Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Blind Item #9

The foreign born A- list model has been listening to this A+ list mostly movie actor about entering into a new contract. She had a rough month back in December when a client beat her. Plus, the A+ lister has made things difficult for her in order to get her back under contract.


  1. Irina and Bradley Cooper

  2. https://www.eonline.com/news/1118901/bradley-cooper-and-irina-shayk-reunite-7-months-after-split

  3. I wonder how often yachters are beat by their clients? I mean they're already spanking, slapping, choking, pissing and sh!tting on these women, is anything off the table? 🤔

    1. You KNOW nothing is off the table. They're meat for hire. No more would a street walker expect safety at all times.

    2. Google Dubai portapotty/potties. The rabbit hole goes deep. These women are out here screwing these rich Arab dudes and getting beaten, pissed on, shit on, and worse, all for money....

  4. I hate all these fake relationships, but there is a child to consider. It's probably better for the child to have easy access to both parents. She is quite an adorable toddler.

  5. BCoop understands rough trade, he could comfort her.

  6. As IF this is true. LOL

  7. Cooper must've liked her enough to have had a child with her. Real or fake insemination, he knew he was going to be bound to Irina for life.

    And, if you are Irina, would you not rather be under "contract" with the father of your child than whoring yourself out to the highest bidder? Still do not understand the logic behind all of this. Because in neither scenario is it love or feelings involved if rumors are to be believed about Bradley.

    1. He wanted a good-looking kid...period!
      So later when the child grows tabloids can say child got his good looks!

  8. I don't agree with beating whores, unless it was previously negotiated.

  9. @Count, But what if you're her pimp?

    1. Look I hate damaging my own property,but sometimes, you gotta let them know who's the BOSS!

    2. You should find a hobby a hobby that doesn't require the internet. Something that helps you be less of an asshole.

  10. Pimp is a different story. Trying to keep mental addicts in line and earning requires corporal punishment. Reason and ultimatums are powerless. Unless they know you are willing to actually cross the line into violence, they will walk all over you.

  11. I feel sorry for everyone in this situation. There is a quote from somewhere that says that "you get what you put up with."

  12. Anonymous11:56 AM

    @jan 15

    that is 100% truth. been there.

  13. @Count, Do you teach executive leadership seminars on the side? These sound like strategies for success. 💰😅

  14. God, this woman is stupid. She left a marriage with BCoop, full of contracts being offered to her because of this relationship, to go back to her yachter days of being beaten and harassed by stupid clients.
    Now she will need to humiliate herself to go back and be a beard for BCoop.
    She needs mentoring. Hard.

  15. @Jennifer, I think hard mentoring is what lead her back to BCoop.

  16. @Brayson87 I guess she is in a very complicated position now because, according with Enty’s previous blinds, she left her daughter with BCoop for several months last year to “travel the world”. With the lawyers he has access to, he can get a full custody anytime. I can bet he is going yo use this against her.

  17. We still have no proof the child is his. This is from TV Azteca: Brad and Irina arguing at Wimbledon; the child was born nine months after this event. I wonder if this is when she first told him she was preggo, and choose to do so at a public event.


    My friend saw them at a fake shoot on a cul de sac in Brentwood. They showed up in different cars, the child with mom, took some family pics and then split.

    Anyway she is too high end to be beaten unless it was a Russian in Russia. Her employer would have his own crew to protect her. Even here in LA, their drivers are armed and ready.

    1. Uhhhhh... There WAS a paternity test. It's his kid. He had it done before putting her in his will.

    2. How do you know what or who is in his will? Do you know him?

    3. F: You do realize Bradley has been photographed taking care of and traveling with this child when Irina wasn't even in town. I don't think he is so nice that he is voluntarily watching her kid while she is away working for days at a time. Not to mention the announcement that the kid is not his would have been made when they broke up.

    4. When was this fake pap shoot?

  18. @brayson: It has been decades since I helped run a leadership conference for a group I was in, in high school.

    @Monkeyweather: Meat For Hire would make a great band name.

  19. I thought her outfit (what there was of it) was in incredibly bad taste. She embarrassed herself I am sure. Coop, whatever he is, does have taste and decorum. As long as his mom is alive. Her clothes were in such bad taste she made JLo look like Mother Theresa. Wonder if that marriage to ARod is gonna happen. He could wait a few years and marry her daughter! Wouldn't be the first time.

  20. Is cooper confirmed as gay? I know two people who went to hs with him, and they didn’t think

  21. I don't think BC necessarily "chose" to have a child with her. She could easily have stopped her birth control without telling him, in order to get pregnant and secure 18 years of child support.
    Being a yachter she would have the financial bottom line in mind, and he sure looked pissed and almost incredulous when she told him (in public, probably for her own protection against his probable resulting outburst) that she was pregnant...
    She babytrapped him!

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  23. Shayk and BCoop were at the BAFTA's together

  24. @Dani - I disagree with you, in that if he were gay he would have to play along with her or people would start asking questions about this relationship. If the kid is not his, Irina put him in the postition of having to play daddy for 18 years, or he could say the kid is not his, and she could escalate by saying BC is gay and I was his fake GF. Also, every time the child is with BC, the nanny is always right there. The kid is cute and I am sure he might enjoy spending some time with her for some pics.

    @Foxlilly - Enty had a blind from the same week, when I saw them in Brentwood: IS and BC got into a huge fight on the beach in Santa Monica, and instead of wearing her bikini she walked up and down the beach in her leather boots. They arrive/went home in separate cars. BC has his assistants voting down DM comments. They banned my account when I posted his Brentwood address and the address of another house five minutes away where they did another fake family outing story.



    @Sophia S - Yes, them at Wimbledon to the kid's BD - right at nine months. She was smart to do it n front of the world. Women like here are survivors and will do what it takes to keep their lifestyle. I did this online.

    From and including: Monday, June 13, 2016
    To, but not including Tuesday, March 21, 2017

    Result: 281 days
    It is 281 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date.

    Or 9 months, 8 days excluding the end date

  25. F: If they had a contract, I'm pretty sure there would have been a non-disclosure agreement. She wouldn't be able to say anything negative about him or their relationship. Not to mention if she did, she would basically be outing herself as an escort. I think she has more sense than that. I mean, there are suspensions that models do that sort of thing on the side, but I don't think a model has ever admitted to being an escort and is still modeling for top brands. Irina has incentive to keep quiet about Bradley. In no way should he be obligated to help her raise her kid if that wasn't part of the contract. There would be no point in having a contract if something like "help me raise my kid" could just be added after the fact. I believe these are supposed to be legally binding documents. And, I don't think people would ask questions because if he broke up with her for getting pregnant by someone else, he would basically be doing what pretty much every guy would do. If anything he would get sympathy. If she didn't want to be branded as a cheater, they could just say they were on a break when she got pregnant by someone else. There were certainly enough break up rumors to support that theory. There are multiple ways that he could get out of this and he would have chosen one of those by now.

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