Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Blind Item #7

This A list mostly movie actress who has a superhero franchise has now gone almost one year without seeing her offspring.


  1. Weinstein's ex wife is dating Adrien Brody!

  2. Beautiful woman(Georgina)but oh so strange taste in men

  3. I wonder if Brody has beef with Weinstein and this is some kind of vengeance thing.

  4. Scarlet is a multi AA nominee now I think?finally lol)

  5. Gal Gadot for the actress? She has had a busy year

  6. Kindness to the kids one must assume.

  7. Still better than parents who beat their children or worse, I'm sure those kids would love to go a year without their f*cked parents.

  8. How can a parent (not deployed or otherwise restricted) go a year without seeing their (I'm asssuming young) child?!

  9. @Red Velvet Boarding Schools and Nannies

  10. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Red Velvet Boots,
    An ex husband that is a complete freaking control freak, with a crap tonne of money.

    Easy, peesy, shampoo, squeezy.
    Ask about a million, thousand woman. NOT in Hollyqueer.

    1. Yes @unknown. I can verify that from personal experience.

  11. Could be bc of shooting back to back movies, although Jeremy Renner has said that he was flying back every weekend to see his daughter while Avengers was shooting in London.

    And yeah, sometimes exes do make it difficult for the other parent to see the kid.

  12. maybe it's not her kid...

    ha hahaha

  13. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Who's the actress?

  14. btw, whats the skinny on Weinstein's "deformities". anyone have any inside scoop? I might have pled guilty and taken my chances at sentencing if I knew that was coming out....ick.

  15. Does ScarJo even remember she has a kid?

  16. I don't think this is Johansson. She was talking to Ellen back in the fall about how her daughter loves Colin Jost, so obviously they've been spending time together over the last year. At least she isn't someone who uses her kid as a PR prop.

  17. the only reason I know it isn’t ScarJo is I recall randomly seeing pics of her/Colin Jost & her little daughter vacationing in argentina or something? It had to have been late last year. Interesting bc the rating etc fits

  18. Isn’t this the same/similar blind that we had recently about an actress that didn’t have any recent pics of her kid on her phone?

  19. @Philly, Too much jerking off, the myths were true. ;)

    There's been no explanation besides the victims saying that it looked surgical, not natural. You'd think if he'd had some sort of testicular cancer he would have used that for sympathy or something.

  20. many people here cant seem to understand the concept that some parents dont really like their kids that much

  21. @DJS, The thousand yard stare of a parent who thinks they lost their hopes and dreams because they had children, always sad to see.

  22. Has to be ScarJo. JoJo Rabbit, Marriage Story, Black Widow... That's a full slate.

    Colin Jost is on assignment. It only increases his visibility. Lord knows he needs it. He's not even that funny.

    Another frequent flyer to France is also seldom seen with her 'children'.

  23. Yeah, that won't screw up that poor child ...

  24. Scar jo- no one who had a child they loved would stand up for Woody Allen and call his daughter a liar. With this mother, and her monster friends, hope the little girls father keeps her. FAR Far away. Kids are currency for parts in Hollyweird.

  25. Scar jo stands up for Woody Allen - would anyone who had a child they llove do that- calling his victim daughter a liar.
    Hope this little girls daddy keeps her FAR AWAY from ScarJo and her pedo friends.
    Kids are used as currency for parts in Holkywietd.
    Wish Mariel Hemingway would tell her truth about Woody. The world is ready to hear it .

  26. How could any woman voluntarily have a child with Weinstein? And a female child, to boot! With his ugly DNA, how could a beautiful woman like his ex-wife get pregnant twice? Could Weinstein get anyone pregnant with his deformed genetics? Is his ex-wife humiliated by the creepy description of Weinstein’s body, smell, and lack of proper hygiene. Adrian Brody is no step up.
