Thursday, February 13, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #3

February 6, 2020

It is the beginning of the end for this teenage Grammy winner. She has served her purpose and the powers that be are making a big deal out of nothing, just to give them an excuse to move on to someone else they can control.

Billie Eilish


MyDogSmiles said...

Talk about getting screwed over after your deal with the devil...

yepthatsme said...

So getting to sing the Opening Song of the latest James Bond movie is the beginning of the end? Damn, people would literally kill for such an end!

Brayson87 said...

She's telling the truth, of course most of them are f*cking lying, just shit talking about how tough they are. The real thugs are in the street hustling, behind bars or in the graveyard. Most of the rappers and hip hop artists nowadays are only musicians or djs, not gangbangers. Wow that term changed over the years didn't it. 😅
But it's a good thing they're lying, we really don't need a lot of musicians running around with AKs and beating every other woman they see.

If she wants to get hardcore she should talk about how many of them are in the closet or bi. The intolerant community will toss most of those artists out in the street like garbage just because they like some d!ck.

MyDogSmiles said...

@Brayson I've been thinking for a while that the entire rap community is gay as hell...

Thia said...

I don't know how this would be the beginning of the end. Gen Z LOVES her. Another label would pick her up if she got dropped or phased out.

Phantom57 said...

Never heard of her and her brother till a few months ago!

sandybrook said...

Because Enterns everywhere hate successful, young girls and try to destroy them and their reps once they begin to have that success. Been going on for years on this site.

longtimereader said...

Enty is talking a half truth. New artist's who don't play the game can get squashed easily. Old School artists who have been around for a decade or more and write their own material and have built their own fanbase, are industry proof. See the likes of Eminem or Swift who will always have #1 records and sell out stadiums, they have now turned into legacy acts. Other, less popular acts go to Vegas.

SeijnSei said...

@Brayson so she has a song that basically implies a robbery and the dead bodies of her friends being in the back of her car. Unless she actually did this doesn't that make her a liar and a hypocrite for calling out rappers for the same thing she does?

hunter said...

How long until Billie starts taking her clothes off like Halsey?

Angela said...

It's obvious from the way the blind items are phrased (and the little insight that Enty has otherwise on Eilish) that the whole series of blind items is posted as a favor to somebody who loves Lana Del Rey, and didn't like that she lost to Eilish at the Grammies.
It's simply particularly ironic that this reveal is published on the very day her Bond theme premieres.

It also raises a good question. Are there really people who care enough about the results of the Grammies after the ceremony is over?

NoNoNoNo said...

At least LDR has (some) talent, whereas Billie doesn't have any.

Monkeyweather said...

Eminem is a Cabal insider. Even hung out with Epstein and the Cabal's child procurer (Ray Chandler).
So is Swift.
It's not a matter of being too big to fade.

Molly Oh said...

She's always been the flavor of the month.

Conspiracy theory trolls should go back to the Vigilant Citizen, this is a gossip site.

alan said...

what purpose did she serve? I understand that her back story was constructed, but what is to be gained by elevating a musician artificially only to then move on, when presumably there would have been money in continuing to promote her?

MarxistFreak said...

There's nothing extraordinary about her and she has a rotten attitude.

Glow W said...

Finneas is a HUGE Talent and Billie is a nice singer and together, they have places to go.

Glow W said...

And sorry to LDR fans, but she is a poser

Brayson87 said...

@SeijnSei, Nope.

“There’s a difference between lying in a song and writing a story. There are tons of songs where people are just lying. There’s a lot of that in rap right now, from people that I know who rap. It’s like, ‘I got my AK-47, and I’m fuckin’ . . .’ and I’m like, what? You don’t have a gun. ‘And all my bitches. . . .’ I’m like, which bitches? That’s posturing, and that’s not what I’m doing.”

Brayson87 said...

hunter! I thought that was Count for a sec. ;)
Well Billie is 18 so it's all kosher.

Brayson87 said...

I don't think Enty is a Lana Del Rey fan considering how many blinds he's posted about her.

There's probably a lot of people in the industry who resent Billie because she didn't have to suck a lot of old man c*ck or otherwise demean herself to become successful. Do you think Lana Del Rey got with Weinstein pre-op or post-op? It's difficult to tell from the love song she wrote about him.

"I got sweet taste for men who're older/ It's always been so it's no surprise/ Harvey's in the sky with diamonds/ And it's making me crazy/ All he wants to do is party with his pretty baby" and "I know your wife and she wouldn't mind,"

Brayson87 said...

@MyDog, It's not just the rappers lol.

SkullChimpyCheese said...

Yeah but her schtick is consistent and polished. Uou can't exactly listen to much pop music if you're going to boycott "poseurs" with big hair occult overtures and an ability to successfully rip off other artists etc ... die was cast on that score over 50 years ago.

SkullChimpyCheese said...

===I know your wife and she wouldn't mind

Well, you go and post lyrics and ruin everything. =)


squirrelmistress said...

beanie eyelash

BRAD PITT said...

Billie and her brother make beautiful music in the bedroom

Substance D said...

God but this "Billie" looks like "she's" never heard of douching. Wotta stench her damp, three day old undies must emit. But then newly minted tranny gash can get gamey.

es.ny said...

@Substance D- you must be a man. You know women don't actually "douche", right? It's not a thing.

Turitella said...

She's playing the game. When she was posing at the oscars, she did the Miley tongue thing, then she covered up one eye. She's already sold herself.

jaceyxmsp said...

Read Penny Fractions' take on Billie's "career' in order to understand why she's manufactured, who is pushing her and why they're pushing her. He/she came up with receipts and people are still trying to deny the fact that she's an untalented, unoriginal and controlled industry plant. I don't even like LDR so don't star with the "you're probably a Lana stan" BS. Some of us just aren't idiots.

axdew said...

Lol this is a funny blind, it's almost a certainty she'll win an Oscar for her bond theme next year. Granted she's insufferable


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