Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #1

February 14, 2020

The award season rush and what happened in between is all over now. So, is a lot of the heady excitement between the A list everything in her mind and her significant other. This is going to be a tough patch for them.

Jennifer Lopez/Alex Rodriguez


  1. I knew it was A-Rod & J-Lo, but what happened between them?

  2. jlo should just date a cardboard-cutout-of-herself shaped mirror.

  3. No man will ever fulfill her at all. She’s all about herself

  4. She's basically an animatronic Chuck E Cheese with Ashanti's voice coming out of her speaker box.

  5. Yeah now that award season is over all they've got left is sitting on their balcony overlooking the ocean and heating up their chef produced dinners in the microwave while watching her music videos and his baseball highlights on youtube.

  6. j-lo is probably full of herself but I admit I enjoy her rom-coms and I give her a lot of credit for standing up to scio and standing by her bff Leah Remeni. We all have issues and I have never really heard anything nasty or cruel about her.

  7. Again....I wish I could do something to help them!
