Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Blind Item #8

This back in the day A+ list reality star who is still hated by many has not been able to have unprotected sex in years because of a long STD outbreak she has suffered because of a reaction to some medication she was on.


  1. she just turned 39..same dresses same all lol

    1. I saw a picture the other day and thought the same thing. Sad.

  2. Paris has an STD? Color me shocked...

  3. Hate to be a blacklight shining on her mottled sheets.

  4. Finally, we know where the coronavirus originated, in Paris Hilton's cave/tunnel/valley!

  5. same dance moves too from a video clip I saw. New guy though(after 4 failed engagements...). wonder what she pays him

  6. Paris' eyes look like fake eyelash that slowly peeling off

  7. She has herpes. http://celebhijinx.blogspot.com/2007/01/paris-hilton-scandals-retrospective.html

  8. the last bit confuses me... it sounds like her medication gave her an STD? is she allergic to birth control/condoms??? pls help

    1. @Freed Weave

      Paris has herpes. Her new meds are either contraindicated with her herpes meds or maybe her new meds lowered her immunity & she had an outbreak.

  9. Honestly, after all these years, I'm tired of hearing about Paris's f*cked up pu$$y.

  10. Paris do you think ANYONE actually believes this b.s.?

  11. It's from those years of hiding her drug stash in that cavernous snatch.

  12. Paris got teh herps from Vitamin D.

  13. Wouldn't having sex with a herp outbreak be super painful? Maybe it Tila Tequila?

  14. @Freed - No the medication for herpes is what calms the outbreak down and controls is. It sounds like to me, she did not react correctly to the medication which is making the outbreak worse and longer lasting. You cannot get an STD from medication.

  15. She could blame Rick Salomon's splooge or any of 100 others' splooge, but then she would be admitting she was a slut and that's not good for her career.

  16. Paris been had STD, an old storage locker of her was purchased and it had her medication..
    Rick S she said gave her an std. whatever

  17. Vitamin D supplements can indeed aggravate the herpes condition and cause an outbreak in someone who already has the virus. i just looked it up.

    1. Really?? @do tell. I know sun exposure brings it out but not the actual vitamin.

  18. I think Enty is hinting that she’s on some type of immunosuppressive drugs that makes her have repeated outbreaks. People who have transplants or HIV are on those type of drugs.

  19. @veee - agree it does not sound medically accurate but did not know the herpes condidtion could be made worse by things (@Do Tell)

    This whole post seems somewhat medically unlikely.

  20. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Her HSV was probably dormant like it is in 10s of millions of people, especially the ones joking about it. Some"medication" she took triggered an outbreak. The sun can also trigger it. I would wager 9 out of 10 in celebrity world have it. Google the Jeter tree.

  21. Anonymous9:28 AM

    There's a joke that divorce lawyers and OB/GYNs are always in the same building because so many women find out they have HSV when they are pregnant and blame their husbands. Most if them were already infected but just didn't know because they had no symptoms or didn't notice with everything else that gies on down there.

  22. Brigitte Neilson..wasnt she banging Flava flav. that must be a petri dish of STIs

  23. Patient Zero, herself - Paris Hilton!

    I am hoping she can't ever have kids. JFC she is NOT someone who should procreate.

  24. Anyone who had chicken pox has the virus - mostly it stays dormant. It can turn up as shingles in some people. My mother gets this thing on her nose, and I used to get a sore on my chin in the same place every summer. Sometimes you couldn't see it, but it hurt like hell and I would feel like I had the flue. I blamed the sun. TURNS out, it was cashews. I ate them every day when we stayed at the family beach house. One day I was leafing through a book on eating for your bloodtype in Whole Foods. It said in my case CASHEWS kicked off shingles, herpes etc. Never had one since, and never had another cold sore either. Just FWIW. By the way, hardly a day goes by when I don't want cashews. They were my favorite! It's been about 15 years.

  25. Her Valtrex Rx was found in her storage locker

  26. Uh...so an active herpes outbreak will affect more than the inside of the vag. Consequently...a condom will not prevent its spread as the virus is life all over the genitals likely.

    Aside from that...who the f has sex while in the midst of an outbreak of painful blisters? No one - male or female should be having sex while they or someone else has an active STD.

  27. I remember Paris Hilton’s Valtrex bottle was spread around online etc back in the day. Everybody’s known she’s got the herp

  28. i don't think that's how you get STD's

  29. given her past clubbing in NYC, I am shocked she only has one std....

  30. Paris Hilton. Read about her having herpes many years ago

  31. A man goes to the doctor and the doctor says to him, "Please sit down, Mr Smith. Well the results of the tests are in and I'm afraid it's bad news. You have rampant gonorrhea. In fact it's the worst, most virulent case of gonorrhea that I've seen in 30 years of medicine."

    The man is obviously stunned by this and says,"Jesus, doctor... well... I...um...well.... erm... I must have caught it from that toilet seat, yes, that's it. From that toilet seat."

    The doctor replies,"Well about that toilet seat. You must have been sucking it. Because its in your gums."

  32. didn't she take it in the butt for coke? Got to be careful.

  33. I read here once, maybe in the comments, that Paris used to be a hooker and was popular in Hwood because she liked to raw dog. A rival madam sabotaged Paris with a client who had a raging case of the herp.

  34. It's been well known since the bimbo didn't pay her bill for a storage locker and the contents were auctioned that Paris "herpes" Hilton had herpes. A bottle of Valtrex in her name was in the locker. I've heard also she can't have kids....

    She's pushing 40 now, her image is frozen at a in her 20's ho and airhead.

  35. @Zebra Seasoning
    Vitamin D, D as in dick?! 😂

  36. She has Herpes Simplex II which is easily-exacerbated by medications, stress, illness, etc. To have a sustained outbreak that lasts years indicates some serious immune dysfunction.

  37. Such shade. Paris didn't invent "famous for being famous" but she did raise it to an art form. Paris Hilton was an industry, with numerous employees and payoffs to gossip sites. Kim Kardashian was her apprentice, FFS! All of the K's and J's should be paying her royalties.

    Honestly, I'd love to have dinner with her. I would love to hear how she plotted it out, where she made mistakes, and what is ahead for her.

    1. I'd only go if she promised to polish off an order of mozza sticks & super nachos.
