Monday, February 17, 2020

Blind Item #7

The former alliterate royal wants an honorary doctorate. That is part of the deal she is trying to swing in addition to some type of honorarium. 


  1. gee who could this be??

  2. I thought It was going to be markle free mondays.

    1. No he's obsessed with her!
      I can do with a Markle free life now!

  3. lol I dunno! what University UCALLABOUTME?

  4. From where? Seems an odd demand.

  5. I want a pony. OOO- A UNICORN PONY.

    We'll see who gets what they want first.

  6. Is she going to give a graduation speak at some university this year?

  7. Married a Royal for a doctorate?!

  8. is there a Dr. Duchess in the house!

  9. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Dr. Duchess of Dumbassery, PHd?

  10. Markles free March?

  11. Wow. Calling her a money-grubbing bitch is too kind. And an insult to golddiggers everywhere.

  12. wow, she keeps attaining new lows in douchery. When you think she can't go any lower, somehow, she manages to find a way. She has no shame, no manners, and no restraint on her ambition and greed.

  13. I agree Mischi - what has she done to deserve such an honor?

  14. Maybe a Culinary School will give her one for Salad Tossing.

  15. Dr. Duchess Her Royal Majesty Rachel Meghan Markel Mountbatten-Windsor

  16. Really bitch please those degrees don’t mean shit, carry your ass to college for 6-8 years and EARN IT

  17. This blimp was on the Stanford campus last week, did a tour starting with the dining halls.

  18. A made-up blind or just more of MeMe’s delusion. She’s just laughing stock at this point.

  19. These comments are priceless!😂😂😂

    Truly, just when I think my eyes can't roll any further regarding this one, some new morsel like this comes along!

  20. ��������������������������.

  21. She's a royal highness as much as she is a doctor of anything, lolol.

  22. Sharon Lawrence is gonna give the commencement speech at my alma mater.

    I want MeghaTron to go away.

  23. her narcissism quotient has surpassed JLo now

  24. Sparkles is as transparent as a window. She will stoop as low as it takes for fame and fortune$. Sold her soul to the devil long ago. Snorting and yachting her way to Harry.

  25. I am confused.
    With all the time spent yachting I expected she'll demand some Royal Navy officer rank...

  26. Think about if you were a doctoral candidate at Stanford and you'd studied and denied yourself for years, even decades, to get your degree and now along comes the Queen of Grift, Currently Unemployed, and just gets one handed to her for banging a famous guy.

  27. Clearly there is a university trying to book her for a speaking engagement. What could she possibly competently speak on? How to spread your legs for cash or bit parts on tv shows? Networking the yachting circuit? As a narcissist, she will want to control the narrative, which means that the honorary doctorate is right up her puffed up alley. It makes her seem more alluring, that the school valued her skill set so much, that she has contributed to much to the world of philanthropy and acting, that she is deserving of this esteemed, albeit fake, degree.

  28. Many top schools don't issue honorary degrees. THIS is why!

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  30. What has she done, humanitarian wise, to deserve a doctorate? Some of us have worked our asses off to properly earn the degree but some misguided university is going to possibly hand this useless twit one? I hope the students in the doctorate program transfer out.

  31. MM is like a real life Veruca Salt. i want it!!

  32. But WHY? Has anyone checked whether she's registered a new domain to cash in on or brand this "title"? Like, the Stanford Sussex? The Princeton Princess?

  33. Just when you think the royals could not go any lower..........

  34. To be fair she's more accomplished than your average professor. She took a pretty face with loose morals and slung crotch all the way into Buckingham Palace or whatever welfare queen building they use.
    And there are plenty of pretty soulless hos out there, most of them can't f*ck their way any further than a nicer suburbia.
    At least half the UK and much of the world are swinging on her nuts just because she got the dumber prince to put a ring on it. At least she did something, she didn't hide in a lecture hall occasionally cranking just enough papers to keep their position.

    On the other hand I wasn't aware they were handing out doctorates for sucking d!ck, but she's definitely earned one.

  35. Also I've seen plenty of schools hand out honorary doctorates to speakers for no more reason than to get them to show up. And I could be wrong, but I think honorary doctorates are as worthless as the paper they're printed on.

  36. The hive mind here fails to notice one thing. She has given up on her main title. That would make very little sense (and it would be useless anyway) to try to get some honorary degree instead.

    Also remember that you all ate the completely ridiculous blind item posted her about her PR team meeting with several US tabloids to convince them to back Harry for king. What did Harry and Meghan actually do last month? Just the opposite. Of course, you can blame it on ambition, ego, greed, etc., but she did the opposite of the fucking thing you were all predicting.

  37. Dr. Fat Markle. Calling Dr. Fatty.

  38. Lmao!!! Why not, Stanford gives meaningless, unearned doctorates to thousands of parasites. What’s one more

  39. University of Phoenix should give her one.. because about the only way to be successful with that degree is to fuck a royal

  40. Why? It's not like it's an actual degree. It's hon-or-ar-y you dingbat...someone has to want to honor you. You don't ask for it. She wants us all to call her Doctor Fattie Farkle.

    I want a doctorate daddy...don't care how--I want it now!

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  42. Angela, MM and Harry did no such thing. They signed their manifesto as HRH, no?! They desperately wanted their titles, as evidenced by all their “Sussex Royal” nonsense - websites, social media, signatures, etc. SUSSEX is part of their titles, as is the use of Royal for her. The Queen allowed them to hold them but not use them. And yet they still sign off with them, and only because it’s not yet Spring, when the ban takes effect. So, while you love calling out everyone on this site, maybe do some more research. Because if she had relinquished, she’d have already stopped signing HRH and referring to herself as Duchess. And who said the honorary degree was to replace anything?! MM is just an insatiable megalomaniac, and believing she’s even remotely qualified to be an honorary doctorate is par for her narc course. Finally, who said any believed Harry was being pushed for King. I would venture to guess MM has her PR hacks throw out the absurd to deflect and/ or so that people will blame anyone but her. Most CDan readers aren’t as dumb as you wish. I think most are smarter than you think. Maybe relax a little?

  43. Anonymous2:17 PM

    The duchess of East LA is forever on the grift. How is it Harry hasn’t noticed he is married to a fucking psychotic NUT BAG???

  44. An honorary doctorate in what??? yachting, cast couching, or just plain old MRS doctorate??

  45. I could see Harry getting a Honorary Doctorate of Law, he's achieved things to be up on the stage at a commencement (war vet, Invictus Games), but not her. A Prince giving a commencement speech wouldn't be unusual in Canada. And people- mostly politicians, lobby schools to give commencements, especially if they're alumni. Would this be a Canadian University, or US? Canadian schools don't pay speakers, just expenses, and a per diem. Her ties to Canada are thin, and she hasn't lived in the US for ages.
    I'm waiting to see if Trudeau offers him some sort of job to justify paying for his security, but Trudeau has a lot on his plate right now and isn't looking like he's in charge.

  46. That would be an honorary doctorate in Humanities, most likely, which is i think standard, not law. If anyone got an honorary doctorate in law, it would be someone like Erin Brockovich.

  47. I am a Ph.D. candidate. It has been a very long and arduous process. In my opinion, most honorary doctorates only serve to dilute the sanction and legitimacy of a doctoral degree.

  48. +1 texasrose, She has definitely earned her MRS doctorate. You don't need advanced degrees when you marry well.

  49. She has got to be angling for some Board of Director work. There are opportunities now that Goldman has announced it won't do business with companies that have all-male boards. Get an honorary degree, combine it with the Duchess title, add in the title Chair of the Sussex Royal Foundation and then rake in the yearly board fees. Useless twat.

  50. J said...

    LOL Clever!

  51. FOR WHAT? Sleeping with the right people to get to where she is? What a self-important jackass. Just give her a participation trophy and go home Meghan

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  53. @malapropos: I agree. A REAL Ph.D. is a long and difficult process to EARN. It is supposed to be. It's an academic achievement that means mastery of a subject. These honorary doctorate "degrees" are a joke. I see a lot of televangelists start calling themselves "Dr." after getting one of those, and can fool their supporters that somehow that makes them more knowledgeable about the bible. Just the opposite.

  54. @LittleEdieBeale: My brother married a psychotic nut bag. He didn't notice, as he told me he doesn't know people, he knows diagnosing and fixing complex medical devices.
    So, in Harry's case, being an advanced scientist...he wouldn't... ah...forget about it!

  55. @JL I agree, and who would give her that minority and female hustle angle but her enablers Gayle + Oprah, who got her the JP Morgan gig.

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  57. Sure! Maybe Stanford will throw in a 2-fer for the megalomaniac -AND- her barely literate ginger fuckwit.

  58. She will not lose the Duchess title, just the HRH association so they will still be Duke & Duchess of Sussex, simply not royal ones.

  59. Its my understanding that they won't be royals, BUT Harry will always be a Prince. I guess not a royal one, but he's a Prince and always will be.

    You know, we can all hate on MM, but I'm tired of folks calling her 'fat'. She is NOT. This is exactly the type of thing that makes people who are thin question if they are and then go off the deep end and get an ED. I'd love to see how you all look. Low level disgusting behavior. Grow up.

  60. You mean you can earn a doctorate for bj’s?

  61. I hope they give it to her, It would be absolutely hilarious.

    A d-list actress pushing 40 writing mundane slogans on bananas with a doctorate. Hahaha

  62. Didn’t Bill Cosby get one of those faux doctorates? Abusive narcissistic asshole gonna narcissistic abuse.

  63. Prince Harry holds the titles (in decending order of seniority) Duke of Sussex (granted on marriage), Earl of Dumbarton and and Baron Kilkeel. If the Queen were to revoke the title of Duke, Harry and Meaghan could become Earl and Countess Dumbarton or even Baron and Baroness Kilkeen. The titles Duke and Duchess are granted and held at the Queen's pleasure.

  64. Earl and Countess DUMBarton. Perfect. Pretty please....

  65. Prince Edward got into Cambridge with C level grades, wine moms on CDAN upset Meagan gets an honorary degree.

  66. There is a Doctor of Knobology? That is all she is good at.

  67. @JL

    She has got to be angling for some Board of Director work. There are opportunities now that Goldman has announced it won't do business with companies that have all-male boards. Get an honorary degree, combine it with the Duchess title, add in the title Chair of the Sussex Royal Foundation and then rake in the yearly board fees.

    This is genius. This may be precisely what she's thinking of.

    That said, as a Board member you have fiduciary duty to shareholders which means you have to have a basic understanding of business. I've seen no evidence that Meg has this, or can even *spell* "fiduciary duty to shareholders". But it's still a very interesting idea, and she doesn't need Harry for it.
