are Gaia's energy centers. They are also portals.
    Ever seen the new technologies, brought here by the Visitors?
    Promoting the lowest of the low, does not help.
    Raise your vibration.

    1. Sadly, this place will never be that.

  54. James Woods and John Cusack may be on opposite ends of the political spectrum but they definitely meet in the middle to be horrible assholes to women

  55. Always heard that JC was a horrible person to Neve. Never knew about alleged drug problem though. This must he obnoxious wanna be, no talent Tobey. Never understood how that guy became a movie star. Being married to A Meyer sure did help. nice to hear that their gigs have dried up.

  56. John Cusack is a POS, he made Neve Campbell's life a living hell. He always saw himself above others. Even on Twitter, that totally sick political fanaticism and blocking anyone who tries to put him in evidence or anyone who doesn't think like him. Also he's a creep, saw him on Twitter and Instagram liking pictures from naked women, fucking disgusting, he doesn't even try to hide he is a creep pos.

  57. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Hilary Swank
