Saturday, February 22, 2020

Blind Item #8

Ticket sales were abysmal for the three named ingenue which is why she bailed on a tour. She was singing just fine late last week.


  1. guess it's now "slumbertime sadness" for her

  2. All ticket sales are horrible.... something to do with the Economy?
    Or is the pricing too high?

    1. A lot of people are waking up to what's going on in the music industry, and to who and what controls it.
      And they are not interested in hearing or seeing any of it anymore.
      Got pyramids, Baphomets, one eye covered, black and white checkerboard floors, cannibalism, and just generally a ton of occult symbolism in their videos? That's gonna bring a big NOPE from former concert goers.

  3. INGENUE, damn look at Enty being fancy!

  4. An ingenue would be too inexperienced to bail on a tour because of lack of seats sold, only an experienced “professional” like Madonna or Gaga or Gwen Stefani can get away with that, so one again you use that word wrong. Just because you learned alliterative this past year and beat us over the head with it doesn’t make you a grammarian.

  5. Thanks @Tricia13, and I meant Rey of course,but corrections take too long. Enty,some people really do lose their voice. The ones who don't lipsync.

  6. Bullshit. I live in Europe and her concerts have been sold out for months, I actually didn’t manage to get a ticket. The only one not sold out was in Birmingham.

    1. ^ found the lone Lana Del Rey fan here
      Seriously? An hour plus of just THAT?

  7. How dare you people love her sleepy white crocodile tear songs.

  8. I have no idea who this person is, having only ever seen her name here, but Google tells me she is 34 years old. "Ingenue" does not mean what you think it means, Enty.

  9. @IndieRaga

    Whatsamatta wit you IndieRaga? You too poor to blow $350-$650 for a 60 minute concert of sync singing? GET A JOB!

  10. It will show at the festivals in the summer, it always does. Bands and artists can get away with this shit on solo tours but when you're on the main stage to a half-empty audience, then you know.

  11. Lana del Rey just cancelled some shows last week in Europe due to "loosing her voice". Since the last album was very meh and void of what made her unique I could imagine sales haven't been that great.

  12. If it's low ticket sales, then she needs to book smaller venues.

  13. I don't think this is true, tickets were almost sold out in the UK



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