Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #4

February 16, 2020

She spilled all of his secrets before for tabloid cash. Does anyone really think she is done spilling them if the price is right? Whether it is his bedroom fetishes or deals he is about to make or people he is going to talk to. She wants her own money. Prenup money is not what she has in mind. State money is what she has in mind.

Lauren Sanchez/Jeff Bezos


  1. I wonder what it's like having sex with a cyborg ???

  2. Why doesn't he buy someone better?

  3. She knows which planet is he from? That info must be worth a lot!

  4. Does Jeffy have a vagina also like some claim Harvey has? Maybe tits tattooed on his back?

  5. ugh, they're such a cringe couple. you got blobfish face on one hand and fish lips on the other... everything abouth them wreaks of rotten fish.... im gonna hurl!

    1. I acknowledge that my sentiment is cliche, but her smile resembles the Joker.

  6. I would like to learn the spell she puts on men. Meghan Markle must also know the same chant.

  7. He is an idiot.
    Agreed, he should buy somebody better. She's freakish and greedy.

  8. He probably likes pretending he is an OPA pirate from The Expanse while she is a bitchy Martian Marine defending some asteroid gold mine

  9. Weinstein has the appearance of a vagina and Epstein has an egg shaped penis. Bezos could be packing anything down there...

  10. Maybe she just delivers on time with a smile.

  11. He'll give her money. Imagine what she wants in that black card. $100K a month won't cut it. I read what he said to her. "He is so much in love with her blah blah, can't wait to be with her blah blah." Dude is still head over heels and he knows he's got a greedy beotch. Plus her brother is no prize. He's probably getting paid to shut up.

  12. What's state money?

  13. Ask me what, cheesegrater?

    1. What it's like being old and never had sex w a live woman?

  14. Anonymous10:52 AM

    What is state money?

  15. She was his ticket to freedom,she tries equality she's out!!!
    She knows that....

  16. State money is usually unclaimed assets that the state has in its possession waiting to be claimed or given away if not. I doubt that's what this means if the Entern spelled that last sentence correctly.

  17. Thanks, sandybrook.. the only kinda state money I ever heard about was welfare and that definitely didn't belong in this blind :p

  18. aemish Enty might mean estate money spelling that word wrong, which means shes wants to be in the will.

  19. I love these comments!😂

  20. @sandybrook Estate! Thanks.

    Now this blind sounds ominous.

  21. I missed that one by a mile. I was convinced it was Sparkles. I don't get what Bezos sees in her. She looks like her face was pushed in. She must do something right for him though.

  22. Quiet Roofie.

  23. ahhhhhh!!! okay, that makes sense, thanks, sandybrook :D

  24. @J, She said live woman? That's a pretty funny question coming from someone who never had sex with a sober woman.

  25. What does it mean, State Money? I tend to think of State Money as some sort of Assistance. That said, I've been out of the US for 20 years now, so perhaps this term is used in a different way than I think.

  26. Maybe "state money" has to do with the fact that Amazon is trying to be the official cloud provider for DoD, etc? That money comes straight from Uncle Sam, hence state money.

  27. @missunshine Narcissist/sociopath people are con artists. It isn't charm, looks, or prowess, just expertise in being con artists.

  28. @mydogsmiles don't forget Trump's mushroom penis.

  29. I knew it!! He is nuts, she looks like a tranny who doesn’t know better lol....and there are a lot of beautiful trans people, with his money he can buy the best!

  30. State money? How is she going to get that? I thought this blind was about MM

  31. I can't really fault him for his looks. Yeah, he's just okay looking but genes are what they are. She is a whole other story. She PAID to look that way. Yikes!!!

  32. If Sanchez and Markle were locked in a small room together mortal combat would ensue. Who do you think would win?

  33. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Maybe state money as in community property state? I don't think he's going to marry her though.

  34. state money is ESTATE money... lmao ya'll crack me up

  35. Enty is saying she wants state money, state secret money i.e. state department paying for secrets of what Bezos is up to as far as with other countries

  36. Amazon is the cloud server for the government, they hold the data on every person in America. If you use Alexa, STOP! I bet this chick knows a lot if Bozo brags about his business dealings.

  37. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Money can't buy class and Bezos/Sanchez is proof.

  38. Fuck bezos, he is a POS.
