Thursday, February 06, 2020

Blind Item #6

I have previously written how places like Hillsong are taking all the young celebrities for themselves and using them to promote their venture while the celebrity cult is aging and out of touch. Well, the celebrity cult offered seven figures for this A list actress on a CW show to take a "course" and be filmed. 


  1. Sh!t I'll take a course for seven figures, Brayson Gets His Chakra/Vibrations/Etc Cleaned 101

    1. I can cleanse Chakras/Aura for free....

    2. I think they should take the course, collect their money, and then publicly donate it to the "Hillsong venture" just to piss the cult off.

  2. It’s Scio obvy but haven’t seen anything written

  3. Melissa benoist or Lili Reinhardt?

  4. A list is throwing me off... Lili Reinhart? Not that she's A-List but she was in Hustlers...

  5. Lili plays someone who fights a cult on Riverdale, so that would be a weird twist

  6. Lucy Hale, Katy Keene debuts tonight

  7. I get that it must be Scientology, but I thought they're whole deal was keeping their core beliefs and practices secret ?

    1. Like where the dead body of the cult leader's wife is buried?

  8. I like how Enty isn't like "almost network" anymore, it's straight up CW.

  9. One of my very first jobs in Hollywood was for Golden Era Productions. I was young and dumb, and had no idea this was the in-house propaganda machine for Scientology. I filmed a small part in a training video. It was the strangest experience.

  10. Definitely Scio trying to get hipper stock...Riverdale cast would be the ideal demo.

    Hotbox-- Goodness! You've been on the inside! Please tell us more!!!!

    1. Everyone I encountered was overly cheerful in a way that felt forced. When not filming, we were corralled in a library and watched by a minder the whole time. Everyone was dressed exactly the same (blue shirt/khaki pants). I’m nosy, so I looked through the books. I was shocked by the number of books written by Bart Simpson/aka Nancy Cartwright. A little part of my childhood died when I found out Bart was one of them. Their buildings are cavernous, guarded by dudes with guns, mostly empty of people and dripping with money. They gave me TONS of their promotional material and mentioned opportunities for further work. I cashed my check and never looked back. They still send me the odd email to this day... ten years later. They are a scary and persistent bunch with deep connections to the entertainment business. I was warned to avoid a particular acting school they supposedly ran (The Beverly Hills Playhouse). Apparently, they used it to recruit vulnerable, desperate people with dreams of stardom. I have no doubt that’s still happening. Business must be booming, since they have expanded and now have their own movie studio out in Hemet, CA.

  11. Scio stable getting very long in the tooth. Just look at Kirsty Alley these days.

    1. And over the years we've all learned that it's a thing with them to stab fellow cult members in the back, and shun/attack anyone who dares to leave the cult.
      Sounds like so much fun.
      Can't fathom why anyone wouldn't want to be a part of THAT.

  12. A list on CW is C list on Fox

  13. @Norster - they allow knowledge of everything below OT3.

    OT3 is when you find out about the aliens I think - that shit is super secret and can cause the brains of people who aren't "ready" to explode or something so don't tell them because their brain will explode.

    Now because of the internet it is possible for them to find out the info in advance but they are not allowed to read such things (because their brain might explode) or something.
