Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 28, 2020

Unlike some cases where celebrities really are not invited to award shows, this A-/B+ list singer/celebrity offspring has a standing invitation to attend the Grammy Awards, but chose not to go because she had nothing to plug. She told her "boyfriend" she wasn't invited so she wouldn't have to play make believe for an entire night in front of the cameras.

Miley Cyrus/Cody Simpson


  1. See I like Miley, it bothers her a little to have to flaunt that fake lavender relationship.

  2. I don't see why she should go if there is no reason to be there. I bet it's even more of a bore to sit in that audience than it is watching that crapfest on tv.

  3. I didn't think Miley bothered with the pretending stuff. What changed?

    1. She's an attention whore. That doesn't change.

  4. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Sending her all the love and light. Miley's a good spirit who was sold as "hannah montana" and had to support a family, at 13 or 14 years old. not her fault.

  5. @Huckle, Image control, a probable manic episode ending her brief marriage then a random lesbian relationship with rumors of drugs, so she needed to do cleanup.
    Doesn't bother me a bit but it might have been oft-putting to the parents of her tween fans who actually buy the concert tickets.

  6. Is he gay and I just haven't heard about it? Lainey thinks he's hot. I'm confused.

  7. Was this all to make people know that he exists, because he was barely a blip on my screen. They are so fake, but they seem to put a lot of hours in trying to be seen together unlike most relationship fakes. She is just a shame. I really liked her voice and a lot of her songs and then her persona just blew up into a disturbed druggie

  8. @cocktail, Try searching for his name on Enty's site, there have been lots of blinds about him.
