Monday, February 03, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Mr. X

January 27, 2020

Grammy Awards

Which A+ list icon was overheard at the big pre Grammys party was overheard saying that she and her former sister in law are financing her nephew's documentary about her late higher on the list sibling? Don't be surprised if they agree to be interviewed as well.

Janet Jackson/Lisa Marie Presley/Tai Jackson/Michael Jackson


  1. What, are they trying to capitalize on that Epstein buzz with a doc featuring the world's second most famous pedo?

  2. Well i wonder if they'll cover his addiction and bowel issues. Ill tune in for that

  3. I'm shocked they have any kind of relatonship. The Jacksons are insane and Lisa Marie is a hot head who says whatever pops in her head. I'm gonna assume Lisa Marie doesn't believe Michael was a pedo if Janet is participating in a documentary. I thought she was smarter than that.

  4. @Slim, Maybe she knew but never cared. Daddy wasn't exactly a saint either.

  5. Lisa Marie is broke, having squandered Elvis's fortune. She'll say anything for $$$$.

    I'll never forget Diane Sawyer talking about the freakazoid "interview" she did with then "couple" Jacko & Lisa Marie. There was this annoying noise you could hear throughout the entire interview. Diane Sawyer said it was the air conditioning on BLAST so all of Jacko's makeup wouldn't melt off!

  6. I remember Diane's obnoxious approach during that interview, and the way she could not disguise her disgust and disbelief when she rudely asked them if they actually had sex and heard their response. I didn't like Sawyer before that and I certainly liked her even less after that interview, and I do think MJ was culpable. But at least have some GD respect and professionalism if you're interviewing someone.

  7. Maybe Diane already knew at the Neverland Ranch amusement park you had to be under a certain height to ride and Lisa Marie was too tall.

  8. Studio, how the fuck can Lisa Marie be broke.
    The Elvis cash register must never stop

  9. Ummmm, I'll be the one to say Janet looked like a straight up cabbage patch doll at her last public appearance. Wow that woman swells up fast.

  10. Janet Jackson is an icon? Really?

  11. Who DOESN'T think that "marriage" was a total freak show involving two idiots who had really fucked up parents?
