Thursday, February 13, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #1

February 4, 2020

The foreign born A- list model has been listening to this A+ list mostly movie actor about entering into a new contract. She had a rough month back in December when a client beat her. Plus, the A+ lister has made things difficult for her in order to get her back under contract.

Irina Shayk/Bradley Cooper


Brayson87 said...

I wonder how often yachters are beat by their clients? I mean they're already spanking, slapping, choking, pissing and sh!tting on these women, is anything off the table? 🤔

Monkeyweather said...

She might as well. They're both Illuminati minions so their days of freedom, wealth, and fame are numbered.

cc423 said...

if this is now public knowledge, I can’t imagine Cooper keeping up this facade.

norster said...

@Brayson87 I use to wonder why, the Daily Mail would always highlight all the bruises the models had, while they were posing on the millionaire's yachts.

Guesser said...

@norster,famous pics of bruises on Lilo and Hayden P.

IndieRaga said...

I hope she's safe after the beating!
Get insurance honey... anybody could help her?

Brayson87 said...

@norster, It's like gee, I can't imagine why some ME men might have a low opinion of western oh wait I'd better stop there lol.

Clark Green said...

two crazy kids in love

hunter said...

@Brayson - it's one thing to have rough sex with a little slapping or choking, perhaps a variety of humiliating activities.

It's really something else entirely to be punched in the face or stomach, thrown into walls and maybe hit some more, up to and including broken bones.

I've never been beat like that (thank GOD) and honestly I don't really get it - why would you beat up someone you hired to have sex with??

I guess some people have violent juju they want to get out.

E said...

@norster maybe to advertise what they'll put up with in terms of abuse?

And @Brayson, I've always wondered the exactly that--why would a beauty like Shayk put up with god-knows-what when she can just marry a really rich guy? How can abuse be worth it, no matter the price?

Unknown said...

Who beat her? And is Bradley considering a new contract with her? These blinds can be so poorly-worded - and vague.

AlleyKat said...

Hey Bray I worked in UAE (non-yacht related) for a well known American university (don't get me started on that!)
I was constantly kerb crawled when waiting for a taxi in office attire. Young emirate dude in mahoosive luxury 4x4 went so far as follow me to 9am. Scared the shit outta me.
They don't socialise with women outside the family (other than either yachters or nefarious types) and you would not believe the behaviour of some ex pat women. so I guess they think we're all sluts.

Aquagirl said...

Doesn’t she want a REAL relationship? Where she actually loves the person? At what age do you finally give up the yachting & the bearding?

Hotbox said...

Not if the price is right.

Amartel said...

Lovely. What a prize, both of them. That poor kid.

Brayson87 said...

@hunter, Whatever two adults consent to is up to them, everyone has their own kinks. I get the impression getting beat wasn't in her contract but might be in other yachters' contracts.

I imagine it's something about power dynamics or seeing just how far they can go. As for prostitutes, beaters probably pick them for the same reason killers do, they're vulnerable. It's not like they're going to call the authorities. Maybe their pimp or whatever but that's it.

Brayson87 said...

@AlleyKat, Yeesh, that's horrible. Wow, what were some of the ex pat women up to?

DWelsh said...

I grew up in the UK and every single of my female friends was abused on some level by ME men. I was personally assaulted three times and I'm not talking about verbal abuse. Two out of three of those guys were British-born. They just don't see us as people.

idiot slayer said...

That's not limited to ME men, sadly. Witness the ugliness that goes on here, how women are described, regardless of the rank untruth of the comments.

AlleyKat said...

Maybe i should rephrase that, else i be "slut shaming". In the context of living in a muslim country....I lived with my partner for 5 years in uk. We lived separately in UAE, as its a crime if your not married, you will be prosecuted and deported. You know you have to behave and play by the rules.

Partying too hard (sex drugs etc etc.)is a lifestyle for some ex pats, and not being discreet.Which in US or UK may be acceptable but over there it brings you a whole heap off police trouble if you are a foreigner.

One poor girl left a nightclub with and couple of men (maybe compkryley innocent reasons) got taken into the desert, raped, killed and burnt to cover it up (by quataris I think).

You do not mess sex wise with these people they do not operate under standard procedures when it comes to relationships with foreign women.

Nadjaf said...

Why she need yachting after all? Why Beadly don’ t give her enough money to not to do that? She is the mother of his child, i don’t get it...

Unknown said...

Bradley did not "give her money." She is a millionaire in her own right (through real estate), and major campaigns. I can't for the life of me imagine why she still yachts. I also can't imagine Cooper offering her a new contract. She would not take it unless it included MARRIAGE. That's what broke up the last one, and yes,she broke it off with him, just like she broke off the contract with Crissy Ronaldo.

Dani said...

Unknown: So, you admit that she dates guys under contract? As far as her money is considered, she just started modeling for major brands in the last few years, even though she has been around for a long time. I've never seen her on any highest paid model list and the rumors about her other "paid activities" have been going around for years. I'm just not convinced that she has made all of her money from just modeling.

Dani said...

I still wonder if the child is Bradley's. If it's not, he would have to pretend forever because no one is going to believe that a guy in his position waited 3 years to get a DNA test.


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