Thursday, February 13, 2020

Blind Item #6 - Reader Blind - Old Hollywood

The first word that comes to mind when one thinks of this deceased foreign born permanent A+ actor is class but he also had a very earthy sense of humor.  Before being an actor, he did something where he had to be in good shape and also very limber. He maintained that conditioning and would sometimes demonstrate this at Hollywood parties by performing a sexual act on himself.


Tricia13 said...

johnny Weismuller?

Brayson87 said...

So wait, this guy blew himself at parties and everyone clapped?

MDAnderson said...

I like the Johnny guess Tricia. Definitely needed to be in good shape for Tarzan.

Tricia13 said...

TY MD. He was also one of the best competitive swimmers in his day as well, I think?

Brayson87 said...

Guess now we know where Will Ferrell got his yoga skit.

gauloise said...

Cary Grant

He started out as an acrobat on vaudeville .

I think the key word is "class"

cc423 said...

I immediately thought of Cary Grant... but Weissmuller is a great guess too.

Tricia13 said...

good guess too@gauloise...

Tricia13 said...

TY @cc423

norster said...

Burt Lancaster- he was a trapeze artist originally, and apparently kept it up.

txredhd said...

+1 gauloise Plus, I think a gay or bi dude would be more inclined to perform "the act" than a straight dude like JW.

MountainMama said...

Definitely a party trick for a gay party. Not thinking that would fly in most mainstream Hollywood party or any party with mainly heterosexuals present.

gauloise said...

Thanks Tricia

Zebra Seasoning said...

I'm gonna go with Cary Grant. Ol' Archibald. He was...limber.

Faust said...

Its Cary Grant

Doug T. said...

'If I could reach, I'd never leave the house' - George Carlin

longtimereader said...

Cary Grant and Randolph Scott were hooking up so yeah.

IndieRaga said...

Self Sucking....that's all I could gather from this!
No idea who the guy is!
I've a buddy from Astang Yoga, he used to do that!

norster said...

Why do dogs lick their balls? Because they can. I'll leave quietly.

Old Lady said...

Jack Palance. One armed pushups.

sandybrook said...

So that's where Ron Jeremy got that idea from (when he was much younger and thinner)

Joe said...

"Foreign born" knocks out everyone named but Johnny Weissmuller and Cary Grant. "Permanent A+" means it's Grant.

norster said...

Okay I missed the foreign born.

.robert said...

So now we know why Cary Grant had a reputation for bad breath.

PhillyWilly said...

Yup, grant. That documentary on him and LSD was very interesting. I forget where it aired, maybe showtime. He certainly had a hardscrabble
Life growing up in England. When I see these snowflake celebs today, he’s one of the first of the old stars I think of.
Free Jerry.

Gus Z said...

My guess is Danny Kaye.

Joanplus1dog said...

My guess is Yul Brunner. Before he was an actor he joined a circus starting in his teens. He was an acrobat & did toured for years. This contributed to how he moved on stage & screen, he was used to putting on a performance.

Nubian princess said...

My grandparents lived next to him. He definitely liked showing off his body.

E said...

I'd pay good money to see this

kelkat said...

I agree with Burt Lancaster

Vita said...

I like the Cary Grant guess, just bc the first image of him that goes thru my mind when reading/hearing his name is of him in a tux.

One of my fave old Hollywood pics is of him and Randolph Scott smiling in a swimming pool. Swoon!

EyeinTheSky said...

I met him as a kid at Titusville's Tropical Wonderland and he was NOT blowing himself there at that time I can testify....

Urban reader said...

James Mason.

Village Guru said...

@veee -- You would be wrong about that.
@E -- Look for a copy of the movie "Shortbus" (among others).

For any others interested, Google "auto-fellatio in movies".

La Morena said...

I heard it’s Roddy McDowell he was blessed .

annieroo said...

I read it was Roddy McDowell, something he did at Liz Taylors parties

Unknown said...

I personally think Cary Grant has way too much class and self-dignity to do anything remotely close to this in public. He was the top of the pile because he was free of the studio contract system ... he didn't need them, they needed him. He had no reason to humiliate himself.

Brayson87 said...

@Unknown, Ugh, did you have to say top of the pile? ;)

Lassie said...

I've read Roddy MacDowell numerous times, he is foreign born and gay and supposedly would 'perform' at Hollywood parties.

Fifi LaRue said...

Cary Grant and Randolph Scott kept house together when they weren't married to women.
Their home together was featured in Architectural Digest, like it was normal, or in denial.

MarxistFreak said...

Peter O'Toole?

Zeroh Tollrants said...

I like a rowdy party, but seeing CG blow himself would probably just depress me & make me leave.

Unknown said...

Burt Lancaster. Former gymnast and acrobat. He also posed nude for photos.

Unknown said...

Burt Lancaster was a gymnast and acrobat, pre-Hollywood. He also had no qualms about posing nude for photographs. I think he's yummu.

Michelle said...

Yul Brenner was also in the cirus and was foreign born.


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