Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #2

February 11, 2020

Well, at least this foreign born former celebrity turned syndicated actress turned reality star turned celebrity has stayed consistent. If you have money, she will have sex with you. If you have a lot of money and pay off her debts, she will marry you. For a minute.

Pamela Anderson


  1. At this point it's got to be like f*cking a mummy or mannequin that can give you STIs.

  2. Lol, when a lifeguard needs another lifeguard...

  3. I'll keep my money, thx.

  4. She is still has more humanity, decency and principles than Meghan McCain. A woman who f***'s her dead father's corpse for profit. I like her.

    1. Meghan's a total idiot too - she admitted on live TV that her father, the "hero" was executed, and did not die of cancer.
      Swift-moving military tribunals can be deadly for traitors.

    2. This really didn't happen.
      Who's really the idiot?
      Spoiler: you

    3. What the hell does MM have to do with this blind???

  5. Have read lots of comments elsewhere she is a nice person, and that there is more behind this.

  6. There's not enough niceness in the world for me to get in line behind Kid Rock.

  7. Bogus and made-up blind: Tommy Lee, Kid Rock and Rick Salomon don't have a combined net worth of a millionaire. I like Pammy, she wears her heart on her sleeves. About her last marriage, who doesn't need a little savings in old age?

    1. So you're saying an older woman should whore herself out if a few bucks are involved?

      How fucking shallow are you?

    2. Not every Pam can find her Jim, some have to settle for Johns

  8. Assange had nothing either unless he has a secret acount somewhere because anything he had was taken by the govt. In any case Peters is 74 and possibly gay and rumored to not be able to read, so there's that going for him too.

  9. @Little, Wears her a$$ on her sleeve more like it, it's probably detachable now anyway.

  10. Rumor has it Peters is not a nice person and did Pammy or someone close to her wrong years ago. This was Pam getting revenge and settling a score and taking care of business while she was at it. Pam seems very sweet and kind to me.

  11. Why does anyone care what Meghan McCain thinks anyway? It's always great when left wing shows try to pretend to be inclusive by going out and finding the dumbest blondes they can throw a conservative label on. Her father wasn't even a real conservative, he was a RINO FFS.

  12. Big deal Enty!
    Everyone in Hollywood marries for money or Youth!
    Why single her out.....
    Leave Pammy ALONE!!!!

    Iam cranky wen hungry....I'll eat something and cone back!

  13. The girls gone wild pedo who lives in MX claimed the same thing when they divorced like a month later, he paid off her debts, she married him, then she didn't come back.

    BG is reporting that this was her revenge bc that producer is a sick pedator, she did it to teach him a lesson.

  14. Guess whoring with euro trash doesn't pay that well after all.

  15. TBH, I never found Pam to be attractive! At least to me!

    Not that I would have ever be in the same area/orbit as her - ever.

    Oh, well!

    Been married 34 years and counting!


  16. I read somewhere the "very brief husband" of hers was a nasty POS. If the rumours are true, good for Pammy and f#ck that a-hole !!

  17. Well technically he f*cked her a-hole, but hey she got a lot of money so she's the winner right? #whorelogic

  18. πŸ’ŠπŸΊπŸ˜΄

  19. @J, Is that emoji for roofie?

  20. @Brayson87
    It's the emoji for Amazing Quotes

    ...can you post that for us?

  21. Monkeyweather- Whaaaaaat?

  22. In my city, we've got a radio station, JACK format, basically no DJ, mix of songs type. It has a announce say funny things between songs.

    Last night I head one say "Pam Anderson is nice to animals, but rough on husbands."

  23. Seriously, that nasty old heiffer should be paying men to have sex with her.

  24. she could have married for money, but didn't. I like her
