Thursday, February 06, 2020

Blind Item #7

Another drunken attempt to cut her own hair has now really shortened the overall look for the former A- list actress turned professional party goer.


  1. Enty really hates it when Hayden cuts her hair.

  2. Thank you to my girl for my bomb hair cut!!! #NaomiSzloboda #SunsetPlazaSalon

  3. Still looks cute to me.

  4. I call BS. Her hair looks great!

  5. Have my trimmer honey....finish the trouble for once!

  6. Shave the cheerleader, shave the world....

  7. Hod i use to do this 20's..

  8. I'd rather see H-pants get drunk then shave the beave and bung.

  9. Looks pretty good to me Entern and her hairdresser looks pretty good too.

  10. If she was going for the baby dyke look, she nailed it.

  11. Ulf-- that was brilliant!😂😂😂

    Drunken haircuts are a riot. As is when a child tries to cut her own hair, or that of a sibling. My friend's daughter tried to trim her own bangs, and had two inches of to-the-scalp reverse mohawk right in the front. No way to disguise it for weeks!
    A recently viral incident:

  12. @Vita: My sister ‘trimmed’ my bangs when I was 13. She cut about 2 inches. I couldn’t stop crying. I would tape them to my forehead when I went to sleep, thinking that would make them look longer. (It actually did cause it flattened them out.) Luckily, my hair grows really fast, so it was only a few weeks of total public humiliation. 😢

  13. Now I’m wondering if she WAS drunk...she’s several years older than me.

  14. It's your hair, you should be able to have fun with it no matter the age. I notice a lot of people get more experimental with their hair as they get older and more confident.

    Plus hair always grows back, we're not talking about Weinstein's nuts here.

  15. Hayden imo is one of a few women who look GOOD w/short hair. Like Meg Ryan (before she messed up her face), Halle Berry, ScarJo - these women are able to make it look good. Not all women can do that!

  16. Brayson-- I love that theory, but some moms are very controlling about it for their kids. Then the more self-conscious girl of less-self-expressive eras was a whole other issue!

    Aquagirl-- lol! I feel your mortification! Such small potatoes in the grand scheme of life's issues, but you are just embarrassed at the time. I got a bad perm that had me wishing for an Invisibility Cloak much of freshman year.😖

  17. @notthis, It's all about face but also skull shape, symmetry counts.

  18. the blind doesn't specify it was on her head lol
