Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #3

February 16, 2020

The foreign born royal has started talking a little too much detail about that first birth. It kinds of put her in an awkward spot if the surrogate ever comes forward.

Kate Middleton


  1. I bet OJ can find the surrogate if she doesn't come out of hiding. Whaddaya think Enty?

  2. Lol.

    Love seeing commoner Brits pay for these fuckheads.

    1. Right? They're in for a surprise. A lot of the women they have worshiped aren't even women.
      *Why the powers-that-were have been pushing so hard on the public the idea that it's totally normal for men to be women.

    2. Most of us Brits don’t give a shit about the royal family. The media don’t leave them alone so it probably looks like we’re obsessed. We’re not.

    3. Exactly! Dont hear anyone in my daily life even mention the royals. Only time I get asked about them is when I visit the US. My answer is always " I couldn't give a shit".

  3. But what about her severe morning sickness... *Eye Roll*

  4. There's nothing wrong with using surrogates, if it's some sh!tty royal policy then let's get the DNA tests out on everyone and find out who is actually royal blood.

  5. her nose never did get bulbously fat, come to think of it...

  6. kate is so ugly when she's not smiling. she's got that resting meth-head face

  7. But what about her severe morning sickness... *Eye Roll*
    Cover for her lack of belly?
    Didn't have her pregnancy outfit ready?
    cover story so she is seen less in public?

  8. Oh, for f--- sake. Fan fiction.

  9. Weren't there photos of her in a bikini with a definite bump?

  10. When your social climbing mother trained you to be an obsequious, pretty offspring for a future king to f*** at a Scottish College... You don't get to complain about the result. You are merely a brood mare, he will f*** any horsey white trash c*** in his vicinity.

    1. @longtimereader, society expects pretty much all women to be that.

  11. Does it constitute a bump?

    1. Yeah, Kate was definitely pregnant.

      Meghan is the one who wore a wobbly moonbump.

  12. My ass, I don't believe this.

  13. @Melissa, Ahh eff no, not that "bump" in that pic. I've gotten bigger belly bumps from a big meal.

  14. I don't think it looks much like a baby bump but an exhale. then again it did say FIRST BIRTH. maybe she had subsequent pregnancies but the first was elusive or planned/surrogacy with health issues?

  15. such ridiculous bull crap

  16. Not every woman gets the big nose! But most do swell up somewhat, either in face, body, or both, especially in the last trimester.

    I’m shocked that they’d let any surrogate live, honestly. I certainly wouldn’t agree to carry babies for anyone. Seems pretty hazardous to your health.

  17. You're full of shit, ENTY. Can't believe you let megshit pay you for ridiculous stories that her ass made it up. Did she do it to deflect on the fact that she NEVER gave birth to Arch? If you're so confident in this blind, reveal your source then.

    1. Enty's bullshit is getting out of control. His interns probably have an appraisal coming up.

  18. Maybe Cumberbatch was the surrogate.

  19. Kate used a surrogate, Meghan, too blah blah. Beyonce, the whole lot of them. I don't know, I don't live in their vaginas. I got nothing against surrogacy, it's the baby bump and public pretense that pisses people off. So freaking tiresome.

  20. It would be awesome if it turned out they were all actors, completely unrelated. Just some theatre troupe stage show to keep the peasants distracted. And distracted the citizens are, they have no rights and live in a police state.

  21. I really don't believe this. I remember the pictures of her and William and the baby that were taken outside of the hospital as they were leaving the hospital. Her stomach looked very much like someone who had just given birth. She actually got a lot of flack for the tummy, as I recall.

  22. Kate Middleton's first birth of Prince George was witnessed by FOUR doctors in London's Lindo Wing of the Portland Hospital, who all signed a legal statement of witnessing and attending at the heir-to-the-throne, George would have to be born "of the body" to be a legal heir and in the line of succession...if born from surrogate, he's out...if any "royal" used a surrogate, Markle would be my choice if ANY baby between her and PH, or her and anybody else, in fact exists...which leads to the question, WHERE is Archie? is he back in a box stored on a closet shelf someplace till the next time she needs to show a baby???...

  23. This is just fake spin from Meghan,leaking to the press to undermine those in the RF that she doesn't like. She's punishing William and Kate for not kissing her ass. This is much like the "affair" with Rose Hanbury story. There is someone on Quora who pulled together the entire false story and those who were involved in how it got out on Instagram and the press. They said that it was leaked by Meghan as a quid pro quo so that someone who had shit on her would not release it if she gave them something even juicier. You can find this information reblogged on The Charlatan Duchess. It was rather interesting when you see how it all fits together. I am assuming Meghan pulls the same shit with Enty. Rather pathetic that, with all Enty's years in Hollywood, Enty continues to promote the BS of a D-list yacht girl when Enty said as much in a blind that everything Meghan leaks is lies.

  24. @Unknown, You think they couldn't have gotten four doctors to sign a piece of paper, no questions asked? Doctors have about as much integrity as lawyers, plus why would they give a shite how a baby was a birthed? Because some inbred noble centuries ago with no scientific knowledge scribbled something down somewhere?

  25. Finally, a blind I both know and I can disprove from personal first hand knowledge. Kate was definitely pregnant. She definitely suffered from hyperemesis gravidarum (severe morning sickness in lay terms) which again I witnessed. I am a doctor, although not an obstetrician, and I have also been pregnant and given birth to my own children. I am not in the Cambridges inner circle and I have nothing to gain. We have mutual friends, go to mutual formal and informal events and when you are the only doctor present at a small event and someone is ill, you are called upon.

  26. this is total, utter bullshit.

  27. haha, now you can tell Katie was never preggers. She did stay skinny, and hopped down the hospital steps the day after supposedly giving birth. Being waity katie for sooooo long while Wills was screwing around made her bitter, she finally got the crown, and she will do whatever it takes to keep it.

  28. @monkeyweather. What do you mean, A lot of the women they have worshiped aren't even women?

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Nope. This is 100% Meghan generated slander.

  31. I'd love to get the RF from the queen down and see the dna testing. I am guessing there are many surprises in the lineup. I saw her majesty once in 1999 as I was meandering down Oxford Street and came across a large crowd in front of a theater there. It was the evening of the Prince's Trust event. I had zero clue. But car after car pulled up with UK stars. Even Mick Jagger pulled up. The crowd thinned out and then a Rolls pulls up with 20 security around it and out pops the queen. All 4 feet tall of her. I couldn't have been more than 10 feet away and when she passed she gave me a nod (at least I remember it that way!). Of course prior to smart phones so nothing but a fading memory at this point. But cool random event none-the-less.

  32. @Clark, But did you ask for her digits? 😅

  33. @ZZZ, Could you repeat that, I think your "e" went out.

  34. @ZZZ, But yeah what are the odds that a medical doctor who had randomly treated her would not only be reading this site, but also comment breaking any kind of expectation of doctor patient confidentiality?

  35. Dear Meghan, clearly you read everything about yourself and you will read this too, so here it goes:

    You will never be Kate. You are detestable, and the more you stomp your hideously deformed feet, the more people hate you. Kate is the Lalique vase to your trainspotting toilet.

    Everybody above a double digit IQ.

  36. Stop taking money from MeGain and her PR firm. We all know she's the one who used a surrogate.

  37. Absolute fucking bullshit!

  38. @ Em and Brayson etc Saying someone 'was pregnant' and affirming a statement she made to the press is NO breach or confidentially. this person didn't say he or she WAS Kate's doctor but a doctor privy to circles and info... supposed firsthand knowledge. That being said, I take it with a grain of salt but to say somehow this is a breach is why it isn't true is not the case.

  39. wow, Kate must be the best actress the world has ever seen! not only has she managed to fake 3 pregnancies but she fakes her love for William every day.

    Another thing that Kate beats you at, Meghan Markle! You are the most hated woman in the world and soon you will become the most hated human being in the world if you continue.

  40. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Do not mess with the pagan, satan worshiping, baby eating, reptilian, weirdos...
    Mmmm, poop eating is also a tremendous treat for them there, filthy royals...

    Grim, grim, grim.

  41. @Em and 'im - there's never any point in talking sense to this crew. We don't need no stinkin' truth 'round here. 🤣

  42. wow, i find this blind very hard to believe.

  43. @kiki71, How much UK traffic do you think this site gets, enough so that someone who matches this criteria and just happens to be reading this blind and feels compelled to comment? You got that the person was saying that she was personally called upon to help Kate when she was puking her guts out at some event?

    Do you see a lot of medical personnel commenting on this site about times they've rendered aid to celebs? Do you know why? Because you're not supposed to. At least not if you're professional. So it's not impossible but it is improbable.

    "She definitely suffered from hyperemesis gravidarum (severe morning sickness in lay terms) which again I witnessed."

    "We have mutual friends, go to mutual formal and informal events and when you are the only doctor present at a small event and someone is ill, you are called upon."

  44. to lose credibility 101! I dont believe your blinds anymore anyway..I find blind gossip is more authentic than you.

  45. I never believed she was pregnant. These people are trolls.

  46. @Brayson87 Are you doing okay, today? You seem unusually snappish, when you usually seem easygoing.

  47. So, royals need FOUR doctors for delivery? How special of them.

  48. Surrogacy is exploitation. There is a reason many countries have banned legal surrogacy: governments recognise that it's an abuse of impoverished and marginalised women.

    The medical industry won't tell the truth about the risks because it continues to profit.

    Surrogacy pregnancies carry greater risk. Women with donor eggs are at greater risk of pre-eclampsia, a life-threatening condition. Surrogates are implanted with multiple eggs. Multiple pregnancies are associated with maternal and perinatal complications such as gestational diabetes, fetal growth restriction, pre-eclampsia as well as premature birth.

    There are no long-term studies of the effects of egg harvesting on the health of the young women who provide their eggs. This makes it impossible for women to give true, meaningfully informed consent relative to the health and psychological risks involved. The medical process required for egg retrieval is lengthy and there are known medical risks associated with each step. Risks include Ovarian Hyper Stimulation syndrome due to superovulation, loss of fertility, ovarian torsion, stroke, kidney disease, premature menopause, ovarian cysts, and in some rare cases, death.

    Many surrogates die. Noone talks about them.

    When more than one egg takes, the buyers often demand an abortion of the child/ren not 'ordered'.

    Children born from surrogates tend to be underweight and are five times more likely to be stillborn.

    Then there is the issue of children born with donated gametes, who will never know their parent/their medical history. Noone thinks about the rights of the child; it's all about the selfish needs of the buyers.

    Sorry for the rant but all commercial surrogacy should be banned. It's just another way of wealthy couples to abuse the poor.

  49. England has different privacy laws. The commenter made it clear Kate wasn't her patient.

  50. How much did Markle have to pay for this blind?

  51. Surrogacy isn’t just letting someone else endure the pregnancy. They could’ve used someone else egg or maybe someone else’s sperm.

    @waterlily the hell with that. I don’t want to ever experience pregnancy but that doesn’t mean I don’t want a bio kid. Surrogacy is the route I’ll be taking.

  52. This is Markle Farkle-total BS. Nothing but the vile bitter lies of a D List Grifter and Charlatan. She is really Toxic- just sickening. Harry is a moron.

  53. Doubt KM even has a period. Let alone give birth.

  54. Meghan with her fake baby bump

  55. ^^^MMs belly doesn’t look wobbly to me.

  56. THIS I don't believe. Not with the first birth, no way. Future births, I'll buy that.

  57. It looks like the loons from celebitchy scampered over here to rag on Catherine. It's their favourite thing in the world.

  58. Both Kate and Meghan gave birth to their babies.

    No one is "leaking" stories and you're delusional if you think Meghan even knows about this blog.

    99% of the negative BIs about both Kate and Meghan are made up by CDAN for clicks, because the Russian troll farm that bought this site knows that they get the royal tinhats enraged.

    Guess what, you're being PLAYED. You get overjoyed and act like CDAN is the Gospel truth whenever they something bad about Meghan because it confirms your hatred of her (when the only reason CDAN makes up nasty stories about Meghan in the first place is because they're pandering to the Meghan haters for clicks).

    But when CDAN posts something nasty about Kate, suddenly ohhhh they're not so reliable anymore are they? (Guess what, the only reason CDAN posts nasty stories about Kate - which are just as made up as the Meghan stories - is because CDAN knows that Meghan haters will explode in outrage, and that = clicks clicks clicks!!).

    The amount of times I've seen tinhats claiming that CDAN is a reliable source, that CDAN never ever posts anything without confirming it. And now you have to backtrack. It's deliciously funny. Hoisted by your own petard!
