Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Blind Item #8

The feds are investigating a sex trafficking ring in Miami that is importing models from Eastern Europe. The models are brought in by a woman who is best friends with a pseudo celebrity who is involved in multiple lawsuits and always looking for fame at the expense of her permanent A list ex.


  1. This is so vague it could be any number of ex wives, Nicole Murphy?

  2. #womenprotectingwomen

  3. Yeah during the Super Bowl they didn't mention all the human trafficking there.

  4. At this point, models should be synonymous with prostitutes. It's out in the mainstream now, everyone knows.

  5. I would LOVE to see Larsa Pippen arrested and humiliated, if this is her!
    She is SUCH a pathetic LOSER! I laugh whenever I see her out strutting like a whore. What a great example for her daughters!

  6. Come to America as a sex trafficed Eastern European model and some you might also become FLOTUS.

  7. This is supposed to be about Vicky Cornell. Don't know who the friend is supposed to be.

  8. The Super Bowl and Final Four are the 2 biggest events that attract human trafficking in the country, so this sounds plausible.

  9. I agree that it’s VK. She spends most of her time in Miami and is involved in many lawsuits including one with Soundgarden, one with Susan Silver and Lily, and one with CC’s doctor.

    1. +1 she and crazy yia yia keep attacking anyone on social media that supports the band. It's disgusting.

  10. BangBros?

    Human Trafficking is such a bullshit buzzword. Next to none of the cases where it is mentioned, Kraft, etc, is actually a case of human trafficking. I think all the departments slap the label on anything they can to get special funding. When SOSTA/FOSTA hit and BackPage/CL Personals were deaded, lots of departments lost layup arrest and conviction churns.

    Just as well, because probably 3/4 of the "underage" "trafficked" girls they were "rescuing" were 20something junkies using old MySpace pics, from when they were young teens, in their ads, to hide the 5+ yrs of crack/smack addiction damage.

  11. @ZZZ, Did you find an exception to the rule?

  12. Mel Gibson's ex who looked kinda like Octomom??

  13. That explains the children in the luggage racks at the SB half time show. That is how they are smuggled in.

  14. Child and/or any human sex trafficking is not a joke. Some of you are heartless and belong in Hollywood with the rest of the satanic cult members. Pathetic.

  15. Hope its is icky vicky.
