Wednesday, February 05, 2020

Today's Blind Items - The A Lister

Throughout the years, I have written about this A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee. From his earliest days, he was the nemesis to this A list mostly movie actress who is a multiple Oscar winner/nominee. This was long before either of them were famous or even known outside their local circle. I wrote about how he tormented her and used her and told directors she would hit the casting couch. Even today, he is always looking for ways to use and manipulate women. Sure, he is married and has kids now, but that doesn't stop him from using that aww shucks kind of persona to find women to sleep with and then treat them like trash when they decide to. Several women who have slept with the actor over the past five years all say how cruel he is and how violent he can become in bed to the point where they wanted to flee, but he wouldn't let them. The actress he tormented so long ago still hates being in the same room with him because of the way he treated her.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Pacino for the actor?

  3. not Pacino, don't know why I thought he was married

  4. Sean Aston Barrymore

  5. Matt Mc/Sandra Bullock

  6. Michael Douglas because it runs in the family?

  7. Matty M and she were friends/dated tho..ended bad. Maybe Matty M and Renee Z

  8. throwing out there Sean Astin (?)

  9. Dammit, have we ever identified the bad aww shucks actor?

  10. Aww shucks actor I thought was Sean Astin.

  11. Sean Astin (the Aw shucks rapist) is not even close to A+ and has used his Aw Shucks personality to rape unknowns...not decent actresses.

    Anyway -
    Michael Douglas or Warren Beatty

    Meryl Streep

  12. Sean astin is definitely not in the person in this blind. Maybe warren Beatty and Diane Keaton??

  13. Jeff Bridges...?
    He seems pretty "aw shucks"

  14. I thought Hanks was 'Aww shucks'

  15. @MD, Thanks, that's what I thought too. Perhaps for this blind "that aww shucks kind of persona" is someone who seems similar to him.

  16. Wouldn't let them? So they reported being kidnapped upon escaping? Or they're still imprisoned? In oubliettes?

  17. Renée Zellweger and McConaughey

  18. Tom Hanks has been compared to Jimmy Stewart with his "aw shucks" persona. Hanks is a shitbag. Really, REALLY hoping Jimmy Stewart was not.

  19. So...
    Minnie Driver or Winona Ryder?

  20. I think the key is that both the actor and actress were known in "local circles" before they became famous.

  21. Gary Sinise or John Malkovich and Joan Allen

    All were original members of the Steppenwolfe Theater Group (Local to Chicago) and academy award winners nominees - she has 3

    the "known outside their local circle" makes me think this is some kind of local theatre or improv group

  22. As much as I hate to admit it, Matty M and Renee Zellweger fir this blind perfectly:

    A+ Academy Award Winner/Nominee - Matt Mc

    Multiple Academy award winner - Renee Z

    Local circle before they were famous - Texas ties, University of Texas students, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Enty writes a bunch about that era in TX

    Matt Mc is married with kids, definitely works the "aw shucks" angle

    Only problem is I don't think I've ever read anything about Matty being an assh*hole, correct me if I am wrong.

    1. Read the Passed Around Like Candy blind

    2. I had never heard anything either, but my pilot hubby just told me the other day he was on one of his flights and the flight attendant said he was VERY rude to her.

  23. Hoffman had a very slow Start to his career but was respected in NY circles, living at one time with Hackman and Duvall.

  24. Morgan Freeman? Just a guess

  25. I sincerely hope this is not supposed to be Gary Sinise - he has been married since 1981 and John Malkovich is not married...
    Sadly - this could be McConnaghey and Zellweger as they were both at UT at the same time and both in Dazed and Confused...

    I had never heard that he was an outright asshole and certainly not violent but I have never been there...


  27. @Philly
    Wow...that's damning.
    Hoffman and Streep.

  28. This is Matty M and Renee. There was a previous blind about him forcing her on the casting couch for a role early on. I've heard terrible stories about him. Plus, Renee is the woman that Enty often talks about when he says that an actress didn't talk to him for a while but is talking to him again.

  29. It can't be Meryl and Dustin - he was already famous by 1967 from "The Graduate", and she didn't start acting seriously in college until 1969.

    It's McConaughey and Zellwegger.

  30. #sheknew Meryl Streep? Dustin Hoffman always came across as a scumbag, never knew of him to be an aw shucks type.

  31. Thanks joe. I didn’t take into account the specific time for being a “nemesis”.
    Is mcconaughey known to cheat on that gorgeous wife? He lost his looks
    After he lost all that weight IMO.

  32. Oooooo. RZ film debut was Dazed and Confused

  33. Nicholson, literallydestroyed Lara Flynn Boyle mentally.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Step off Sinise- he's LITERALLY the nicest man alive. He would never.

    I don't know why people hate to say Matthew McConaughey; he seems like a douche.

    1. For reals, I had the opportunity to be around GS and his family for an intimate dinner party to raise money for Steppenwolf. Hands down THE ABSOLUTE NICEST Hollywood peraon that I ever met. The same for his wife and his extremely well mannered children.

  36. Definitely MM & Renee.

  37. +1 Puddy, that is the blind that Enty is referring to and it's pretty obvious from the comments who it is about.

    1. @Brayson87, this one too

  38. So is this implying that Renee Z casting couched with RIchard Linklater?

  39. Tom Hanks. The "aw shucks" rapist was outed as Sean.

  40. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Sean Astin is not A.

    This is Matthew M.
    Truly cannot stand the low vibe which exudes from that man...
    Or the way he parades his wife in public, only when he allows it, like she is a puppet on a string.
    This is 2020 darling...Not 1840...women have legal rights.

  41. Def. M.Mc. and Renee Z.....Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation. LOL!

  42. This sounds like the Texas T-Rex and Renee Z. They graduated from U of Texas, Austin in the same year and are the same age. This blind fits them perfectly.

  43. Ok, sorry to do this but I got to put these 'Gary Sinise, nicest person in the world' comments. I've posted this on here before...but I worked on a small indie film that GS worked on. The budget was really tight and lots of people took major cuts in salary, including the crew members. This was filming out of state....and he felt lonely. His wife and family would be coming to visit the second or third week of shooting. So he had the producers fly in...first class....some other female friends of his, first, well, take care of him. And the film paid for their hotel meals. When his family came to visit key people on the production were told not to mention any of the women that were flown in for GS.

    Yes, he really does uphold an imagine...but I promise you, he's a piece of shit. Besides cheating on his wife and family he cost this movie money....scenes had to be cut and I think it affected the outcome of the movie.

    1. Woah@dav 725. Better than the blind and totally believe it. Great American but well typical H weird hubby. It happens

  44. Gary Sinise banging women outside his marriage as a handsome actor? Yea I get that. But he really is a kind human. its pretty typical that a lot of guys(Not all just sayin) just don’t wanna fuck the same woman and only that woman for the rest of their lives but still want them as ‘their wife’

  45. Sinise and his wife have discussed their infidelities.

    Gary builds houses for disabled vets. Nuff said.

  46. Anonymous4:09 AM

    Some actors build their fake brand by doing stuff for veterans... or make a war picture, with lots of lovable heroes.

    Tom Hanks did it .
    Sinise does it.
    Michael H Fox did it.
    Sean Penn did it.
    Jon Voight played a veteran suffering PTSD-- and is still held on a pedestal for that one role.
    Charlie Sheen-- chief sicko of Hweird-- improved his brand for awhile, making "Platoon".
    John Wayne elevated himself to an American deity, with a string of war films.

  47. Not Matt Mc. Rene says in recent interviews they are longtime friends and nothing but good to say about him. I hardly doubt she would be so enthusiastic about him if were true.

    1. Yep. she is too comfortable speaking about him so it's a big no

  48. This isn't him, but Dustin Hoffman told a story to Playboy back in the day where he lost his virginity by banging his best friend's gf in the dark. They switched on her & she didn't realise at first.

    He's a rapist by his own admission.
