Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #2

February 15, 2020

The idea was to ruin the career of the other, not for them to ruin the careers of both. That has gone out the window. At this point, no studio wants to hire this former A+ list mostly movie actor or his ex. Why? So, they can be asked about everything that has been found on both sides. They both look atrocious.

Amber Heard/Johnny Depp


  1. You put two moron drama queens head to head, this is the kind sh!t show that happens.

  2. I bet they broke bad when she borrowed one of his scarves without asking.

  3. cool... Amber makes a good yachter/dominatrix/cheap cunt... she's already got past stripper training anyway.... and depp's always played off beat/crazy characters so....

  4. Amber is gonna be the NEW LINDSAY LOHAN NOW!!!!!!!! LOL

  5. I can smell them from here.

  6. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Typical druggie marriage. I wouldn't be surprised if the got back together.

  7. @Freed Weave - Amber seems smarter and more discerning than LiLo, for whatever that's worth.

    1. @hunter amber litterally sleeps with anyone & everyone to get a role... cut throat and driven? yes. discerning? Not so much....

  8. Yeesh, they can have each other. Regardless of what online drama has been saying, I don't think there's a good guy in this scenario. Just two messed up people who messed up even worse getting together.

  9. Mutually assured destruction! You guys want to work call a truce and/or get on the same bandwagon. Hash things out personally but make a public statement about how things went off the rails and you are ready to make peace/get back to business. Otherwise it will be PERMANENT career suicide for both.
    That being said I was willing to believe Amber bc of Johnny's drinking issues BUT... every single person here in LA I know who has worked with Depp defends him and his character... and I don't mean on the record kind of thing but I have heard SO much about how gentle, gracious etc he is. MAYBE this is why he felt the need to vehemently defend his character but also it is just making for more discussions, buzz, news, arbitration.

  10. Yeah, Depp for sure still came out the worse.

  11. Blind Gossip reported the opposite last week, saying that Hollywood has a short memory and they're both starting to get work again. Who knows? All I know is I hate the idea that she is going to be in The Stand. I love that book, dammit, and she's going to bring her particular brand of suck to the whole production.

  12. @kiki, interesting. I've heard some not very positive things about him but my gossip is based in NY, not LA.

  13. Amber is like a smarter and better at acting ScarJo. Which isn't saying much, it's like being better than a wooden post, but look at how far ScarJo has gotten. Amber will be fine in Hollywood.

    And if not she can always go live with Elon on his Mars colony :)

  14. @Da Fresh Prince.... hey his increased drinking too cold have contributed or maybe she helped 'facilitate' that and then pushed his buttons or cried wolf. I don't know. I just know I am a writer here in LA and I have a friend who worked closely with him on ALICE IN WONDERLAND and said he is kind, gracious, soft spoken... humble. Maybe he is different drinking or when NOT working. I was just surprised that my friend and several others IMMEDIATELY came to his defense (not not publicly but in speaking to me/socially) about how they don't believe any of this for a second. They like didn't even ENTERTAIN it. Then again there have been rumblings about Winona, Vanessa etc. Who knows?

  15. @hunter, amber can probably maintain sobriety just enough to be evil and manipulative. Lilo could not. A self destructive addict who hurts him/herself solely is worthy of a little sympathy. One that leaves carnage in one's wake, does not.

  16. To say Depp is a used up junkie is an insult to used up junkies, many of whom look a lot better than he does.

  17. Wasn't "Morons From Outer Space" a really bad 1980's film?

    "How do you make the space ship fly?"
    "You push the peddle."

  18. If you've ever been unfortunate enough to have had a relationship with a narcissistic abuser, there are recogniseable red flags everywhere in Heard's speech on the audios released, from gaslighting to minimising abuse ("I didn't punch you, I hit you", as if that makes it less abusive) to taunting Depp that no-one will believe him as he is a man and is much stronger than her, despite her also saying that friends warn people she dates that she "can get trailer-park real fast", and that she "can't promise she won't get physical again" when Depp proposes a peaceful exit-strategy. Too, there is only one of that couple who has a DV arrest and it ain't Depp; in fact, his exes have come to his defense. If you've never been in a "relationship" like this, it just looks like mutual toxicity but those who've suffered at the hands of these pathologically self-centred social climbers can read it with their eyes closed. In Amber Heard the Me Too movement has its first psycho and she has made it more difficult for actual victims of abuse to get justice. Also, Depp has said doesn't care if he loses his career, he's had a good run of it with an amazing body of work; personally, I hope he wins his defamation case against that calculating barnacle who divorced him three days after his mother died (also classic narc behaviour, they love doing their worst when you're at your lowest and the least able to respond logically).

    1. Agree. You would think/hope that men at large would learn from so many obvious previous examples as to How Not to Get Boned by a Skank (theoretically as well as literally), but men so often disappoint with their predictable simplicity... Worse when they then proceed to dis all women for their grievances when, had they only been conscious enough to realize that it was all within their control from the start...but, alas, no. Idiocracy is the land where sub-par men dwell. Dipshit gonna dip.

  19. @kiki, yes most of it centered around his drinking. He apparently could get very angry and uncontrollable which made me initially believe Heard with her initial claims. I also knew someone who claimed that he was very pretentious and standoffish when young, very much convinced he was a serious artiste. That may have changed (or not based on his behavior lol). Granted, I've also heard some examples of him being very sweet too, so I don't doubt you!

  20. They both look atrocious...kinda like you Enty? It's all relative. She's an obvious horrible whore-cunt-climber with sociopathic violent streak and he is an aging actor who shouldnt play Willy, Hatter or Scissorhands anymore. At least he has talent and didn't get his jobs by sucking tons of cock

  21. Depp is stupid, which makes me believe he could do stupid things. Also he got his business partner killed and who knows what else at the Viper Room, so he also has no morality. So we know he can do bad things. Getting drunk and beating the sh!t out of Amber is not that much of a stretch for him.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. @Sunkist, I could totally see Depp sucking c*ck to get a job, he's about on the border of twink.

  24. The Viper Room? Huh, clearly I need to brush up on my gossip!

  25. Stop with the constant bot theories. Bots are a thing but not the only thing. Here is how you can tell. When a celeb gets 145,000 likes on IG but only 4 comments, they are controlling with bots and erasing comments while botting likes. When the same celeb has hardly any likes or comments on twitter...they are totally botted

    1. ...because no celebrity of any worth would indulge in the shit stain that is social media

  26. @ Unknown of 10:25. I agree. When I heard the audio tape, I was no longer on the fence. Her words damned her completely.

    @MissDavie You are so sadly right, they might get together again. Yikes.

  27. I'd for sure like to see some more juicy ol' Viper Room gossip from back in the day, from the powers that be... ;)

  28. https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2018/06/blind-items-revealed-1-revisited.html

    Thursday, June 28, 2018
    Blind Items Revealed #1 - Revisited

    In light of the recent Rolling Stone article, I thought I would bring this back out.

    July 20, 2015

    This was originally revealed on January 1, 2016

    It is not often an A+ list mostly movie actor gets away with murder. It is even more rare that it happened in a time that is not Old Hollywood. It did happen back in the day. The actor in question in this blind is still really close to A+ list. The actor was stealing from his business partner. Our actor was not the money making machine he is now and was using a lot of drugs and couldn’t pay. He also had some other issues. He got in over his head and when the silent business partners came looking for their share of the profits, our actor pointed the finger at the other partner as to why there was no money to pay the silent partners. The guy got killed and our actor quickly got out of sight and stayed out of sight for about a year.

    Johnny Depp/Anthony Fox/Viper Room

  29. Yeeeesssss... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JZom_gVfuw

  30. @J, Actually was there a comment where she admitted to slipping people stuff without their knowledge, that's ringing a bell. But yeah always watch your drink.

  31. Change "look" to "are" and this sentence is fixed:

    *They both look atrocious*

  32. πŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸΊπŸ˜΄

  33. Maybe Johnny's a mess because he feels guilty about the Viper Room thing.

  34. Johnny started hanging around Keith Richards, using him as an inspiration for the "Pirates" movies, and the rest is history. No one can keep up with Keith, it almost killed Ronny Wood, Tony Sanchez, etc.

  35. Johnny started hanging around Keith Richards, using him as an inspiration for the "Pirates" movies, and the rest is history. No one can keep up with Keith, it almost killed Ronny Wood, Tony Sanchez, etc.

  36. Why delete my comment about The Central? Depp bought The Central because it was THE hang out on the Sunset strip at the behest of Chuck E Weiss. I was there. It was Belushi's hang out and where he jammed on the drums. It wasn't only River Phoenix's death connected with that bar. People like to pretend that the Viper Room under Depp ownership was the evil downfall when it was all mob owned way before. The drugs and alcohol consumed at the Rainbow are what started The Hollywood Vampires many of whom died around the spectre of Sunset which is also how The current Vampires started with Joe Perry and Alice Cooper (and Depp). His house is on the corner of Sunset and Sweetzer FFS. The entrance to his property used to be ON Sunset btw.

  37. @Studio54
    Now, now .. we can't blame Keef.
    Spanish Tony was a dealer, well-debauched before meeting Keith.
    Ronnie was a wildman long before becoming a Stone. His alcoholism and other practices took him to the brink.

  38. @Mozart - at least she's playing Nadine instead of Frannie. :-) I honestly don't see AH in the role though.

  39. Somebody's getting nervous... ;) https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8046849/Johnny-Depp-makes-surprise-appearance-Londons-High-Court-sues-Sun.html

  40. You're lying, Dolores... And one mustn't tell lies. Stupefy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJkMasdZtyQ

  41. Oh, it's escalating...

    "Johnny Depp sent texts saying he would 'drown then burn' his wife Amber Heard 'then f*** her corpse' court is told" : https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8046849/Johnny-Depp-makes-surprise-appearance-Londons-High-Court-sues-Sun.html

    "Johnny Depp threatens to ‘burn’ and ‘drown’ ex-wife Amber Heard" : https://pagesix.com/2020/02/26/court-hears-johnny-depps-texts-threatening-to-burn-ex-wife-amber-heard/

    https://giphy.com/gifs/dumbledore-9H279yb0blggo :)

  42. https://giphy.com/gifs/harry-potter-will-and-grace-gif-lB7l9xSBWRbag

  43. What he said in those texts is revolting, but I still think she's worse, at this stage. Johnny seems to be a classic idiot who gets fiercely obsessed with mental women.
