Saturday, February 22, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #2

February 12, 2020

This permanent A list actress knows exactly what to say to ensure she gets another half dozen magazine covers this year. She doesn't want children, but knows what sells.

Jennifer Aniston


  1. Start with Iggy Pop
    Add massive photoshop
    Subtract massive talent

    1. Oh dear. Separated at birth. Who knew?

  2. I’m tired of Jennifer Maniston

  3. she better off stealing oneof angies kids or
    she'll probably birth a cabbage patch... cool...

  4. People who grow up in abusive households often grow up with no desire for children since they didn't have much of a childhood themselves. Jennifer Aniston's parents were emotionally abusive to her in many ways. She didn't speak to her mother for years.

  5. Like I said before, you don't get to 50 And suddenly decide you really want kids ! It also gets a little difficult to market "The girl nextdoor" thing. Lol

  6. When things are a little slow, she can always pop her tummy out when the paps are around and let the baby bump speculation go wild.

  7. I have never heard that Aniston's father was emotionally abusive to her in any way or that aside from harping on her looks, that her mother was. People have had it much tougher than Aniston. That said, whether or not she wants to spawn is her own business. But her using it to keep her name in the press when she really isn't very interesting otherwise, is annoying.

  8. If magazines are putting her ona cover it’s because she’s talking about Brad Pitt and her, not a middle aged woman having a kid.

    1. Except "Adopting a Baby Girl!" WAS the headline on Star's cover story of her anout a week ago.

  9. Redirecting editors away from the inevitable menopause headline and cover for her.

  10. Kids are a pain the ass once they hit 12. Nothing wrong with not wanting kids.

  11. harping on your looks isn't being emotionally abusive? on which planet?

  12. Anuston hasnt thrown a viable egg in yrs.

  13. She's got major body issues, remember thinking that back when she was still with Brad in the 90's. She wasn't going to have bio kids unless she was desperate to keep him bc he wanted them. He left her for a woman who already had adopted then had more with him.

  14. Jen's issues are from her mother, then the fact that she was the Duff while growing up and b4 she lost weight and got her nose fixed & got a boob job after getting on friends. Like Kaley Couco did after the first season of Big Bang.

  15. Anonymous12:42 PM

    She's going to be teasing baby news and a Brad reconciliation when she's 80. What else does she teally have?

  16. Wow. The expiration date has long past on this one. A little OT but I binge watched The Morning Show, which Enty implied was sh*t and I quite liked it. I thought the acting was fine all around and aside from the last scene rant (which could have been written better IMO) the story line was compelling.

  17. She almost never talks about children. In fact the first time was about two years ago when she said she had tried but there had been difficulties and thatit was nobody's business. I agree with her. I know people who've gone through it and it's intensely painful and personal.

  18. God bless her. If people are still buying that shit at 51 then I say go girl - take that cash to the bank.

    Anniston's done her time in my book. There's a certain point at which I feel like they've paid their dues and they can play the game however TF they want. Also see: Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, etc.

    Let her do the cash grab, who TF cares? I say ring that bell.

  19. @ Andi. I agree but 'what else does she have?" Hello didn't she just win a Golden Globe for THE MORNING SHOW? Maybe just a nomination and I am wrong. Now HBO is doing a FRIENDS reunion. She still has a lot going on. The nursing the baby stories and Brad Reunion are a sad commentary on her not trusting she can still get work or let go of the limelight.

  20. Let's put it this way, if she truly wanted kids Brad Pitt would of never left her ass for Angelina Jolie. Brad wanted kids and she kept putting him off to the point where he knew it was never going to happen with her. In the end, he might of gotten his wish but at what cost?

  21. Its sad that a woman has to want what society thinks is better to get attention. I think she is so brave for making the decision of not having kids even when everybody press her. I don't blame her for this that Enty is telling.

  22. She works hard at whatever makes her look as good as she does. I take my hat off to her. But after 50 are we really going to pretend she can get pregnant?

  23. It's ok Jen if u never have kids. We still like u more than that junkie Angelina and her cooter full of snakes.

  24. She's in a no win situation. If she doesn't talk about it- there are articles full of unnamed sources that are complete bullshit. On the RARE occasions she does talk about marriage and kids- she's "whining" and nobody wants to listen to the "priviledged white bitch".
    It used to be that people could take the high road and get credit for that but now you're criticized for doing that as well. I'm so friggin over it. Everybody is so busy scrutinizing everyone else's crap they don't look at their own.
