Saturday, February 08, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #3

February 1, 2020

The legal bill for the alliterate actress is nearing $1M with another $1M-$2M to spend and all she is doing is repeating the same tired arguments which have no chance of succeeding.

Lori Loughlin


  1. Lol. Gonna get a lot of beatdowns.

  2. Why even bother at this point.....

    P.S:Her blinds are worse than Markle & KTrash!

  3. Really, what's the worst she'd have to do? Rake leaves for a few weeks? Just take a plea bargin, ffs

    1. I think it's way too late -- Felicity Huffman took an early deal offered to many parents where all she pleaded to was conspiracy to commit mail fraud.

      That's not even an option now for LL. Prosecutors piled on tons more serious charges to the holdouts -- she's been indicted on federal bribery charges in addition to whatever else came earlier. She's facing like 50 years if convicted on all counts. I don't think there are any plea deals on the table now; she could plead guilty but wouldn't get off raking leaves for a few weeks.

  4. She’s going to get more time because she and her husband are narcissistic

  5. 😂😂😂 Let her drain all that money for attorneys fees. Her ego is her downfall.

  6. Anonymous11:50 AM

    The feds are going to make an example of this couple. At worst she'll tone up and lose a little weight during her unfortunate incarceration. Club Fed minimum security would be a plush gig for most criminals.

  7. Meanwhile, we have almost forgotten that Felicity Huffman was involved. She was smart to listen to her attorney from the beginning. Fess up, do the time, move on.

  8. This could have all been over with if she would have just plead guilty like Huffman did in the beginning. Instead....who knows what her sentence will be.

  9. So cheat to get your kids into college, then lie when you get caught, costing you their inheritance... Smart.

  10. I think the prosecution is coming down too hard, and ultimately that will hurt their case. These people wanted their kids to get into a good school and clearly suck as parents due to their choices, but the desired punishments don't really fit the crime.

  11. She's too self serving and they have millions and millions. And if hubby doesn't pony up, she'll throw him under the bus in a heartbeat.

  12. Lori Loughlin is delusional. A year or two in prison may help to change her 'tude, but doubtful. She is a hardcore narcissist.
