Saturday, February 01, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 3, 2020

This huge YouTube star is being controlled by a married man who wanted to have sex with the star. He got her hooked on drugs to the point where she needs rehab or will die. She is dependent on him for drugs and he forces her to have sex with him for the drugs. His wife just found out in the past couple of days. His employer also discovered it within the past 48 hours.

Lia Marie Johnson


  1. I had to google her because I had no idea who she is. Found this.

  2. Anonymous10:21 AM

    The video is disturbing.

  3. I follow a lot of YouTube personalities, but never heard of her. She's not in the 10 million subscribers club, where people who don't follow them would know of them. There are not a lot of views on the story following this,unlike Jefree Star's breakup getting millions of views in one day.

  4. Wasn't she on Dr. Phil?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This is sad & fucked up. My ex worked on a little internet show she was on called “My Music.” She was such a sweet, innocent kid. I hope her family steps in & gets her away from this creepy-ass Svengali before it’s too late.

  7. Why do you ALWAYS out the women when it is the MEN that are the ones who should be outted in these blinds
    Seriously, If people would just call out the predators, they couldn't stay predators for long.

    Victim shaming is just low.

  8. Yeah that video...πŸ‘ŽπŸΌπŸ‘ŽπŸΌπŸ‘ŽπŸΌ Gross pedo trash

  9. Yeah, the whole story about this story is really screwed up. She was a cute little girl and I thought for sure she was gonna get big.

  10. Oy vey, ANOTHER old Jewish man molesting a child... GO FIGURE...

  11. I did some digging around on Instagram, and I guess she's with some new guy closer to her age, but he's also doing drugs with her and I guess some of her friends are really worried about her being with this guy. He seems to be a young music producer, something like that. Apparently they've only known each other for a short period of time, and her friends are talking about staging some sort of intervention for her. I mean, she's an adult now but obviously she's been in sketchy situations like these for years now. Sad, hopefully she accepts the help...

  12. I agree with Snowlily - reveal the man.

  13. My friend posted her testimonial in the CDAN Facebook group. He was super creepy, made racist comments and made her feel gross. She went to him because he had worked for Ford Model Agency. All she wanted to do was build her portfolio. She said she felt he was attracted to her because she is thin and looked really young. She was over 18 but she defiantly felt the pedo vibes from Steven Wetherbee. If I ever see him in San Diego...
