Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #5

February 4, 2020

Apparently the foreign born permanent A list female author has a thing for racist, serial cheating, serial sexual assaulters who also like to share visions about how they would murder their exes. She probably just likes his music which is why she sent him a gift.

JK Rowling/Marilyn Manson


Brayson87 said...

Git Marilyn git it! Punish her for fantastic beasts!

sandybrook said...

she doesnt like him for his looks that's for sure.

Monkeyweather said...

Geesh, right? D:

Flashy Vic said...

What's your point, Enty? I despise Rowling and her pious, self righteous slabbering and outright fibbing about her background.
And I'm not even going to mention her "not exactly original" body of work.
But I would crawl a million miles over broken glass to motorboat those wonderful billionaire sweater puppies.
You can be sexually attracted to someone whose views you find abhorrent. In fact it's part of the turn on.
It's a pretty common thing.

BMDS said...

Yes she does...She's just not as pretty as he is...

princessstarstripes said...

Just to be clear @FlashyVic are those JK's sweater puppies or Marilyn's? Because last pic I saw of him he looked like his were bigger than mine

Brayson87 said...

It's obvious that she just needs Manson's magic wand, I hope she's limber. When women need to be with a bad man, for whatever reason, they make a beeline for Marilyn Manson. He's pretty much as described on the label.

Flashy Vic said...

@Droopy Orchid.

🤔 Hmmm, I will need to see some photos first.

Bit I meant JKs.

Serleena said...

It's official: The time has come to cancel J.K. Rowling.

You've jumped the shark, Joanne.

Joanne Rowling has gone FULL Slytherin. Also, I understand that having your PA steal $$$$$ to buy stupid shit for herself like super-expensive chocolate and cookies at luxury shops sucks/is way illegal; but when your net worth is over $1 billion -- maybe look at the bigger picture and realize that being a SUPER shitty boss is going to come back to haunt you one day, Joanne.

J.K. Rowling has proven herself as the Queen of Petty, Entitled Old-Rich English White Lady Boomer Revenge.

After J.K. Rowling went public as a supporter of anti-trans-rights and pro-domestic abuser rights/pro-rapist rights -- Everyone in the world can see what she really is now.

Joanne Rowling's Johnny Depp/Marilyn Manson-sad-old-lady-crush is so fucking obvious, and so vomit inducing -- but I'm sure she's so un-woke she thinks that by associating with these scumbags, it somehow still makes her seem "edgy" and "cute" in the media/public.

Sorry to burst your bubble, Joanna -- you just come off as crotchety, out-of-touch with the current state of the world -- and old. as. fuck.

Remember, Joanne Rowling, the dark magic leaves traces...

We see you... : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y616xJLOMmc



Trapped said...

I never read one of her book, my child never read one..
So I don’t know the fascination about her is?

Anonymous said...

Marilyn Manson did not sexually assault anyone. His bassist Twiggy Ramirez did and Marilyn kicked him out of the band.

Rosie riveter said...

Lol flashy Vic

Angela said...

@Flashy Vic

His point is to provide arguments to people who don't like JK Rowling in the first place, because she makes comments on American politics, is opposed to Brexit or supports the Labour Party. This is basically just Enty's "opinion" on something that was anything but secret or hidden. But phrasing it as a blind item (revealed after a week) makes it look different.

Anyway, next time Rowling opens her mouth to say anything they disagree with, instead of being unable to say three words in a row, Enty's target audience will proudly blurb, 'Yeah, but... she supports racists and serial sexual assaulters like Marilyn Manson, she likes Johnny Depp, she's an hypocrite, nobody should listen to her or anybody in the entertainment industry, enough politics, MAGA, KAG, I totally don't have a drinking problem, you have TDS, shut up!!!!!"

That's Enty's job. He provides arguments, most often in the form of rumors and gossip, to people who hate Oprah, Clooney, Tom Hanks, and basically any liberal personality, and who also pay him in the form of subscriptions to his podcast. Any good whore obeys to the john who pays her. And Enty is definitely a great whore who takes it up the ass.

Em and 'im said...

ZzzMaster. She’s Scottish, not English and like most proud Scots she would hate being called English. She is also British as Great Britain is made up of England, Scotland and Wales. Four countries (for now) make up the UK which are England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. We are also Europeans, but we won’t be after Brexit. It’s all rather confusing, even if you live here.

dummypants said...

Also, the media isn't covering it at all but Johnny Depp showed up to his trial with the mother effin' receipts to prove Amber Heard is a violent abusive liar. There are tapes of her admitting she hits him though she argued the semantics since he said "punched" and she would only admit to open fisted hitting. Google it because the same media who crucified him a few years ago are shockingly silent now. Hmmmm

Night_burger said...

You may have read many of the the books she shamelessly plagiarised though. Which are all infinitely more interesting than the crap she has turned out. The woman has literally never had an original idea.

italktothewind said...

@Em and 'im
'..She’s Scottish, not English..'

No, she might live in Scotland, like many other white settlers, but she's English by both birth and inclination..born in Gloucestershire, moved to the primary English colony in Scotland that is Edinburgh...

OldFart said...

If you are from England, as an English citizen you are English. If you are from any of the countries in the British Isles you are British. This means if you are from Northern Ireland, you are British. Same as the Scots and the Wales! They are British but not English.

Serleena said...

Yo, @dummypants -- So, how much money exactly is Johnny Depp's (for-now) lawyer Adam Waldman paying you to monitor crazydaysandnights.net for any negative comments about Capt'n Jack? We can all see what you're doing, boo boo...

hairydawg said...

jubblies win the day, team JK!

italktothewind said...


Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear...I can't let that stand, heavily simplified

If you're from:then you're

England: English
Scotland: Scottish
Wales: Welsh
Cornwall: Cornish

The Welsh (principality) and the Cornish(duchy) had been under
the thumb of the English crown for quite some time, for the
purposes of the creation of the next part, the United Kingdom of
Britain, the Crowns of Scotland and England became one, so

British: =(Scotland+(England+Wales+Cornwall)), geographically,
the British Isles.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland came next,
note, this is A and B, not =(A+B), after a bit of a robust
disagreement with those troublesome Hibernians, this became
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

So, the Northern Irish are....Northern Irish (the 'Unionist' populace
are mostly descendants of Scottish settlers.. c.f. Ulster Scots
so they're ethnic Scots/Brits..but that's a game for another day...)

If you want to invoke citizenship we're all legally citizens of
the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,

Unfortunately, this tends to be shortened erroneously to UK citizens,
just as bad a habit as some people have when conflating Britain/UK with
England, but taking it as shorthand anyway,

UK Citizen: =(Northern Irish+British)

You want to be an English Citizen?

then break up the United Kingdom...

(sorry for the TL;DR, I'll go back to silently lurking.....)

Sd Auntie said...


thecatwhisper said...

she's from Gloucestershire? My home county. really? oh shite. why does she have to be from there? is that why gloucester cathedral is in the harry potter films?

the girl in question said...

seerlana, shut the hell up you ignorant arsewipe.

she's not ANTI-TRANS, she's PRO-WOMAN, as in she doesn't think people should lose their jobs for saying they want women's spaces to REMAIN THAT WAY

Redcaz said...

Actually, I thought the same, but she is English. Born n bred. It was part of her mythos that she was a poor Scottish single mum on social security

Serleena said...
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Serleena said...
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Brayson87 said...
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Serleena said...

@thegirlinquestion @the_girl_in_question I'm so sorry that you still don't seem to be able to understand this basic concept. You might want to try taking some current Social Science classes in Gender Studies at your local community college -- a lot has changed in the world since you graduated Exeter in 1986:



Serleena said...

@thegirlinquestion @the_girl_in_question I'm so sorry that you still don't seem to be able to understand this basic concept. You might want to try taking some current Social Science classes in Gender Studies at your local community college -- a lot has changed in the world since you graduated Exeter in 1986:



Miss Smith said...

Some people are upset with Rowlings having free will? So she should be "cancelled" because of that?

I most definitely dislike some people, but my goodness, allow a little tolerance in your life.

Krabapples said...

Ugh. Don't try and rebrand it. You know what it is.

Unknown said...

Serleena, she simply said that a woman should not be fired for stating that biological sex is real.

Biological sex is real.

There is nothing wrong with what she said.

Serleena said...

@Jan 15 @Jan15 Hmmm, free will you say... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMhfkLve6wk

Serleena said...

@Jan_15 @Jan15 Hmmm, free will you say... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMhfkLve6wk

Mary said...

I’m no fan of Rowling’s but her speaking out that women have rights and that men and boys demanding that their demands that women’s rights and the proven science of biology be declared moot, is not “anti-trans” those who make that claim are misogynistic and guilty of hatred

Lickety-chops said...

JK Rowling I can't believe I agree with her on anything, but she's right: a) voicing an opinion, particularly one that aligns with reality, should not be grounds for being fired; and b) women do need women-only spaces. Most women do not play the current game of "whatever you identify as, you are." It's hateful and self-centered to force women to accept men into women's spaces.

Rather than punish 50% of the world by allowing men into women's spaces, let the mentally ill deal with the odd moments of what to do when you're built like a linebacker, wearing a dress, and need to pee while out in public. That's something a real psychiatrist or psychologist will cover with their mentally ill patients. Trans anything is a mental illness, and shame on you if you're so hardhearted or brainwashed that you refuse to recognize this.

Man or woman. Period. Rare disorders, such as androgen insensitivity do not make "trans" people. These are rare individuals who need for people to leave them alone. Their disorder is not your business.

It is unloving to deny the mental illness behind anything trans. Those of you touting trans-everything are harming these people. Their suicide rates are sky high, not due to "society," but due to their mental illness, but you idiots are telling them they're normal. Normal means they don't seek help. Then they commit suicide. In droves. Trans is not normal, it's a sign of a severe mental illness, and they need help. If you're too stupid to recognize mental illness when 6'¤", 230 pounds of it teeters on 6-inch spike heels right before your eyes, then be kind and just shut up.

Shut your mind to the current wave of brainwashing, and you may find your hearts open.

And please do not let JKR know I agree with her. Just the thought gives me the shivers.

DWelsh said...

ZZZ, like someone else said - she's Scottish, you pleb. And yes, of course, America is so much better with their amount of Weinsteins and Rattners. Get over yourself.

Mehitable said...

I'm wondering - what is JK Rowling's "REAL" bio? I heard the whole poverty stricken Scottish mother thing & never believed it. So what's the truth? Also, can you tell me what she plagiarized from? I just never paid much attention to her. Thanks!

Pommy said...

JK Rowling as others have said, is English. Lives in Scotland and is married to a Scot. Against Scottish independence. Sad woman.

Miss Smith said...

@Serleena That video clip was disturbing. I could go far as to say it was threatening. Are you in a bad situation, are you doing okay? If you need help for suicidal thoughts, please reach out to people nearby. I am worried for you.

Serleena said...

Also, another kind of free will: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dqgangyLu8


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