Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Blind Item #9

Maybe the foreign born three named underage A- list actress could also have a few words with her parents who keep offering to find a way the actress can do sex scenes or work around nude scenes even at her age. Perhaps that is part of the problem.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Her parents need to be put down...

  3. It's her birthday today can't you keep the b.s. blinds at a minimum or less on people's birthdays?

  4. Millie Bobby Brown calls out people sexualising her in 16th birthday post

  5. +1 Tricia13 I have a horrible feeling she's already been sold. 😢

  6. How about staying in school? Is that out of the question? How about change comes in the way of all the child actors completing their education?

  7. Only two more years then her parents can organize the MBB 500.

  8. MBB
    She doesn't know a life other than this....
    For her this is the NORMAL!
    I volunteered for an NGO teaching children of prostitutes aged 4-12 in my hometown. They had a similar approch to sex,it was just a routine for them,having grown-up watching their mom sleep with strangers for some money!
    Nothing scandalous...
    Spine chilling for me !

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. @norster I didn’t really but into it about her at first. The blinds seem a reach,but the more I’ve seen her (and at the pace) she’s “matured” it seems a bit dubious,indeed

  10. Ugh, it seems like this girl is having all the pressure put on her to support her parents. I'm not sure child actors should really be allowed in Hollywood. It reminds me a little of Britney Spears, though I hope Brit Brit wasn't pimped out to men when she got famous!

  11. @Indie, That's messed up, like I get that the mothers probably couldn't afford daycare but damn having to grow up with the johns hanging around is wrong.

    1. Ohhh that's a living hell dear! Makes you love your life million times!
      I just quit in 2 months when my 12 yr old student was sold by her own mom and disappeared in the night with the money!
      She must be 19 now,IF Alive.....

    2. That’s heartbreaking.

  12. @Tricia13 There is nothing childlike about her eyes or her body language. I hope I'm wrong.

  13. Indie-- that's great work, but had to be overwhelming, for sure!

    MBB-- she's going to wind up resenting those parents, big time. She's got success, and they're still pushing for the dicier options.

  14. @Indie, Yeesh who the f*ck sells their 12 yr old like they were the family station wagon? #whorelogic

    Well good on you for trying to make a difference. 👍

    1. @Brayson, there is nothing worse than being a poor woman in a developing country.
      @Indie, couldn't you and your NGO do anything about tracing the 12-year old girl bring her to a shelter?

  15. Indie- oh that sounds heart wrenching!

  16. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Brooke Shields’ mom found a way to pimp her sexuality in movies. She turned out pretty good so maybe there’s hope for MBB

  17. Her parents were basically homeless and put her to work. I absolutely believe all these blinds about her.

  18. M. B the little girl Drake old ass texting

  19. lmao the fent grandmas have fresh bottles of pills and theyre going hog wild in the cdan comments

  20. @daddy Brooke Shields mum was well known for standing guard over her daughter.

  21. Standing guard over her daughter while she was shot for pedos by Playboy.

    Mom of the fucking year.


  22. @Little Miss, No matter how bad it gets...there's always something worse. Just like there's always something better.

  23. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Amen... She was a sick, sick freaking woman.

  24. MBB is a mess, her parents have been specializing her for years, sadly she/they don't have a good reputation in Hollywood and that's a feat no one wants.

  25. Maybe she should stop hanging round with Drake.

  26. Brooks mom was a raging alcoholic who peddled her Gorgeous daughter for modeling gigs and #hollywierd exploited her. Terry ended up in a nursing home with dementia. Brooke has risen above the situation and appears to be a stellar mom with Ivy league degree to boot. Notice how her kids are NOT in the limelight. That's called being a diligent and protective mom. Unlike her trainwreck mom. Take note Cindy Gerber and The Browns.

  27. February 19, 2022 the happiest day of drake's life

  28. As a parent myself I can never understand parents who do this to their children.
