Monday, February 17, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #1

February 4, 2020

The wife of this foreign born A-/B+ list actor who gained his fame in that movie franchise based on best selling books has a ton of Finsta accounts to try and smoke out the women in her husband's life.

Jamie Dornan


  1. Maybe that's why he spent Valentine's Day in a sports bar instead of with his wifey, Entern?

  2. How cheap....hire someone to do that!
    Generate some employment these hard times!

  3. Oh my lord woman, have some self respect and move onto your next mark...
    I mean bank account....
    I mean mug...
    doh, sorry HUSBAND

  4. Indie- lol! Putting a positive spin on the paranoia!😂

  5. When social standing is more valuable than self-respect

  6. His wife needs to let him go, she only wants him for his money, she is holding him back from getting work by being an annoying controlling witch, he should of left her when he had the chance a couple of years ago

  7. *pretends to be shocked* This reveal was no big surprise to me. I can't believe she feels she needs to do this, great amount of trust there (not). She has 3 kids to look after yet would rather spend time trolling to see what her husband is up to. Well I can only say he must not be at home much if she is never sure where he is, maybe it's time for her to admit defeat and separate from him. I'm sure her little minions who follow her will give her the attention and sympathy she clearly desperately craves that she clearly isn't getting from Jamie.

  8. omg, just leave him. Who wants to live like that?

  9. She knew what he was when she got with him & no she isn't controlling, she just knows he's a dog like Jenna knew about Tatum.

  10. Some women want to move on, some women want revenge. I don't think she wants to move on.

  11. She has a lot of people on Instagram that will come after you for saying anything that isn't praising her. A lot of these people account look new.

  12. Can't she just stay for the money, but be honest about it? Why have a dynamic that makes everyone unhappy & unfulfilled?

  13. The marriage is a joke. They both are disgusting. He is a cheater and she puts up with it, then gets pregnant to keep him. Maybe one of her friends he hasn't screwed would be honest with her and tell her to get out. I hope she gets tested for any diseases and gets her self respect.

  14. What's Finsta? I'll have to look it up. Man, either put up or shut up. She needs to accept that he's a cheating asshole and he's never going to stop. That she'll be head ho. OR, divorce his ass. The time and the energy to snoop around like that. What's the worst she's going to do? Yell and scream at him and he says sorry? Then he'll turn around and cheat more? Good grief, have some self respect.

  15. Just like the trump sucking masses who believe everything FOXnews and the Russians say about the turd in the white house, you all believe anything that is posted here about Jamie Dornan. It's posted here and nowhere else and it is "known" why.

  16. @Boo, I had to look it up, too. in case anyone else wants to know without googling:

    A finsta is a secondary, usually private, Instagram account where users are more lax in deciding what they post. It's a private space that might be more personally authentic and is shared with close friends. This is a contrast to someone's main account, which might have more heavily curated content.

    Finstagram is a portmanteau of fake and instagram. It started appearing on social media in late July 2011. At this time, a handful of Twitter users who posted photos in their tweets dubbed their posts finstagrams to account for the fact that they were using the site as someone might use the then-newish photosharing app Instagram.

    Soon after this, it also humorously appeared alongside images of fish as a pun on the term fin. This use included both real and metaphorical fish, such as the football team the Miami Dolphins.

    While it’s not certain, the word likely gained its current meaning some time in 2013, and in the same year, finstagram got its own entry on Urban Dictionary. It began to get more attention in 2014 and onward, before it attained mainstream media coverage in mid- and late 2015. Since then, finstagram’s popularity has increased steadily.

    Just as Instagram is sometimes shortened as insta, finstagram is often shortened as finsta.


    People who use the words finsta or finstagram are very likely to be teenagers or 20-somethings. The existence of a finsta is representative of people’s need to carve out a private, intimate space in an increasingly public social media landscape.

    A finsta may be more personal and could contain insight into a user’s actual life, as opposed to the filtered and polished experience that their main account offers. For example, someone’s finsta might include inside jokes and silly pictures. They might also be inclined to post photos, especially selfies, more frequently. This kind of behavior might not be possible on their main account, which might be bound by self-imposed rules or community expectations.

    Finstagram’s natural companion and direct contrast is rinstagram, or “real Instagram.” A rinstagram account is a user’s main account and will typically have more followers than one’s finstagram account. A rinstagram offers a very polished, performative, and cultivated experience. The pressure of maintaining a rinstagram account is what drives some users to create a finsta as a means of escape. Unlike a finsta, which is for a user’s close friends, a rinsta is intended for a wider audience and/or for one’s parents.

    On Instagram itself, the word finstagram often appears as the hashtags #finstagram or #finsta. Like the term Instagram, finsta or finstagram can be used as a verb to mean “to post something to one’s finstagram account.””

  17. No big surprise, it's well known she clearly doesn't trust him. I mean she was on set during fifty, how desperate and untrusting is that, and she won't watch the movies (bet she has) but will happily watch it being filmed when there would be multiple takes of kissing etc. If you trust someone you don't need to follow there every move and know where they are. This is not a happy marriage but a toxic relationship and one of them needs to make the leap and end

  18. That's really sad. I resorted to this crap with my cheating ex-husband and it kills your soul. I was in constant pain and sadness.

    It won't make her feel happier. The only think that will make her feel better is to leave.

    She is very beautiful, she could easily find another man - but a decent one this time. She probably wants to "win" this relationship but there is no winning with a man like that... he'll cheat on the next one too. Do celebrities read this site? I hope she reads this comment and realises the sooner she gets out the better.

    I left. I'm so, so, so, so much happier now.

  19. Some oblivious comments here about her being with him "for his money". She is from a respectable background and he is basically an Irish chav - she didn't start dating him for his money and she'd get half in a divorce. Are these Americans commenting who don't understand how to work out what background someone comes from?

  20. I've read her mother was an actress and a heroin addict at one time, her biological father Alan Warner left them when she was very young because he didn't want children. Jamie's father was a doctor and his mother an RN. It looks like they play the happy family appearance for his career. Interesting that she discovered she was a composer after she had children.



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