Friday, February 28, 2020

Four For Friday - Traditional

#1 - This very well funded, with a marketing budget out of this world entertainment organization, goes from city to city delivering maids/sex slaves to wealthy Chinese who pay a fee of $25K-$100K to the organization.

#2 - This back in the day A+ list singer who is in the 27 club apparently raped a woman after a concert who gave birth to a boy nine months later.

#3 - Speaking of the 27 club, the former spouse of a member doesn't tell sexual partners he is HIV+.

#4 - This A list comedian/actor is married. He is a serial cheater. He bought a car, had sex in it with a woman and then returned the car the next day saying there was a smell in it.


  1. #3 Mr.Amy Winehouse

  2. Replies
    1. +1 or Hendrix, but he's a singer/musician. Morrison jumps to mind.

  3. #3 Blake Fielder Winehouse's ex

  4. 2) Jim Morrison?
    4) ewwwwww

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. +! Indie great guess! That gross dude Blake Fielder-Civil

    1. He certainly looks the part...some of those patients are walking skeletons!

    2. His picture should be in the dictionary under meth-face with no further explanation required.

  7. Pete Doherty was never married to Amy Winehouse as far as I can tell but him for three because Enterns don't know much regarding facts.
    2) Jim Morrison

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Great guess about "Blake Incarcerated!"

  10. 1. Disney? "Out of this world" has to be a clue.
    2. Robert Johnson
    3. Jack Tweed
    4. Ew

  11. 4) the little man Kevin Hart

  12. #2 The reason why they die @27!

  13. Changing #3 to Blake Fielder-Civil

  14. Between Speilberg sweating and having Oprah lobbying for him, and Iger sudden resignation,I have to wonder if with all these arrests and pressure lately, canaries are singing. Tony Podesta has not been seen 3 years- and all these raids and arrests started. He is probably singing like a bird. How much of a stand up guy do you think a Raniere is after a stay in Rikers? Peter Nygaard? You have to trade is starting. Once Barr put Durham in charge of Epstein death, he opened up this path to investigation. It’s coming . All the NDA will mean nothing after women see the Weinstein outcome. Franco , Speilberg and Hanks- guess we will find out one way or another what is true

  15. #1 Shen yun? I've heard smarmy stuff about them :(

    1. Yes. LA Magazine has a write up about their close connection to Falun Gong & their undying support of Trump. Good guess @Mah.

    2. Yes, it is sort of like a cult. At least, that's what i have heard.

  16. A+ list singer sounds more like a description of Morrison than anyone else.

  17. Mah - Shen Yun is banned in China - there's some kind of real bad blood between the organization and the Chinese

  18. BLAAAAAAAAAAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. +1 Mah, excellent guess

  20. +1 Mah - Shen Yun is an offshoot of the Falun Gong cult

    1. I believe we were misinformed by China about Falun Gong.
      Word on the street is that they were Christian and were persecuted for that reason, then killed, organs harvested.

    2. PS: #1 NBCUniversal had a TV show called Out of This World

    3. There is a reason Christianity is on bad paper with the CCP. You probably never heard of this but look up the Taiping Rebellion. It took place at the same time (more or less) as the US Civil War, it was started by a weird Christian Cult and more people died in the wars, disease and famine than died in WWI. It was craaaazy. So the CCP, who want to maintain the Mandate of Heaven, will stamp out any weird cult (see the Yellow Turbans). But a weird Christian Cult, that must be stamped out.

  21. Keep dreaming Veritas.

  22. @Veritas and your paid for by a right wing gay billionaire hit machine:

    Attorney Bill Barr originally recused himself from the Jeffrey Epstein case, because Barr's father hired Epstein as a "math teacher" at the Dalton School, and all girls school in NYC in the 1970's, even though Epstein WAS NOT a math teacher.

    HOWEVER, it was Trump who told Barr to UNRECUSE himself from the Epstein case. WHY is that???

  23. 1-Definitely Shen Yun.

  24. 4. Paul Rudd considered comedian/actor?

  25. I always thought Shen Yun was a spy ring. They're too everywhere to be an innocent entertainment company.

  26. Is 4 not Seinfeld? And a reference to the episode of Seinfeld where there’s a smell trapped in his car because of a valet or cleaner?

  27. @a6r6o6n Good one. And yes it was the valet that stunk up his car.

  28. @nancer is the only one to spell his name correctly.

  29. Brian Jones was known to be rough with women but he is foreign born.
    Definitely Blake Fielder

  30. "The traditional Chinese dance troupe China doesn’t want you to see"

    Is there any touring company you can't pay to bang? 🤔

  31. #4 - Hahaha she totally squirted all over the upholstery.

  32. Well it's not like the car salesmen don't f*ck in those cars all the time.

  33. Jim Morrison was too goddamned gorgeous to have to jump anyone. If anything, women threw themselves at him.

    As much as I love Jimi Hendrix, this sounds more like him. He had a reputation for getting rough with women.

  34. Jim Morrison was too goddamned gorgeous to have to jump anyone. If anything, women threw themselves at him.

    As much as I love Jimi Hendrix, this sounds more like him. He had a reputation for getting rough with women.

    1. Being gorgeous could be the very reason to rape someone. Being gorgeous gives some people a sense of entitlement. They don't want to waste their time doing things by the rules. Js. Not sure if it's JM or not. I hope not.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. #1 NBC had a show called Out of This World

  37. 2.) Jim Morrison: Not so sure about the rape part because she just might be a woman scorned, but the baby boy is named Cliff and his mother is Lennie Lorraine Widen. BOOM!!

  38. NY Doll you're a fucking idiot. 2020 and you know nothing about rape. "JIm Morrison is too good looking to rape someone". Wth?
    How do you get through life being so fucking stupid?

  39. Veritable, Barr is covering up evidence. He’s NOT investigating anything. Trump is going to try to take credit for it, but this has all come about from Mueller’s ongoing mob takedown. That’s obvious to anyone who reads. Dems AND GOP are all going down, but Trump is, too.

  40. Isn't #4 recycled from moons ago? I swear it's been on this site before, but a while back. And I can't remember who it was, dammit. I cannot for the life of me remember who the popular vote was, and the argument for it was convincing....

  41. Wow, I'm intrigued about the Shen Yun guess.
    I have known a few people who were part of Falun Dafa (Falun Gong), and they are all about
    The Master. Otherwise reasonable people, who drank the kool aid.
    I lived in New York near the mountain compound where they hide Li Hongzhi, the Master.
    The community is generally up in arms about the cult's tax free plundering of the area.

  42. #2 Jim Morrison is who came to mind for this. I believe there is a son called cliff as a previous poster has mentioned.

  43. Studio 54...That Bill Barr hoax you talked about was just that....a hoax. Keep trying though!!!

  44. Jimi H has an illegitimate son from a Swedish groupie that he hooked up with after a concert but it wasnt rape

  45. Anyhow, why would it matter if Barrs father hired a math teacher. Unless he had some deeper involvement with Epstein, who didn't kill himself by the way.

  46. Falun Gong practices Buddhism, with a charismatic leader. The dance troop is basically their marketing arm. The performance I saw was spectacular, but had an anti Chinese Government scene. Basically the Falun Gong and Chinese Government are at war.

    Falun Gong scared the Chinese government by having a silent demonstration outside the leadership compound with no warning. The Chinese Government felt threatened, and has been trying to root out Falun Gong inside China since then.

    On Organ Harvesting. There is a belief in communist societies that enemies of the people are no longer people. Therefore anything can be done to them. Plus the ease of getting transplant, number of people actually signed up as donors in China, and number of transplants done. And supposedly the Uighers (Moslems in Western China) that are in camps, are being tested medically.

  47. Jim Morrison was too piss drunk to be raping. He drank himself impotent.

  48. wendybar: False. Bill Barr's father DID hire Epstein to be a "math teacher", when he was NOT a math teacher, at an all girl's school in the 1970's:

    And Barr’s father was the headmaster of an elite New York City school that hired college dropout Epstein to teach math and physics.



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